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Old 03-07-2010, 05:13 AM
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StirCrazy StirCrazy is offline
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Originally Posted by Ron99 View Post
Extended warranties are pretty much established as a rip off and nothing but profit for the seller like Future Shop. Usually if something is going to go wrong it will happen in the first year in which case FS just has it fixed under the manufacturers warranty. Costs them nothing. I would pass or buy Applecare from Apple itself if you really want an extended warranty.
doesn't FS offer apple care? I thought any seller of apple produces would sell apple care. any any rate, my condern isn't with the electronics and guts of the computer.. I won't buy an extended warenty for a computer. but for displays yes.. very common to start getting dead pixels after a year.. so you need to make sure that is covered. but like everything else they are getting better also so it is a judjment call.

Usaly the only extended warenties I buy are on cars, and things I know I am going to abuse or are prone to breakage by there nature which LCD IMHO still are. I also look at a price point.. if I can afford to replace it after a year then I don't buy the warentys, but for example I bought myself a 60" plasma TV for which I did get the warenty but I also got them to give me a deal on it and only paid 60 bucks instead of the 220.00, but it is unlikly you will get a deal on the warenty now as you already bought the computer.. never pay full price for the warenties as like Ron said are a mony making thing for the sales man.. the extra mony over the store cost of the warenty goes directly to the sales man, which is why they push it so hard.

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