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Old 02-27-2010, 12:21 AM
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been a pc guy forever, and have probably gone through 5-6 labtops in 10 years.. damn motherboards.
anyways the girlfriend is in Australia for a few months and left me her mac book...because my broked.
this thing is amazing, gonna have to buy one when she gets back. havent had it that long, but all my friends are using macs and havent had any problems at all. the built in firewall keeps everything out.
take it from a guy that destroys computers.. i dont dont think i could hurt this thing
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Old 02-27-2010, 12:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Slick Fork View Post
Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against Mac but I don't see them having this magical edge over a PC... certainly not to the tune of double the price
Oh yeah, just wanted to comment on this. The whole thing about Macs costing twice as much is really a myth. When you do price comparisons of apples to apples (sorry for the pun) comparing equally equipped Macs and PCs the prices are fairly competitive. the Macs sometimes may come out slightly more expensive but you then have to consider the included software as well as fewer headaches with the OS.
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Old 02-27-2010, 12:31 AM
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Love the discussion guys. Thanks.

I did happen to see the photo shop with the bamboo pad I looked at yesterday. Was adding it into the equation. That again adds another $100 to the cost of the PC though. I think with the nice touch pad on the Mac,s I would be fine as is. Agreed its no bamboo pad though.

If the Toshiba could get away without additional warranty it be $899 with a pad and/or $999 with the crap cleaned out, unless I could do it myself. Once I get over that $1000 mark I head back to the Macs.

Of course the Toshiba has 4g ram and 500gb hard drive compared with the 2g and smaller hard drive on the Mac. Then again I need the 4g just to be able to run my F-Secure on the PC.

As for adding ram on a Mac, Future Shop charges just over $200 for 2 more on the Mac Book. The iMac, which is already a couple hundred more, has 4g already plus a 500gb hard drive.
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Old 02-27-2010, 12:59 AM
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If the costs come close, get the one you like. Simple as that!

I didn't realize you could get away with buying regular PC components for upgrades. I always thought apple forced proprietary hardware on people. That's good to know and a point in apples favour.

I will disagree with you Ron though, on the headaches with the OS. The people that have problems are typically the ones that don't know to use an anti-virus program or just plain old common sense. Or, they're the ones that try to put the latest OS on last decades hardware. I've run Win95,98se,XP,Vista and now 7 and have never had problems that weren't of my own creation.

Apples security "edge" is because it's typically not worth the time for hackers to write viruses for when there are 100x as many PC's to target as there are Mac's. Not because it's a more secure OS. The comparison I would use is a nice mercedes sitting beside an old beater. The mercedes is 10x as likely to have the window smashed and the glovebox looted through, while you could leave the doors unlocked on the beater and no-one would touch it... doesn't make the beater more secure.

Back to Doug:

If you are photo editing, after the processor the 2 things that are CRITICAL are hard drive space and RAM. The average size of even my JPEG's is about 10mb each (saving in highest quality) and my raw files are about 15mb.

4GB's of RAM on a win7 equipped PC is lots, that's what I have on my desktop. More is better but 4 is just fine.

A 500 gig hard drive should do you for a while! I've got 750 and sometimes think about just putting stuff on there so it doesn't look so empty
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Old 02-27-2010, 01:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Doug View Post
I went back and looked at the Pro again. Its still there.
Why is it still there, you need to buy it already! You seem to want to go that route but you keep hesitating due to cost. I say screw the cost and go for it, I guarantee you wont regret buying a Mac
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Old 02-27-2010, 01:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Ron99 View Post
Oh yeah, just wanted to comment on this. The whole thing about Macs costing twice as much is really a myth. When you do price comparisons of apples to apples (sorry for the pun) comparing equally equipped Macs and PCs the prices are fairly competitive. the Macs sometimes may come out slightly more expensive but you then have to consider the included software as well as fewer headaches with the OS.
actualy I was looking at macs when I bought this also.. the price is more competitive, well better than a couple years ago when they were double the price. the equivalant mac was 500 to 700 more than the windows machine last year, not in the market for anything this year so they might be a little closer, but apple isn't going to have a 25+% price drop in 12 months. price reason was one of the reasons I stayed with PC. um included software.. not much different.. little more on the PC if you don't like it it is simple to remove.. come on guys this isn't win 95 anymore. vista is stable as hell, I had less crashes with vista on a 6 month trip than my buddys new mac notebook. he had a wack of problems I didn't have any.. so I wish people would stop using data from win95 98/ ME to compare there macs to.

um elements doesn't come with with the bamboo touch and pen.. you need to move up to there 3or 400 buck pen only pad to get that . mind you costco sells elements 8 for 99ish.

another pain in the but is if you have had PCs and you own all kinds of software for PC are you going to run out and rebuy it all? oh you could run a windows boot on a mack machine, but hell for that matter get the cheeper toshiba and run a apple partition on it. I did that for a while.. oh while you at it put a BEOS partition (best OS ever made, but it was killed by a lack of advertising) and heck how about a linex partition.. you can do it all on a PC machine now that apple used PC chips. you could befor anyways using VM (virtual machine) I just don't see the reason to spend the extra money on the same thing. apple software like Itunes, ect is the worst thing ever made.. it forces you to do everything its way.. I tried it and I liked some of the stuff but then I found out it automaticly converted my MP3s to the Mu4 or what ever the aple extension is and deleted my MP3s with out asking me as apple wants to push its compression platform and fade out mp3. windoes has there own also as we all know but at least when it converts it doesn't delete your originals.

anyways mac vs PC, might as well started a thread skimmer vs skimmer less (need skimmers) , or T5 vs MH (we all know we need MH and T5s are only good to add blue tinting to your tank)

oh there is something I love about apple.. the PC mac comercials I think that is very good markiting even if it is misleading

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Old 02-27-2010, 02:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Doug View Post
Just as a point of fact. I,m no gamer. I surf, e-mail and do lots of photo stuff, {one reason the Mac appealed to me.
I do a tone of phot editing also. not a reason to get a mac. the photo editing is why i bought that pen pad and then spent a whopping 99 bucks on photoshop elements 8. years ago I would have had the suite for free but I can proudly say everything on my computer is legal now. well in canada anyways

the money you save buying the toshiba will buy you the bigger pen pad, awsome software for editing photos and a few corals for your tank.

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Old 02-27-2010, 01:49 PM
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LOL Steve. This is a great thread with lots of info for others looking without great knowledge like me.

I disagree, the photo editing on the Mac is an important reason to look at them. Thats why I said if I could keep the Toshiba,s end cost well under the Mac, then it would be a shoo in but seems not to be the case.

What software. Dont think I have any extra but then could and dont know it.

Laurie, When I look at the pro, the price is close enough to the iMac, so I cross the isle to look at it again, with its large screen.

Anyone think the larger 17in. screen HP is a decent deal @ $700, but with 3 yr. warrenty added? It has the cheaper company processor, dont recall the name, but at least its their new model. Ot better to stick with Intel processor.
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Old 02-27-2010, 02:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Doug View Post
LOL Steve. This is a great thread with lots of info for others looking without great knowledge like me.

I disagree, the photo editing on the Mac is an important reason to look at them. Thats why I said if I could keep the Toshiba,s end cost well under the Mac, then it would be a shoo in but seems not to be the case.

What software. Dont think I have any extra but then could and dont know it.

Laurie, When I look at the pro, the price is close enough to the iMac, so I cross the isle to look at it again, with its large screen.

Anyone think the larger 17in. screen HP is a decent deal @ $700, but with 3 yr. warrenty added? It has the cheaper company processor, dont recall the name, but at least its their new model. Ot better to stick with Intel processor.
would need to see the modle numbers.

Apple used to be the choice for graphic design about 20 years ago. but now there is no differance in which computer to use. I just looked up the Iphoto to see what it was like. it is not a real photo editor, it is a organization/share/red eye fix up program like windows photo editor. so if you want to do more advanced photo editing you will still need to buy something on either computer. is it an AMD processor? I wouldn't realy call them the cheeper company.. prices are lower but chip is not cheeper, I personaly prefer AMD chips over Intell, but I would need to know which chip to know how good it is.. best thing to do is to go to FS again and write the modle numbers down for the two computers then post them so they can be compared.

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Old 02-27-2010, 05:30 PM
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