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Old 02-22-2010, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by fkshiu View Post
Bingo. This is what your average everyday non-geek computer user wants - simplicity. And it's the reason why (along with some brilliant marketing) that Apple's market share has grown so much against PCs recently.

yup, from 11.5% to 15% in 6 years.

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Old 02-22-2010, 03:45 PM
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So Doug have we helped or made it harder to decide?
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 02-22-2010, 10:31 PM
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Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post
So Doug have we helped or made it harder to decide?

Helping for sure. But no decision. I almost decided to buy the iMac I mentioned for $1299. Now the boss informs me that my aquarium/office room is changing.

Getting rid of all the clutter and my desk on the wall opposite my tank and putting in some kind of couch thingy but I also get a flatscreen, {albeit smaller sized}, for the wall in my little hide-a-way.

So, back to the laptop search. Guess I need a larger screen on it now, if my montitor is gone also. Unless I can hook it to the tv screen.
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Old 02-23-2010, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Doug View Post

So, back to the laptop search. Guess I need a larger screen on it now,
Larger screen on a laptop just means more weight, it's all that glass. The trend in our company three years ago was everyone wanted the new wide screen laptops and so we bought a lot. Now a few sore backs later everyone requests light 14" screens and they plug them into external flat screens that sit on their desks.

Trust me even if you have Herculean strength will regret lugging around a heavy laptop.
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Old 02-23-2010, 02:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Snaz View Post
Larger screen on a laptop just means more weight, it's all that glass. The trend in our company three years ago was everyone wanted the new wide screen laptops and so we bought a lot. Now a few sore backs later everyone requests light 14" screens and they plug them into external flat screens that sit on their desks.

Trust me even if you have Herculean strength will regret lugging around a heavy laptop.

Agreed 100% I hate having to lug my laptop when I travel. In the office I have a docking station with a large flat screen. Although my docking station probably takes up just as much space a desk-top would, but I'm sure you could find away around that.
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Old 02-23-2010, 02:20 PM
mr.wilson mr.wilson is offline
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I hated my 17" laptop for the first year, as I was traveling and working with it (carrying it) every day. Now that I just use it at home, I enjoy the big screen. I can have a few windows open & viewable at the same time and I can watch movies on it comfortably. I use my tower less often than I would with a 15" screen version.

If I was taking it to work daily, I would definitely go with a 15" model for sure. It is very heavy, off balance and needs two hands even to pick it up off of the floor when it is open. The 15" version of what I have is like cell phone in comparison.

The other problem with a 17" screen is everyone knows you are carrying an expensive computer in your bag. Not so good walking at night in a rough neighbourhood or when you want to leave your bag somewhere.

On another front, the speakers & sound is much better on the Macbook Pro than with my wife's Sony Vaio. I also find the Sony's glossy screen really annoying. You need a mat screen to watch video. I don't know if Sony has this as an upgrade or not. It used to be standard with macbook Pro, but now it's an add on.
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Old 02-23-2010, 02:32 PM
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now that were on the size topic, the biggest I would recomend is a 15" wide screen. my Dad has the 17" and man is it huge and heavy. I wanted the bigger screen but when I realy thought about it I use my laptop in the truck as my GPS, I take it in the RV on hollidays, when I was in the navy it went with me on the ship to other countries, so it travels a lot.. my old laptop is a 15" normal screen so I opted for the 15" wide screen. just between the standard and wide format is a huge differance, and I am glass I didn't go with the 17" 32" LED TV's have come down so much in price you could always mount on on the wall above your desk and just plug into that..

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Old 02-23-2010, 02:50 PM
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I don't think any 17" laptop owner would argue, they are exponentially heavier than 15". I was constantly shifting from arm to arm carrying it long distances. It's even hard to fit under an airplane seat or even on the fold down table. I would have gladly traded mine in for a 15" at the time. I even considered buying the 13" Macbook Air as a second portable laptop. With internal optic or CD drive and a ridiculous price tag, I quickly came to my senses.

The mat screen version of the Macbook has no glass, but it's got lots of metal The 15" Macbook Pro seemed much lighter than the Sony Vaio. Maybe it's the lack of glass and smaller profile of the Mac?
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Old 02-24-2010, 10:44 PM
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Ah yes, however I,m not purchasing for portability. Thats a second feature for me. I want the simlicity of a laptop compared with the junk sitting on my desk now. Thats why I seriously looked at the iMac instead. However if the missis is putting a couch thingy where my desk is, kind of hard to have a desktop or even my current 22in. monitor to hook the laptop to.
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Old 02-24-2010, 11:23 PM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
Fire up a MacPro with a Cinema HD screen and please post back =) Heck even a 24" iMac...great desktop that takes UP very little desktop.
All the things I really sit at a desk for Im using PC functions anyways. (like Excel, word, or other PC based school/work related stuff). I just dont like the macs in this scenario. My Ex's family is all macs (Except the father has a bunch of desktop PCs & macs combined for work), I've used the Imacs and MacPro before... just not my style. Plus I HATE HATE HATE the Apple mouse. Lol. But I love love love the trackpad on the new macbooks 10X more than on any PC laptop I've ever seen.

(My desktop doesnt take up ANY desk space anyways... screen is mounted back and hanging upside down, so no desk surface contact, and the tower is town below desk and away). Only things on my desk are my cordless trackball mouse and the keyboard. ) I do like the display/video quality on the mac desktops though
No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
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