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Old 03-01-2012, 11:36 PM
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Originally Posted by MarkoD View Post
just because i disagree with the popular opinion im trolling?
Originally Posted by MarkoD View Post
oh and dont bother with analogies. people here take them literally
dont even bother. some of these people are old and stubborn and cant accept alternative methods of doing things. they believe in weekly or biweekly water changes and you cant change their mind. just...
well that was just loads of fun. wonder whos gonna win
My example was an exaggeration. I don't like being told what to do. I have the ability to research and draw my own ideas. And if someone doesn't agree I don't care.
I don't know what the connection...
I'd like to politely add that I'm gonna do whatever I like with my money. If I want to buy 20 moorish idols That's my business. And I'd like to politely ask you to not reply to my threads. I dont...
So be it. If I fail and everything does then I'll have an expensive fowlr and I'll get myself a clown trigger.

I really don't want a lecture. I set this tank up the way I think works best for me...
I can keep going, thats like page 1 of your 62 page post summary.
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Old 03-01-2012, 11:37 PM
ReefOcean ReefOcean is offline
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Originally Posted by MarkoD View Post
dont even bother. some of these people are old and stubborn and cant accept alternative methods of doing things. they believe in weekly or biweekly water changes and you cant change their mind. just give up
The whole "LED's will never work craze of '07" and the "watts per gallon" thing that still goes on are fine examples of people just parroting second hand information and living by it in a very partisan fashion.
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Old 03-01-2012, 11:37 PM
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Originally Posted by tim the toolman View Post
Lol......this sure did take a turn for the hateful. It seems to be that people are happy to take the lazy route and have success, while others don't mind putting in the effort and also have success. So I guess everyone is right in their own mind. And as long as people are happy with their own systems what's the harm. I would just say to people who are going to remain closed minded that asking for help is a little foolish if it is only to spit in the faces of the helpful.
the matter of fact is that every tank is different. and there are a million factors that contribute to the outcome.

i agree that without a way of nutrient export, waterchanges are really the only way to go. but if someone is having success using an algae scrubber, refugium, prodibio, zeo, or whatever else, why is that the bad or lazy way of doing it?
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Old 03-01-2012, 11:39 PM
ReefOcean ReefOcean is offline
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
Logically yes, practically no. It's not as easy as you might think, IMO water changes will be easier and cheaper.

Like I said after the rhetorical question biological makes bio-products and chemical removes more than you might think.

If you're lazy you can make an auto water changing system pretty easy, completely automated if you have a conductivity controller. My formula is simple lazy+$=success not lazy=success.
How is dumping a capful of dose into the tank once a month less practical than mixing and lugging around buckets of water?

Liek I said, it started off as a matter of being lazy (or very busy) but now it is a matter of "why?" Why do it if I don't have to.
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Old 03-01-2012, 11:39 PM
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Originally Posted by ReefOcean View Post
The whole "LED's will never work craze of '07" and the "watts per gallon" thing that still goes on are fine examples of people just parroting second hand information and living by it in a very partisan fashion.
You forgot turnover rate, sump size, return size and many other reefing "guidelines" we live by :P
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Old 03-01-2012, 11:39 PM
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Originally Posted by tim the toolman View Post
Lol......this sure did take a turn for the hateful. It seems to be that people are happy to take the lazy route and have success, while others don't mind putting in the effort and also have success. So I guess everyone is right in their own mind. And as long as people are happy with their own systems what's the harm. I would just say to people who are going to remain closed minded that asking for help is a little foolish if it is only to spit in the faces of the helpful.
Well said. Yes, a tank can be kept without doing water changes. For how long, I'm not sure. Most people don't keep their tank long enough to prove either way. I compare it to feeding my dog. I can feed Purina crap, or a real meat diet. It's well documented that dogs fed real food (or people for that matter) live longer more vigorous lives. I believe the same applies to my reef. If I want an amazing reef, I need to be an amazing reefkeeper, which to me holds certain standards (like changing water). I believe my reef will be amazing for many years because of it.
In all honesty, I don't care who changes water or who doesn't. Someone asked, seeking validation to not do something, I offered my thoughts to hopefully help them make decision. I believe they will have a better reef, for longer, by doing partial and frequent water changes. They can choose to do it or not. If not, no skin off my butt. honest about why you don't want to change it. Don't make up stuff to validate or hide the fact that you just don't want to expend the effort, or the money for salt. Other than that, I cannot think of any reason why one would not do water changes.
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Old 03-01-2012, 11:41 PM
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Originally Posted by zoaElite View Post


I can keep going, thats like page 1 of your 62 page post summary.
i troll because i refuse to be talked down to by someone with more posts and more "experience". i dont care if i have to be the bad guy. that chitons topic for POTM was stupid, and i have no problem say it
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Old 03-01-2012, 11:41 PM
tim the toolman tim the toolman is offline
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Not saying lazy is the best word I was just using the go to wording that was being kicked around this thread. I was just merely saying that some go one way others try something different and both are proving to be successful. I just wouldn't fight that fight yet until you know what's killing your clams.
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Old 03-01-2012, 11:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Lampshade View Post

Why don't we change live rock over time? In theory it should have the same degradation as the water and buildup of unwanted elements.

For one, it's cost prohibitive. Two, you have to dismantle your tank. but yes, you probably should change rock every 5 years or so, should you actully keep a tank going that long.
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Old 03-01-2012, 11:44 PM
ReefOcean ReefOcean is offline
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Originally Posted by tim the toolman View Post
Lol......this sure did take a turn for the hateful. It seems to be that people are happy to take the lazy route and have success, while others don't mind putting in the effort and also have success. So I guess everyone is right in their own mind. And as long as people are happy with their own systems what's the harm. I would just say to people who are going to remain closed minded that asking for help is a little foolish if it is only to spit in the faces of the helpful.
I still don't see how it is lazy. Because you label it as such?

And true, I have asked for help. Aquattro has giving me advice many times on this forum that i have used and i appreciate it. But that doesn't mean there arent alternatives to look at. It doesn't make you guys my superiors.
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