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Old 03-24-2009, 09:39 PM
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
Great idea. Let's us do it this weekend and see who is carrying cleaner wrasse, Moorish idol, Powder brown (nigricans) and some of the potential red/yellow species and post the results.
It would be really interesting.
Looking forward to seeing the results. BTW I've read alot of your posts as well, your avatar goes well with your attitude. Anyone remember where this quote is from? "Save the cheerleader, save the world."
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Old 03-24-2009, 09:41 PM
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Old 03-24-2009, 10:19 PM
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
BTW can you post a picture of your powder brown tang if you still have it.
Wayne, you're not reading. I said I killed it, but we did argue about it, and I posted pics of it for many years way back in the old days. We've been all around this one before.
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Old 03-24-2009, 10:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Madreefer View Post
Anyone remember where this quote is from? "Save the cheerleader, save the world."
Sounds like Buffy to me!
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Old 03-24-2009, 10:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Snaz View Post
Sounds like Buffy to me!

I would not tell anyone I knew that.......
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Old 03-24-2009, 10:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Wayne, you're not reading. I said I killed it, but we did argue about it, and I posted pics of it for many years way back in the old days. We've been all around this one before.
The only reason for asking for the photo was simply to determine which of the two 'powder brown' species we are talking about.
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Old 03-24-2009, 10:52 PM
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
The only reason for asking for the photo was simply to determine which of the two 'powder brown' species we are talking about.
You confirmed it last time I posted, it was a nigricans. I agree that one should not take one of these fish if the japonicus is available, but let's face it, we've been discussing this for 10 years and they're still coming to the LFS. They always will, as long as fish are sold as pets.
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Old 03-24-2009, 11:01 PM
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I think Brad and I talked japonicus/nigricans in 2003

I had a japonicus he had the nigricans
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Old 03-24-2009, 11:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Jason McK View Post
I think Brad and I talked japonicus/nigricans in 2003

I had a japonicus he had the nigricans
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Old 03-24-2009, 11:36 PM
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First of all, oh yes I am probably one of the most hypocritical bastards in the world! I will say that for sure. I don't follow a lot of the rules when it comes to my own tank, but I definitely wouldn't recommend that to anyone else!

You miss the point of most of my postings. My aim is to help newbies out. That is my biggest payoff on these boards. Keep in mind that most of the threads I post in are threads started by people who are new to reef keeping. There are a lot of "rules" or general guidelines if you will that will really help a newbie out to follow them. Once someone gains more experience they can branch out and try new or more challenging things without as much risk. Newbies are often put off of reef keeping because they bite off a bigger chunk than they can chew. If there are more experienced reefers around that can help to keep those newbies keep things under control then there are greater chances that there will be another great reefer in the world.

Originally Posted by 3MTA3 View Post
After reading through this forum for some time now one person has stood out above the rest and if no one else will say then I will.

It is nice you feel you are being the savior to those who cannot be for themselves. But albeit a little hypocritical.
I read one of your threads awhile back where you stated you have a Tang in your 33G tank that you were having an algae problem with? I just read a post today where you told someone their 65G was to small for a tang? How do you justify this?
I sure do. My Kole Tang is rather a cute lil thang. His body is about the same size as my Bangaii Cardinals' bodies. Point being, his current size is not too large for the tank, but I have no plans to get a 100+ gallon tank to house him, so he will have a new home - soon too as he has not done the job I hoped he would. I bought him with this in mind, and I took over a year to find a specimen small enough for my tank at which point I paid a grossly large amount for him.

No I didn't tell someone their 65 was to small for a tang (at least not the last little while), I told someone their 90 was too small for a Sailfin Tang. Don't you agree?

Originally Posted by 3MTA3
In another thread you ask a store to justify themselves....also making statement that 99% of reefers or salt water enthusiasts are not capable of housing these animals.

where do you get this 99% figure from?
My ass. I could have said 63%, would that have worked better for you? Seriously though, I have done enough work in retail stores when I was younger, and also just simply by looking on forums like these or RC, and it's not difficult to see that 95/97/99% (a large percentage anyway) are not capable of housing a Flying Gurnard or a Banded Bamboo shark. Do you disagree?

Originally Posted by 3MTA3
Then you go off making this posted thread about "red" list and "yellow" list...and THEN post a "I wanna group buy from J&L" and lo and behold when you go to their "new and noteworthy*tm*(just in case they trademarked it lol) there are at least TWO items on your RED LIST.... Have they justified these imports to you? Have you asked them to justify it?
So I have to ask....what makes it okay for one and not another?
Oh I know!!! J&L's New & Noteworthy page this week is AWFUL!! There are at least 4 critters on there that should be left in the ocean (or kept by experienced reef keepers only for the sake of argument). I have seen red/yellow listed animals in every store that I have bought livestock from at some point or another. I didn't mention anything about it on these forums because J&L doesn't respond as they don't check these forums very often. Does this mean I shouldn't try to make a difference?

Oh, and if you're that interested I wanted to order a photosynthetic gorgonian, and a brain coral.

Originally Posted by 3MTA3
Also your reference to "cyanide caught" in most items on your list...Where do you get this reference? Have you personally seen these injustices? or is this just coming from what you read or hear or the voices? What qualifies you as the leading expert to make these statements as cut and dry facts/truths?
Well I have been keeping reefs since somewhere around 1990 ish, so I'm glad someone's finally recognized me as a leading expert! I'm flattered!

Seriously though, it doesn't take an expert to do a little research to find plenty of literature on cyanide caught fish, and which species are more likely to be caught that way. Have you personally seen these fish caught with cyanide? No? Does that mean it doesn't happen?

Originally Posted by 3MTA3
You're a bit of an extremist aren't you? You're like the kettle calling the pot black. The red/yellow list for example, as I've already said is not a be all end all. The point of it is to help newbies, and if newbies are told "NO!" instead of "Well, maybe if you do this this this..." then that's not necessary a bad thing in many cases.

Hey Brad, would you change my "Member" to "Rogue Reef Bully" please? I think it would be more suiting.
~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 03-25-2009 at 12:01 AM.
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