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Old 03-25-2009, 03:17 AM
Bell Guy Bell Guy is offline
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Default good stuff

help a lot!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 03-25-2009, 03:53 AM
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For those that are interested, I (as well as some other members who have volunteered) will be working on a CanReef version of a red list designed to help newbies make informed decisions about stocking their tank. Hopefully some more experienced reef keepers may even learn a thing or two as well. It will take some time to get the list, which I remind you guys is not a be all end all list.

Reef keeping would never advance if there weren't people out there willing to take some chances and push the envelope, but (imo) many of those attempts should be left for the more advanced aquarists who have a better chance of success. I think it would be great if more LFSs were proactive on this subject and only brought "red list" livestock in on special order. I think it starts with us, the reef keepers.
~ Mindy

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Old 03-25-2009, 04:04 AM
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Originally Posted by my2rotties View Post
Evan as usual you outshine most of us older folks... please always stay positive, as a young gentleman like you speaking out does mean something. Next time I'm in the store I'll have to bring you something.
thank you very much kind words from a kind person

i thank you for your apology, and please don't think you were the only one making trouble.

People, i know i did go a little bit extreme, and my large letters were a bit immature,
but i was tired of trying to get info from this thread and having to read all this terrible fighting and i wanted to get a point across.

im excited for this list and cant wait to see how it turns out
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Old 03-25-2009, 04:07 AM
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Originally Posted by russp View Post
By the way the needle that broke the camels back???????

needle in haystack
the straw that broke camels back
thank you
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Old 03-25-2009, 04:30 AM
3MTA3 3MTA3 is offline
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Originally Posted by nazerine View Post
And you're complaining about Myka making condescending comments? A simple explanation that you've never signed up before until now would have sufficed.


I apologize for being condescending and immature towards you. By no means was this called for and I hope you can accept my apology. I let my emotions get the best of me in what was a "heated debate"
Again I apologize.

Also I have read further in this thread and thank you for pointing out it was the STRAW that broke the camels back and not the needle

now off to address the reply by Myka and put this "debate" to rest. Actually I will simply just say this....Each is entitled to his/her own opinion....You know mine and I know yours. I will try and be less an "extremist" but am not one to be quiet for long when I see ignorance (even including my own Nazerine)

Nice to see things have settled down and people are actually using their words to explain themselves and not be taken inappropriately. GOLD STARS for everyone!!!!!! Especially Karazy... you in fact seem to be the sanest and mature person of us all including myself

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Old 03-25-2009, 05:19 AM
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If you ever have to opportunity to meet Evan (karazy) you will be dumb founded by his maturity and eagerness to learn. He volunteers at one of the LFS my hubby and I deal with and it is so refreshing to see a young and budding reefer. Can any one of you remember a day you went to work for free somewhere on a weekend? He has a smile form ear to ear while he scrapes algae and target feeds corals. I even feel comfortable asking him questions about my reef. I was going to see if he can tank sit for me if we take off with our dogs for a day or two... He would get paid well.

Originally Posted by 3MTA3 View Post

I apologize for being condescending and immature towards you. By no means was this called for and I hope you can accept my apology. I let my emotions get the best of me in what was a "heated debate"
Again I apologize.

Also I have read further in this thread and thank you for pointing out it was the STRAW that broke the camels back and not the needle

now off to address the reply by Myka and put this "debate" to rest. Actually I will simply just say this....Each is entitled to his/her own opinion....You know mine and I know yours. I will try and be less an "extremist" but am not one to be quiet for long when I see ignorance (even including my own Nazerine)

Nice to see things have settled down and people are actually using their words to explain themselves and not be taken inappropriately. GOLD STARS for everyone!!!!!! Especially Karazy... you in fact seem to be the sanest and mature person of us all including myself

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Old 03-25-2009, 05:36 AM
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Originally Posted by 3MTA3 View Post

I apologize for being condescending and immature towards you. By no means was this called for and I hope you can accept my apology. I let my emotions get the best of me in what was a "heated debate"
Again I apologize.

Also I have read further in this thread and thank you for pointing out it was the STRAW that broke the camels back and not the needle

now off to address the reply by Myka and put this "debate" to rest. Actually I will simply just say this....Each is entitled to his/her own opinion....You know mine and I know yours. I will try and be less an "extremist" but am not one to be quiet for long when I see ignorance (even including my own Nazerine)

Nice to see things have settled down and people are actually using their words to explain themselves and not be taken inappropriately. GOLD STARS for everyone!!!!!! Especially Karazy... you in fact seem to be the sanest and mature person of us all including myself

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Old 03-25-2009, 05:57 AM
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Originally Posted by my2rotties View Post
Can any one of you remember a day you went to work for free somewhere on a weekend?
Reminds me of me in 1985 when I worked at Newton Pets for just experience and maybe some credit for fish. I cleaned tanks and bagged fish. No salt tanks though. Not many reefers back then.
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Old 03-25-2009, 06:20 AM
phillybean phillybean is offline
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Well I figure I'll chime in...

I currently have a CBB, Cleaner Wrasse and Sandsifting Star. I have two Percs, not sure if they were wild caught or captive bred. I also have a Naso in a 75 which some people say it too small for him. Currently, all of them are healthy, eating well and disease free. I'll consider all of them to be a success after a years time.

I think it is important to be a responsible reefer, however at the end of the day, if I see any item in a store that looks unhealthy and I feel I have a chance of saving it, I'll do it.

If I see something at the store that I've wanted for awhile and it is healthy and eating, I'll do it as well, as long as I feel I am capable and my tank is capable of supporting it. That's why I don't have a Mandarin Dragonet yet, but I plan to add one in the future.

The only way to change what fish are on the market or not, imo at least, is to work with the government, CITIES, to stop them from issuing permits to import/export certain fish, inverts and corals. If there is enough scientific evidence to support it, although it may be a lot of work, that is the best way to go about it. Between posters here and on other popular message boards, starting a petition to outlaw the importation of certain fish/inverts/coral shouldn't be overly difficult and a letter from one or more marine biologists would help.
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Old 03-25-2009, 06:26 AM
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This was one of the funniest threads I have ever read in my life. I have come to one conclusion. EVERYBODY IS CRAZY!!!!! I love it. Keep up the good comedy. IMO, the list is a bad idea. Education is what everybody needs. I am sure that none of you are Marine Biologists (not a fact, just a guess. Don't beat me up 3mta3) and what we have heard or read is all just opinions. Please only go with the facts. It is pretty much morally wrong to keep any animal as a pet but we do. Do your best to get educated and make smart educated decisions. Take it or leave it. Just another opinion.
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