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Old 09-30-2015, 03:56 AM
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Default Basement 280 Gallon Build:

Hello Everyone,

I am moving in a month or so, and am already planning the tank we will build as part of the basement we will develop ourselves. So I am looking for advice how to best utilize the space I have available.

I am thinking about a through the wall build with the tank sticking out 10" - 12" through the wall and into the play room.

So the tank dimensions I am thinking about is 90" long, 24" deep, and 30" tall. Which would be a 280 Gallon tank.

So I welcome any comments at this stage as the design is not set in stone. However I am going to have to start framing very soon.

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Old 09-30-2015, 01:49 PM
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It looks like you have a great location! A general comment about 30" deep tanks is that unless you're really tall and lanky, you're not going to be able to touch the bottom of the tank without getting your armpit wet, and you certainly won't be able to touch the sand at the front of the tank once the rocks are in when you only have access from one side. You will definitely have to learn to be good at using tongs. I do have to say though, that a 30" tall viewing pane is soooo much more pleasing than a 24" tall viewing pane. Imo, if you're going 30" tall, I'd also go 30" wide. For saltwater tanks, it is so much easier to aquascape the rocks when the height and width are either the same or the width is greater than the height.

So...what do you have planned for equipment? What type of corals?
~ Mindy

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Old 09-30-2015, 03:26 PM
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I would make the same suggestion as Myka, you want to maximize depth. What is that white boxed area in the middle of the fish room? A shower or a closet? Any chance you could relocate it?
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Old 09-30-2015, 07:24 PM
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Originally Posted by WarDog View Post
What is that white boxed area in the middle of the fish room? A shower or a closet? Any chance you could relocate it?
Looks like the floor. I'd leave it where it is
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Old 09-30-2015, 08:04 PM
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You will always appreciate more front-to-back dimension. 24" seems like a lot, but when you consider 30" of height, 24" will seem smaller. For example if you were to flip the dimensions so that you had 30" of depth (front to back is depth) and 24" of height, you'd need less light intensity AND would have much better options for aquascaping.

I have my tank in a similar configuration, except mine is 72x30x30 (also coincidentally 280g). It is not accessible in front at all so I do have to do the wet armpit thing but that I don't mind so much. I wanted the 30" height for visual appeal and swimming room, but if I were to go back I'd go shorter because it's dificult to get enough light to the lower levels. All was well when I ran 400w halides, but then I switched to LED and things just were never the same. I'm actually considering going back to halides. LED just doesn't compare with this height, you wouldn't think 24" vs 30" would make such a difference but it really does.
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Old 09-30-2015, 09:55 PM
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Cool idea having partially coming out of the wall like that
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Old 10-01-2015, 12:32 AM's Avatar is offline
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I have to agree with the depth,it gives the tank much more room for aquascaping and tons of space with hiding spots for the fish.
The partial side view is nice but you have to consider what type and how to mount the powerhead if you are to place any on the far sides of the tank.
If you are using faux rocks in the front I would consider hidden doors as it helps have an opening from the front.
I had in my old tank no opening in the front and it was always a hassle, now with the new build I love my front hidden doors (not I use them often but if needed,they are available)
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Old 10-01-2015, 02:43 PM
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My current tank is 38" tall, so no worries about tongs!! Ha ha ha...

I agree about the 30" wide too, just might have to stick out more into the play room, because I don't have a ton of room by the shower there.

I've kept SPS corals before, and I think that will be the plan for this one too. I may recycle some of my current equipment; BRS dosing pumps, DIY ATO using ultrasonic level ttransmitter etc...

Originally Posted by Myka View Post
It looks like you have a great location! A general comment about 30" deep tanks is that unless you're really tall and lanky, you're not going to be able to touch the bottom of the tank without getting your armpit wet, and you certainly won't be able to touch the sand at the front of the tank once the rocks are in when you only have access from one side. You will definitely have to learn to be good at using tongs. I do have to say though, that a 30" tall viewing pane is soooo much more pleasing than a 24" tall viewing pane. Imo, if you're going 30" tall, I'd also go 30" wide. For saltwater tanks, it is so much easier to aquascape the rocks when the height and width are either the same or the width is greater than the height.

So...what do you have planned for equipment? What type of corals?
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Old 10-01-2015, 02:45 PM
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Its a shower, and nope can't move it as the drain is located there, and we can't easily move the drain as the basement slab has radiant heat.

Originally Posted by WarDog View Post
I would make the same suggestion as Myka, you want to maximize depth. What is that white boxed area in the middle of the fish room? A shower or a closet? Any chance you could relocate it?

Last edited by Seth81; 10-01-2015 at 02:49 PM. Reason: Add a pic to isllustrate
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Old 10-01-2015, 02:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Seth81 View Post
My current tank is 38" tall, so no worries about tongs!! Ha ha ha...

I agree about the 30" wide too, just might have to stick out more into the play room, because I don't have a ton of room by the shower there.

I've kept SPS corals before, and I think that will be the plan for this one too. I may recycle some of my current equipment; BRS dosing pumps, DIY ATO using ultrasonic level ttransmitter etc...
Ah, you're a Tong Master! I agree, I wouldn't want to cut down on the space in the back, I'd put it out into the room more.

As far as equipment goes I was more interested in things like skimmer and lights.
~ Mindy

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