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Old 03-21-2009, 06:28 AM
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Originally Posted by my2rotties View Post

I see a stupid dog, the stupid owner is not too far away... dogs are amirror imagies of their owners... mine are awesome and well behaved, and I get compliments on how nice and peaceful they are...
I have to agree, it's not about which bread the dog is, it's how the owner treats the dog. Anyone who watches the Dog whisperer with Cesar Millan will know his saying "I rehabilitate dogs and I train people" His dog "Daddy" is the best most laid back dog and he is a pit bull.

Originally Posted by my2rotties View Post
I just need to add boxing gloves and a first aid kit with the flame suit next time.
Sounds like an interesting outfit, can't wait to see you in it J/K

Originally Posted by naesco View Post
Hey, if a reefer needs some help with a problem or needs advice and your a bit shy about asking online, Private Message someone who you think might have experience with the issue or the species.
To PM you just click on the reefers name and the PM pops up and you are off and away.
Most people would be flattered that you asked them.
I've been pm'd before for advice and I have to say it's an honour and it's very flattering
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 03-21-2009, 06:55 AM
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The fish was purchased two months ago now. I don't want this fish... please reread my posts. I am getting my fish trap from my friend tomorrow and the sohal will be coming out. He has not done anything else at this point and seems fine... for now... I never made mention of him in this thread since it was about other things. I wasn't going to mention anything until he was out or I at least had the trap back. Again please reread the first post and actually look at what I am saying...

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
Its not about being "****ed" or annoyed at new reefers. I don't think many of the experienced reefers here feel that way for asking questions. I do think they get annoyed when their advice is ignored. In this case its not really ignored but she has already been given some great advice and actually said she was done with keeping angels and actually I believe it was just a few weeks back (or less) that she had said shes not adding any fish for a while. That tank is very packed in my opinion.

So I think if people are taking the time to help others but the same questions keep coming up and advice is ignored, they have a right to get annoyed and express this the same way this poster constantly justifies everything by saying she loves her fish.

If you go back and read all the different threads about the problem puffer, death of the dogface, problems with tangs, death of the angels, anemone, ect. you will understand where people are coming from. The tank is a bit of an experiment IMO. Its also very young for so many fish. Its also not a massive tank...ect. ect.

The common response in every thread is about how much she loves the fish and does everything in her power to keep them happy and healthy. I don't doubt this one bit but its a bit of a contradiction to keep adding livestock and buying these fish if you feel that way. Saying one thing but doing differently will annoy some people. Doesn't really annoy me but leads me to believe this whole thing is a real struggle for her. And I do sympathize. But at some point for the sake of the livestock it needs to stop. Heck I have a list of about 20 more fish I would like to keep but I know I am pushing it already or that some are just not compatible with aquarium life.

I recently had an escalating problem between two tangs and had to remove one...It has been very upsetting but these things have to be done. I couldn't wait until one was dead...You have to make choices and I think most people responding just thought this was done in that last thread when the angels died.

I have to say I was pretty surprised to find another thread about this so soon.

I wish Diana the BEST of luck but do think they need to choose a direction for this tank
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Old 03-21-2009, 01:46 PM
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Twice I was going to post yesterday and decided to shut up.

To others reading the thread, please dont hesitate to post your problems and questions on Canreef. That would be such a shame that aquarists are scared off from posting.
Take any answers, on any board, for what they are worth. Some answer in a harsh manner, and some answers are from newer aquarists trying to help but are not always the correct answer.
Canreef was set up by Titus, to be a friendly place to dicuss our aquarium related interests and has grown to be one of the best reefing boards anywhere, but esp. in Canada.
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Old 03-21-2009, 02:47 PM
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Originally Posted by digital-audiophile View Post
(BTW I do not intend to offend any pitbull owners.. I just use them as an example because they are painted as being a mean dog)
Oh, but now we're offended anyway. Nyx is just pacing back and forth, I think she wants to bite you now!
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Old 03-21-2009, 02:59 PM
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Originally Posted by es355lucille View Post
Hi Diana, to tell you the truth I don't really say much on the forum as I have seen this on a number of occasions and I don’t find it very constructive or positive for anyone new to the hobby. Most of us new to the hobby feel dumb enough at times without it being splattered on the forum.
And this is a shame, most of us want to encourage the asking of dumb questions. I've been here for longer than I can remember. Did I mention anything about the school of purple anthias I killed last year? My GF thought they'd be pretty, so I made excuses on why I could keep them. Nope, starved, just like I knew they would. These things happen to everyone, with or without experience. If I had of asked up front, maybe someone would have yelled me out of a stupid decision.
As mentioned, if you want to ask but don't want the few to pounce on you, PM someone. There are lots of people here that have patience and understand that nobody knows everything, and that you may have got a bad start in the hobby from poor advice. But, the purpose of this board is to help, not judge, so please disregard the attitude of some of the frustrated people, just realize they aren't bad people, just very pasionate about this stuff and perhaps take the wrong route in portraying that.

Dianna, thanks for being brave enough to ask, and braver still in sticking around to tell your side. Hopefully it encourages other people to do the same. Yes, we all make stupid mistakes, and when one of us is man or woman enough to admit it in a forum like this, well, you deserve credit for that alone. Good luck with whatever you decide.

It's funny, I just remembered one of our old members who had one of the nicest tanks ever got one of these angels, nobody said squat to him about it, other than "hey, nice fish"
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Old 03-21-2009, 03:13 PM
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Oh, oh, oh,
Something positive just about fell off my chair. Yes we hopefully learn from others posting their own mistakes. After being royally chastized myself I feel like it is
sad that we can not be honest. I think when I was trying to be honest I got slammed
before I had a chance to make my point. And felt that because this person was a
sponser I was SOL. So do not feel dumb to start a thread. It helps others.
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Old 03-21-2009, 06:46 PM
OceanicCorals-Ian- OceanicCorals-Ian- is offline
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Originally Posted by Leah View Post
Oh, oh, oh,
Something positive just about fell off my chair. Yes we hopefully learn from others posting their own mistakes. After being royally chastized myself I feel like it is
sad that we can not be honest. I think when I was trying to be honest I got slammed
before I had a chance to make my point. And felt that because this person was a
sponser I was SOL. So do not feel dumb to start a thread. It helps others.
I agree! Questions are a good thing to post, there aren't many dumb questions in this hobby especially when you are a noob; however, sometimes the intelligence and constructiveness of a reply could on occasion be labeled as dumb.

"If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem. It is true that you may fool all of the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all of the time; but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."
~Abraham Lincoln
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Old 03-21-2009, 07:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Oh, but now we're offended anyway. Nyx is just pacing back and forth, I think she wants to bite you now!
Don't make me sic my cat on her!
- Greg

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Old 03-21-2009, 07:15 PM
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Originally Posted by digital-audiophile View Post
Don't make me sic my cat on her!
She loves cats. Raw or roasted, doesn't matter
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Old 03-21-2009, 07:17 PM
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See I told you they were mean dogs.. she wants to eat my cat
- Greg

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