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Old 03-20-2009, 07:10 PM
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Default Making a case as to why NOT to bring home a Regal angel

My husband bought a Regal Angel two months ago. We have left him at the LFS and he is not home yet. After losing all my large angels to a bacterial infection, which I was told is species specific, I am not comfortable with bring any angel home. However my husband built the system and he buys what he wants to buy for all his hard work. I was also told the bacteria would die off without the angels in a couple of weeks. Of course I cannot find any info that coincides with this info. I actually cannot find anything to state this.

Aside of coral nipping and the usual thing, what can I use as a case to not bring this fish home. He has lived in the LFS for two months and I believe he will survive. He is eating pellets and is healthy at this point. My husband has always wanted one and I don't like to tell him what he can and cannot bring home. He is passionate about the hobby like I am, but I am the one that takes care of everything.

Any help or opinions would be greatly appreciated at this time. He is not sure if he wants to fish either, but I just want him to be absolutely positive in his choice to either bring it home or not bring home. It's only fair to him, and myself as well as the fish.
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Old 03-20-2009, 07:26 PM
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maybe try this:

Tell your husband that there's a chance of this amazing fish dying,
and the fish doesn't deserve to die just because you wanted him.
Then show him a crap load of non-angel fish that are beautiful on the computer and see if he finds something else.

but thats if your sure the disease is still there

Last edited by karazy; 03-20-2009 at 07:32 PM.
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Old 03-20-2009, 07:31 PM
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I know nothing about Angels but I just wanted to ask if you have a UV sterilizer? If so I would think that whatever bacterial problems you had would be killed off with the UV. Someone can chime in and correct me if I'm wrong.


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Old 03-20-2009, 07:35 PM
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Well we all know there is always a chance of these fish dying in this hobby, sometimes it just happens. He LOVES angels more then anything else. We won't have anymore tangs and he likes those too.

I have to be fair and make a case to make sure he is happy with his choice. I know the LFS will hold the fish as long as we need to but I want to make sure the bacteria is not in the system just in case he does want it. I feel he will decline on it, but I am just making sure he knows why. My hubby is the best and has worked hard to make this system happen. I want him to be happy too.

Originally Posted by karazy View Post
maybe try this:

Tell your husband that there's a chance of this amazing fish dying,
and the fish doesn't deserve to die just because you wanted him.
Then show him a crap load of non-angel fish that are beautiful on the computer and see if he finds something else.
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Old 03-20-2009, 07:36 PM
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I sure do have one, and I am on my way to your place as soon as I finish this post, LOL! See you shortly.

Originally Posted by MikeP View Post
I know nothing about Angels but I just wanted to ask if you have a UV sterilizer? If so I would think that whatever bacterial problems you had would be killed off with the UV. Someone can chime in and correct me if I'm wrong.

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Old 03-20-2009, 08:08 PM
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If this regal angel is from the red sea and it is eating, buy it.
If it is not do not buy it as it is one of those fish that is virtually impossible to keep.

Last edited by naesco; 03-20-2009 at 08:24 PM.
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Old 03-20-2009, 08:20 PM
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These fish and many corals are caught from the wild, and you're killing them because you're impatient, have a hard time taking advice, and some amount of you just don't know any better. That's not fair to the fish or the environment, and that ****es me (and likely many others) off to no end. You already have a bunch of livestock in there that doesn't get along with each other. You're digging yourself a hole. If you want a bunch of big Angels, set up a FOWLR tank. I am passionate about this hobby, and when someone comes barging in like a Rhino in a China shoppe, I feel like someone should stick up for the delicate animals who have no choice but to be a part of it.

You and your hubby need to learn about brakes, oh and breaks. Like Time Out. You both need a Time Out from the tank. Leave it alone for awhile. Enjoy it for what it is - so far. Nothing good ever happens fast in a sw tank. Remember that. If it was my tank I wouldn't add a darn thing to it for at least 6 weeks. Not even a snail. You will continue to kill fish, lose money, and be disappointed if you keep carrying on like you are. I know you and your hubby are all excited about it, and want to see it "come alive", but right now the only thing holding your tank back from doing that is you and your hubby.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but you really need someone to give your heads a shake so you will listen better. Or...carry on throwing your money down the drain and killing beautiful animals with your impatience and lack of knowledge. Please learn to respect the animals more.
~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 03-20-2009 at 08:28 PM.
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Old 03-20-2009, 09:40 PM
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anyway, if you had a bacterial infection bad enough to kill a bunch of fish something else must be wrong sine bacterial infections and similar issues usually are caused by problems with the water or the fish's immune system, id do some checking into the usual amonia,nitrite,nitarte test's maybe ph,and alk if all thats good maybe look at what your feeding
but what the heck do i know
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Old 03-20-2009, 09:41 PM
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I agree with Myka, patience is a virtue with reef tanks. What is your current list of fish now-a-days? If I remember you have a mix of trigger fish, tangs, puffers, angels.. and ?
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Old 03-20-2009, 09:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
These fish and many corals are caught from the wild, and you're killing them because you're impatient, have a hard time taking advice, and some amount of you just don't know any better. That's not fair to the fish or the environment, and that ****es me (and likely many others) off to no end. You already have a bunch of livestock in there that doesn't get along with each other. You're digging yourself a hole. If you want a bunch of big Angels, set up a FOWLR tank. I am passionate about this hobby, and when someone comes barging in like a Rhino in a China shoppe, I feel like someone should stick up for the delicate animals who have no choice but to be a part of it.

You and your hubby need to learn about brakes, oh and breaks. Like Time Out. You both need a Time Out from the tank. Leave it alone for awhile. Enjoy it for what it is - so far. Nothing good ever happens fast in a sw tank. Remember that. If it was my tank I wouldn't add a darn thing to it for at least 6 weeks. Not even a snail. You will continue to kill fish, lose money, and be disappointed if you keep carrying on like you are. I know you and your hubby are all excited about it, and want to see it "come alive", but right now the only thing holding your tank back from doing that is you and your hubby.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but you really need someone to give your heads a shake so you will listen better. Or...carry on throwing your money down the drain and killing beautiful animals with your impatience and lack of knowledge. Please learn to respect the animals more.
Ouch! I know why you say you are being harsh but.....

BTW I have a lot of livestock that isn't supposed to get along together and for some reason they do. This of course is not always the case with most fish but sometimes you get lucky and they all get along.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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