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View Poll Results: Do you regret your anemone?
Yes 12 26.67%
No 23 51.11%
Maybe... sometimes... not yet? 10 22.22%
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Old 04-13-2015, 03:57 PM
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I've had my LTA for 15 years. No problems at all, been lucky. It's been through several tank upgrades and been stuck to the same rock all that time so switch overs have been easy.
Do I regret putting it in my tank? I voted Yes!!!! Only because I can't take it out as my wife would be ****ed as she likes watching the clowns live in it. it is a good conversation piece for guests who come over and look at my tank. But I would like the space for other corals.
Don't feed them and they won't grow or split.
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Old 04-13-2015, 07:22 PM
F.H F.H is offline
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Hahah, it seems like as with literally any other aspect in this hobby, there are varying opinions on the subject, although I expected that.

I didn't know they can actually moonwalk/hoverboard across sand... and I'm actually surprised by the number of people who voted yes, I didn't expect it to be quite that high... maybe my initial conclusion to stay away from them was correct.

But they're so cool though, lol.

That's interesting that madreefer said not to feed them and they won't grow/split, I was under the impression that they need to be fed in order to be kept happy?

If I do decide to get one, it'll be an rbta for sure. I'm still on the fence about them, although I'm leaning towards not getting one. Seems like they might be more trouble than they're worth.

I appreciate all the input so far =).
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Old 04-13-2015, 07:25 PM
martinmcnally martinmcnally is offline
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The problem I have with them is killing coral. Mine tends to move to a spot hosting some nice SPS or Zoas, kill them completely then move on to another spot :/

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Old 04-13-2015, 07:53 PM
F.H F.H is offline
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^ holy crap that's a huge anemone!

If it wasn't for their tendencies to kill/sting coral, I wouldn't hesitate in the least... it just seems like I'm adding another variable that might go wrong and adding to the risk of losing my frags.

I was looking at Mike's (mikepclo) tank of the month thread a couple days ago, and was surprised to see a bta in there, with all his amazing colonies. looking at some of the tank journals and new build threads, I also noticed a few people opted to get one as well... and then I remembered I've seen them in a lot of reefer's tanks who have amazing mixed reefs. Made me wonder if maybe they're not as much of a hassle as I originally concluded...

Since most of my corals are still frags, I think it's a "now or never" type of situation for me about getting one, haha.
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Old 04-13-2015, 08:01 PM
Wretch Wretch is offline
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I can't say I regret my anemones but I am not getting much enjoyment out of them either. They are on the backside of my main rock work so i can't even see them unless I try to. My clownfish ignore them as well. They are currently stinging a red monti to death but they came on the same rock so its not a big deal or loss to me.
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Old 04-13-2015, 10:01 PM
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I've had mine for almost a month now.

I was always planning to have one so I got it first before getting the corals.
It has its own mountain island to itself as well. It stayed in the same spot for three weeks after putting it in, then moved last week, not too far but a bit up and around to the side-maybe 3 inches in total.

Although knowing murphy's law I'm sure if I ever put in a coral I love, it will suddenly decide thats the spot it would like-lol
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Old 04-14-2015, 06:30 AM
F.H F.H is offline
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Originally Posted by rsisvixen View Post
Although knowing murphy's law I'm sure if I ever put in a coral I love, it will suddenly decide thats the spot it would like-lol
This precisely the reason why I'm hesitating and leaning towards not getting one. I know for a fact my favorite or my most expensive coral will be taunting the nem.
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Old 04-14-2015, 07:29 PM
seabreeze seabreeze is offline
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I notice you are wanting specifically a RBTA.

My advice... unless you have a big enough tank to do what Thomas does... DO NOT DO IT

BTAs like rockwork and prefer to be higher up towards the lighting. And this unfortunately is also where your SPS love to hang out.

I once had a RBTA which became 2... 2 became 4... 4 became 8 ...and they kept on splitting. I had over 20 in my tank at one time! And they are suckers to get off the liverock as they bury their feet into the tiniest, deepest crevices.

Was a great little income source as the LFS was happy to take they from me... but they will move to where THEY want to go, and they will kill your SPS if you plan on having those also.

Besides that... only certain clowns will host in a BTA. Some will only host in long tentacle anemones... others in carpets... and so on.

Another issue... the BTAs will cover A LOT OF SPACE when they decide to expand their tenctacles rather than keep them as bubbles... they will even appear to look like LTA's. Their reach can be very far... so you will not want other corals near them.

As for the 'red color'... I do have that in my tank from SPS and several of my LPS.

I have a mixed reef and I would never want to take the chance with a BTA my thoughts
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Old 04-15-2015, 09:46 PM
F.H F.H is offline
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Hmm. Well I was considering RBTA because it seemed to be the one most recommended by others.

I have an island that I can isolate in the center of my tank, similar to what Thomas does, but my concern wasn't with one bta since I have the space for it, but rather, what I would do if it decided to split, in which case I don't think I'm prepared to handle that.

For now, I think I'm going to leave it alone, and not take the risk on one, which is what I had originally concluded a while back. I was just surprised to see how many people kept bta's in the mixed reef, so it made me wonder if maybe they're not as bad as I thought... I guess it's all about whether or not you're willing to take that risk, sometimes it'll work out, other times it won't. Knowing my luck, I would be better off without that gamble.

Unless I really can't get over it, and decide to take that gamble one day... haha.

I appreciate everyone's input so far, thanks.
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Old 04-16-2015, 02:12 AM
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From some articles I've read an RBTA shouldn't split more than once every 2-3 years if it ever does split.
Most splitting occurs when an anemone is stressed, as its a survival tool.
Basically cloning itself in the hopes that 1 of its clones survive.
So if there is excessive splitting usually one of the parameters in the tank is not to the anemones liking.

Anemones are either male or female and reproduce as corals/clams do, splitting is not a form of reproduction.
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