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View Poll Results: Do you regret your anemone?
Yes 12 26.67%
No 23 51.11%
Maybe... sometimes... not yet? 10 22.22%
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Old 04-13-2015, 05:50 AM
F.H F.H is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Richmond
Posts: 76
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Default Do you regret your anemone?

So for the past couple months I've been on and off about adding an RBTA in my display. Those of you that I've met, know that I've probably annoyed you at one time or another about what your experiences were with your nems.

I would like one, I think it adds a much needed "red" colour in my display, along with movement, and I have a pair of clowns which might end up hosting it. But every time I do research on having one in a mixed reef, I always come to the conclusion that eventually they will become a problem, and I will regret it as they might end up in a powerhead, stinging other corals in my tank, or have one in a good spot, only to end up with it splitting and the second nem causing trouble.

My goal for my tank is to have a mixed reef, with some euphylia, zoas, brains, sps, etc. Although lately I've been leaning towards sps a bit more, haha.

In my aquascape, I have glued all my rocks together, so if the nem were to crawl into a space where I don't like, tearing my tank apart to get it out would probably not be an option... especially if it splits and one of the babies runs off somewhere unwanted... another reason why staying away from them might be the best case for me...

Speaking to Thomas the other day, he showed me that his strategy is to confine them to an "island", and since the nems can't crawl on sand, he seems to have it working. I can maybe put up a picture of my aquascape tomorrow, as I do have the potential to make an island in the center of my tank and try this method... The only downside to this is if the nem decides to float somewhere else, in which case it will most likely end up in a powerhead.

Usually when I do some research, I come to the conclusion that I should stay away, but I was going through some tank journals yesterday, and I noticed that despite what is suggested about nems in a mixed reef, a lot of the experienced reefers seem to have them... which made me think once again that maybe I should try it... haha.

The other option that I was thinking is maybe just get a flowerpot, which would in turn be similar to a nem, giving me movement, and the pink or red colour in my tank, with the possibility of clowns hosting it, although I think that might just end up irritating the flowerpot haha.

So those of you who have had experience with one, I'd like to hear some stories, do you regret your anemone purchase?

Last edited by F.H; 04-13-2015 at 05:55 AM.
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