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Old 06-18-2013, 04:02 PM
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I have a wp-40 on my 80g. Works awesome. Buying the voltage controller for the extra $10 is a must. I have it down to 15v from the original 24v so my lps doesn't get blown to bits.
And dead silent.

I would highly recommend them.
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Old 06-18-2013, 04:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Slick Fork View Post
Haven't tried them, and no plans to do so. The original designs that they ripped off work very well. The Chinese can't make baby food that doesn't leak toxins so there's no way I would trust something of theirs in my tanks if there's an alternative.
Look around bud, guarantee half of the stuff in your house hold is Chinese made....Good luck.
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Old 06-18-2013, 06:15 PM
msjboy msjboy is offline
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here is a brief review of the wp25 ( older model .. 3 weeks older model...without the variable speed control; ones from Nick are with the speed control so no extra money needed for the variable voltage part ).
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Old 06-18-2013, 07:37 PM
ImprezaSTi ImprezaSTi is offline
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Originally Posted by mrhasan View Post
That line has long extinct from this hobby just like watt per gallon theory. It should be more like "you pay what you what". A KZ zeovit reactor is $300+ while a vertex zeovit reactor is $100+. Does that make vertex reactor bad? NO. You get a bubble king skimmer for $1000+ and a bubble magus skimmer for $100+. Does that make BM a bad skimmer? NO. You get a radion for $800+ and a evergrow LED for $200+. Does that make evergrow LED bad? NO (in fact I have heard people having more trouble with radions than evergrow). A vertex RODI costs $200 and a aquasafe costs $100. Does that make aquasafe bad? NO! It is not always the "price" that can judge a product. People just need to get over the fact that everyone in this hobby should buy expensive stuffs or never start it.

Coming back to your main part of the post. I use WP40 and am happy about it. The only thing that would have made it "perfect" is the speed control. And not every Chinese product leach. If that was true, the whole world would be in a pool filled with "leached" stuffs.
Agree with this 100%. Assuming that everything coming from a specific country is bad is simply being ignorant.

In economics, one of the reason brands like Vortech or Bubbleking can price their products at such a high price is because they have market power. The price does not necessarily reflect higher quality.

I would guess that it costs about the same to produce a vortech and a jebao wp40.
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Old 06-18-2013, 09:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Reef Supplies View Post
As a business owner I would not go near those pumps until this whole Tunze ordeal is over. I respect the Tunze brand to much to monetize from an obvious copy.

TO be fair, there's only so many ways a pump can look. In this case I would agree with you that it is a pretty obvious copy, even their branding is an obvious trademark rip off - but that said, Tunze's pumps are a form that follows function, and there's a limited number of forms that can achieve said function, so it's not surprising that a 'knock off' would look similar.

If Behr was the first company to ever release a blue paint, would that somehow give them a universal, life-long right to blue paints?

As someone who wants high caliber products I try to be loyal to companies that make them, but as a consumer with finite resources, I REALLY don't like it when I find someone producing a nearly identical product and selling it at a fraction of the cost while still remaining profitable. It makes me feel like the company that I've been loyal to has been ripping me off.

arguments about quality control and where the components came from aside, a tunze and a jebao both move a certain amount of water, and come with similar features and controllability. If the the only thing that sets Tunze apart from Jebao in the long-run is that it's got a fancy brand name, I think they're going to be in trouble and need to start innovating a little more aggressively as I'm sure Jebao will eventually have every feature one could want from a water pump and still be considerably less expensive. If your product costs several times more than your competitors, I really do feel like there should be a good and tangible justification, and China-phobia isn't one of them.
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Old 06-19-2013, 12:28 AM
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I have to throw my $0.02 into this.

I have the Evergrow D120 units, 3 them actually and I LOVE them my corals are happy and noticeable growth within only a few months of use. Yes they are made from China but you know what im happy with them. Not to mention all 3 units cost me less (Shipped to my door) then 1 radion unit...

I just purchased a WP40 from from the group buy im sure its going to be exactly what I want. Every review I have ever seen on them gives them praise for being so well built.

My question is why do all the "Old Timers" need to make us newbie reef junkies feel like we need to go bankrupt to have a tank? Just because that was the norm 10 years ago? 20 years ago? Times have changed and the so have the cost to make products for keeping fish. I cant even count on my hands the amount of times I have seen posts or talked to people about which product would be better and someone with 10 years in the hobby has to chime and say "Only use this product because its what I use!" and the price is double or triple of other brands. It really hits a cord with me when people think price is the only thing that matters.

Im going to use the wp40 on my tank and plan to until it stops working if thats a year or two who knows but im still further ahead trying it rather than letting the rumor mill explode with false info.
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Old 06-19-2013, 12:34 AM
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I have a wp25 and all I can say is WoW!!! very quiet compared to the mp pumps I have heard, and one third of the price.

They seem well built and I don't see anything that could lead me to beleive they are cheaply built.

I have a Tunze 6045 and the darn thing suck big time. First it is very hard to remove the cap and each time I must use a screwdriver or a knife and I dammage it a little bit each time. Now with the Jebao, all you need to do is turn a bit to unscrew! no more hard time to remove the pump cover! PLUS, the wp25 is A LOT MORE powerful than my Tunze and to top it, it is controllable. And last but not least, that darn tunze gadget to adjust the flow keep jamming so the gimmiky finniky gadget that is supposed to lower the flow it totally USELESS. Now I paid 93$ for that Tunze pump, a total waste of money.

I feel the opposite about the Jebao wp25, powerfull, silent, very nice gentle flow, very easy to remove the cover for cleaning, and controllable!!! with its own controller or with the Reef Angel controller. I already have the cable to control it...awesome!

Geeezzzz...tough more Tunze gimmik for me.
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Last edited by daniella3d; 06-19-2013 at 12:36 AM.
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Old 06-19-2013, 12:55 AM
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I think it somewhat of a misconception with products made in china. Like i said earlier the problem with most items made in china is quality control. There are a LOT of fantastic products in this industry that are made in china. The reason they are fantastic is because of inovatetive designing and quality control.

Look at the complete line of Octopus, top notch porduct. Innovative marine, bubble magus, speedwave and the list goes on. Not only are they great products they also have a great team behind them that stand behind their products.

With that being said i still stand behind what I said earlier. Not as a buisness owner but as a person who still believes in ethics. Some say the design is not a copy, ok, let's assume its not. What about the upside M in W? IMO they did not have to take that route. If the pump is as good as we have seen so far they would have sold just as many without the need of such similarities in name and design.


Last edited by Reef Supplies; 06-19-2013 at 12:58 AM.
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Old 06-19-2013, 01:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Bblinks View Post
Look around bud, guarantee half of the stuff in your house hold is Chinese made....Good luck.
I'm sure it is, that's why I made a point of saying "if there's an alternative". Sometimes there's not, but when there is I'll put the Chinese product back on the shelf.

As mentioned, Chinese firms have big time quality control problems. That's one reason not to buy Chinese. For me at least, another reason is the blatant theft of everybody elses work. The amount of money western firms lose to Chinese reverse engineering every year is staggering. Where possible, I try to reward the businesses that put the time and effort into developing a quality product rather than rewarding businesses that steal other peoples work, assemble it in sweatshops and dump it into our markets.

Yeah, the Japanese and South Koreans built crappy stuff for a while too. But at least their firms respected the work of others and were bound by international intellectual property norms.

Where Chinese firms have made real innovation of their own and the quality seems ok, I don't mind buying. When it's just a cheap rip-off of someone elses hard work, I'll take the original.

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Old 06-19-2013, 01:48 AM
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On the topic....

Sorry, couldn't resist.
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