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Old 03-10-2012, 04:40 AM
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Yes, fish are stupid, but also they don't have any ressources. If they have a parasite it is up to us to do what is needed and quarantine our fish, and treat them if they become sick or contaminated with any parasite.

Nothing a stupid fish can do on its own.

A cleaner wrasse is nice but it won't cure the parasites on the gills or it won't eliminate all of them.

Originally Posted by FWC View Post
Mm ,thats no good.

Its all that stupid second anthias's fault. Everyone was fine until her.
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
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Old 03-10-2012, 05:38 AM
FWC FWC is offline
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Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
Yes, fish are stupid, but also they don't have any ressources. If they have a parasite it is up to us to do what is needed and quarantine our fish, and treat them if they become sick or contaminated with any parasite.

Nothing a stupid fish can do on its own.

A cleaner wrasse is nice but it won't cure the parasites on the gills or it won't eliminate all of them.

Very true

Also I know the cleaner wont fix things ,but the poor fish looked so itchy ,so I figured that the wrasse wouldn't hurt anything You can see in pictures 21,22 and 23 how all my fish clustered around the wrasse to be cleaned

So going from the pictures ,what would you say my fish have come down with ??

Last edited by FWC; 03-10-2012 at 05:41 AM.
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Old 03-10-2012, 03:50 PM
janalta janalta is offline
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How long has your tank been set up?
Looks fairly new from the pics....way too new to have that many critters in it already.
It's not just the fish...none of your corals look very happy either
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Old 03-10-2012, 04:39 PM
Ripwoop Ripwoop is offline
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Originally Posted by janalta View Post
How long has your tank been set up?
Looks fairly new from the pics....way too new to have that many critters in it already.
It's not just the fish...none of your corals look very happy either
+1 on that! I would say at a MAX 1 or 2 fish. That bioload for a new tank is probably a issue.
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Old 03-10-2012, 05:18 PM
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when why would they pile up to get cleaned by the wrasse if it was water quality?

That could be but also there are maybe some parasites.

Unless there is some ammonia, I doubt the fish would scratch from water quality. But then again, the tank does look like it's brand old is that tank?

Originally Posted by Ripwoop View Post
+1 on that! I would say at a MAX 1 or 2 fish. That bioload for a new tank is probably a issue.
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...

Last edited by daniella3d; 03-10-2012 at 05:21 PM.
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Old 03-10-2012, 05:34 PM
janalta janalta is offline
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Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
when why would they pile up to get cleaned by the wrasse if it was water quality?

That could be but also there are maybe some parasites.

Unless there is some ammonia, I doubt the fish would scratch from water quality. But then again, the tank does look like it's brand old is that tank?
Never said there wasn't a parasite issue....if they fish are all scratching against rocks and sand, they no doubt have either parasites or some sort of bacterial or fungal issue.
The state of the zoas looks like they have the same issue.

If you simply throw a lot of livestock into a brand new're going to have problems. This tank has no visable life in the sand bed yet, no growth on any of the rock or looks very new and barren.
From the sounds of it nothing was dipped or quarantined either.
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Old 03-10-2012, 06:55 PM
FWC FWC is offline
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The tank is younger ,however its old enough

The water tested fine when it was tested a few days ago ,I'll test it again when I get home from work.

I think its a parasite of some sort ,as this morning and last night the wrasse was going to town cleaning everyone ,and this morning all the fish were out swimming around ,as opposed to yesterday ,when everyone was hiding.

Also everything does indeed look very clean ,I'm pretty anal about it looking clean. I dont let scum grow on my glass ,tubing or powerheads.
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Old 03-10-2012, 07:38 PM
janalta janalta is offline
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By clean...I wasn't talking about your glass.
Rock and sand that have time to cycle, cure, age and grow the beneficial bacteria you need for a healthy tank are not white and clean.
A healthy sand bed has color, it has bacteria and fauna in will be able to see tunnels and tracks under the water line from the critters that are cleaning up the detrius.
Rock will be will have good algae growth....coralline in shades of pink, green, red and purple.
These are the backbone to a healthy tank with natural filtration....and your tank has no signs of the above .

Throwing 6 or 7 fish into an immature tank is a recipe for disaster.
I went 3 months with no fish...then added one damsel....several months later I added a clown. My tank was 6 months old before adding a third.
Now that my tank is more mature....has recovered from a recent move, has plenty of growth on the rocks and a healthy, live sand bed....I will go out and get all of the fish I've wanted in it.

Your corals and inverts are the best gauge to the health of your tank....they will tell you long before your fish that something isn't right....and your corals and inverts don't look good at all....they're not happy campers.

Testing your water won't tell you what you've introduced into your tank....and a cleaner fish won't cure anything. If it's not parasitic, it's bacterial or fungal...but it is obviously not thriving right now.

BTW - cleaner shrimp and wrasses will clean anything and everything you put in your isn't an indication that there is necessarily a parasite

Last edited by janalta; 03-10-2012 at 07:40 PM.
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Old 03-11-2012, 01:37 AM
FWC FWC is offline
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O.k ,yes ,my tank is young and such.

However that is not the issue. I did not post here to be heckled about my tank and its stock and maturity.

So I maintain my original question ,what is wrong with my fish and how do I fix it ??
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Old 03-11-2012, 04:32 AM
janalta janalta is offline
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Heckled? Really?

People can't help you without details.
Three people asked you how long your tank has been up and don't find it is.

There are no visable parasites, spots or other signs of disease on your fish, therefore, no one can give you a positive answer as to what is going on.
You added a visably ill fish with cloudy eyes to your tank. What was wrong with her and what she died of...again, no one can tell you that without seeing that fish. ( although cloudy eyes can be caused by a bacterial infection )

You were not wanted advice....and were advised that your tank is too new to have that much livestock added...and that is part of your problem...whether you care to admit it or not. It is an issue.

Since you do not have a disease or parasite that is visable.....and since you have corals in your tank....dosing with anything could result in losing your corals and inverts. So, it is not advisable to experiment with different treatments just in case.

The fish in your photos don't look critically spots, no white patches, no sores, all are swimming normally. Until you can see something, it's dangerous to start dosing your tank just in case.
The fact that they appear itchy could mean something like flukes.....gaping mouths, slowing down, pale...could well be water quality....not just chemically, but airation, flow, temp, filtration, salinity.
A parasite would not explain why your corals are also not looking healthy.

Last edited by janalta; 03-11-2012 at 04:45 AM. Reason: can't type :O)
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