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FWC 03-09-2012 02:57 AM

Whats wrong with my fish ??
So something seems to be affecting my fish...

They more or less look the same ,perhaps a bit more muted in color ,but nothing major.

However they are acting a lot different. They are all flashing against the filter tubing or on the sand ,and they all look like they want to be cleaned by the chromis. They will flare their fins and open their mouths to be cleaned ,but sadly chromis don't clean fish.

Also my water seems a little off. Not full out cloudy ,but not quite crystal clear like it should be. Its clear ,it just

Mike-fish 03-09-2012 03:34 AM


FWC 03-09-2012 03:42 AM

I don't think so.

There is no ich spotting.

Mike-fish 03-09-2012 04:18 AM

Alright what are your parameters

FWC 03-09-2012 04:57 AM

Ammonia 0
Nitate is a little high but nothing horrible
Nitrite is 0

I'll do a full test tomorrow. All my testing stuff is being washed tonight.

daniella3d 03-09-2012 07:20 PM

When was the last introduction to your tank and what was it?

Cloudy water? maybe a bacterial bloom? as you dosing something or do you have biopellets?


Originally Posted by FWC (Post 691603)
So something seems to be affecting my fish...

They more or less look the same ,perhaps a bit more muted in color ,but nothing major.

However they are acting a lot different. They are all flashing against the filter tubing or on the sand ,and they all look like they want to be cleaned by the chromis. They will flare their fins and open their mouths to be cleaned ,but sadly chromis don't clean fish.

Also my water seems a little off. Not full out cloudy ,but not quite crystal clear like it should be. Its clear ,it just

FWC 03-09-2012 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by daniella3d (Post 691790)
When was the last introduction to your tank and what was it?

Cloudy water? maybe a bacterial bloom? as you dosing something or do you have biopellets?

There have been two in the last week.

First was a female anthias who was badly beat up by my male ,and she soon developed a cloudy layer over he eyes ,followed by clowing over by her whole body ,loss of balance ,stopped eating and died.

I replaced her with another female last night ,and she looks to be pretty healthy so far.

I did put a bit of Kanaplex for the female anthias ,however other then that ,nothing.

Also no bio-pellets.

daniella3d 03-10-2012 02:30 AM

Sounds like it could be a parasite introduced with the anthias. Maybe velvet or broklynella.

Watch your fish closely and if they start to develop the same thing as the anthias, then treat them in a quarantine. Either velvet or brooklynella are both very fast killer and the treatment is different for both. Cupramine for the velvet and formaline or Seachem Paraguard for brooklynella.

If they are scratching and flashing, it is probably a parasite and if it is not ich, then it is something else. Unfortunately that rise the probability of your fish having velvet or brook.


Originally Posted by FWC (Post 691799)
There have been two in the last week.

First was a female anthias who was badly beat up by my male ,and she soon developed a cloudy layer over he eyes ,followed by clowing over by her whole body ,loss of balance ,stopped eating and died.

I replaced her with another female last night ,and she looks to be pretty healthy so far.

I did put a bit of Kanaplex for the female anthias ,however other then that ,nothing.

Also no bio-pellets.

FWC 03-10-2012 02:47 AM

Mm ,thats no good.

Its all that stupid second anthias's fault. Everyone was fine until her.

I picked up a little cleaner wrasse toight to help ease the fishes itching, all my fish are molesting him to clean them :P

FWC 03-10-2012 03:20 AM

I took some pictures

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