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Old 03-20-2011, 04:39 PM
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Originally Posted by prodogg02 View Post
I know its not my water its fine theygot some kinda sickness i still have some fish that are fine and all my inverts are still alive as well as corals .my other two pj cardnals fine no spots or nothing on them as well as my mandrin hes still huntn pods .ill take a few pics and bring them to blueworld ill bring a water sample two mYbe my kits are bunk but i just got new api ones
It is never fair to blame anyone, privater seller, LFS, etc.. When it all comes down to it. The buyer has full control, you can watch the fish, make sure it is eating, and especially QT it yourself.

I know personally I hear "My water is fine" a couple of times a week. Not saying yours isn't, Just always nice to have a second opinion, and mybe a third.

Thats why we have 3 test kits we use just in case of contamination.

I had a customer a few years ago but 3 fish from us, all in seperate banks, and from different suppliers. All the new fish had problems, but we were told his water was fine. After asking for a water sample for a week, we able to check the water, and his PH was at 9.4.

We don't ask for water samples to blame anyone, we ask for them to help you figure out what may be the problem, 3 fish from seperate system dying as they were added to a new home was too coincidental.

Just a thought

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Last edited by BlueWorldAquatic; 03-20-2011 at 05:23 PM.
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Old 03-20-2011, 05:49 PM
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I wasnt bashing aq i get alot of stuff from there just seems like the fish i get there latly arnt very healthy.i just retested my amonia with an api kit and a io one and they both show 0 ill try to post a pic of the fish .my pj cardnals which came from aq a few years ago ore fine,my marron clown has some white marks on him and my mandrin is fine aswell as all my inverts and coral .i seen the bicolor poo out some big long white thing i thought was a worm but idk.i have had a sw fish for bout 7 years now move my tank 6 times in 5 years once from calgary to edmonton in.-40 weathr and never had anything like this hapen untill i added the clown tang it lookd healthy i not bashing or sayn its anyones falt ecept natures .just want to know what it had so i can get rid of it. also would a uvsterilizer help
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Old 03-20-2011, 05:55 PM
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Originally Posted by paddyob View Post
You can't blame Aqua Giant for that. EVERY lfs gets a fish here and there that can be carrying something you can't see. Nobody can say they have never lost a fish or two from a top shelf retailer.

The healthiest fish in my tank came from Aqua Giant. And I know others with nice fish from there as well. The fish must have looked ok as you purchased it.

I am sorry this happened to you, but that is more a reason to set up a hospital tank.

Aqua Giant is a sponsor on here as well. I find it funny that nobody says anything when this sponsor gets bashed publicly. If this were any other SPONSOR the bullets would be flying.

Maybe consider using their forum and making your comments. Or call the store and perhaps talk to them. They are easy to deal with.

Looks like you had a dying fish issue in Feb as well... A few weeks back.

Good luck. Hope you do not lose anything else.

Totaly seperat tank
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Old 03-20-2011, 06:00 PM
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I just went thru that as well. I lost 5 fish and could not find a cause. There must have been one but I could not find it. I just did a few extra water changes cause that seem to help. I haven't lost one now in 3 weeks so good luck.
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Old 03-20-2011, 06:01 PM
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Originally Posted by prodogg02 View Post
I wasnt bashing aq i get alot of stuff from there just seems like the fish i get there latly arnt very healthy.i just retested my amonia with an api kit and a io one and they both show 0 ill try to post a pic of the fish .my pj cardnals which came from aq a few years ago ore fine,my marron clown has some white marks on him and my mandrin is fine aswell as all my inverts and coral .i seen the bicolor poo out some big long white thing i thought was a worm but idk.i have had a sw fish for bout 7 years now move my tank 6 times in 5 years once from calgary to edmonton in.-40 weathr and never had anything like this hapen untill i added the clown tang it lookd healthy i not bashing or sayn its anyones falt ecept natures .just want to know what it had so i can get rid of it. also would a uvsterilizer help
Don't you ever be sorry for expressing your personal opinion, if the administration here does not like members voicing their opinions; then they are in the wrong business of providing a forum.

Seems this site is all to much like a buddy buddy club when it comes to sponsors flipping a monthly bill for advertising and the power of the moderation staff to stifle members when trying to have conversation that pertains to sponsors.
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Old 03-20-2011, 06:59 PM
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Just had my water tested a two unnamed stores and its fine they think its velvet .
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Old 03-20-2011, 07:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Northernseacorals View Post
Don't you ever be sorry for expressing your personal opinion, if the administration here does not like members voicing their opinions; then they are in the wrong business of providing a forum.

Seems this site is all to much like a buddy buddy club when it comes to sponsors flipping a monthly bill for advertising and the power of the moderation staff to stifle members when trying to have conversation that pertains to sponsors.
Ya seems like i stepd on some toes mentioning names so much drama gotta love it
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Old 03-20-2011, 08:25 PM
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Sorry for your losses It is hard enough to see one fish kick it, but to watch your tank go south, that's rough.. It does sound like velvet, or at least a velvet like pathogen. If you do a forum search you'll find a few people here who have had it and have detailed their experiences with it. If it was velvet or something similar the decline and death of the fish could have easily brought down the fragile biosystem

Unfortunately you can not test for Velvet. In hind sight, the only thing you could have done was to QT, observe and possibly treat your clown tang. I realize that there are two camps on the subject. Those who don't QT for good reasons, and those who do QT for good reasons. Deciding which camp is "better" is up to the hobbyist.
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Old 03-20-2011, 08:25 PM
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I don't know what is "ag" but the lesson learned here should be "I will never put another fish in my tank without proper quarantine".

The fish probably had marine velvet and that killed everything very fast because velvet is a very fast killer.

Originally Posted by prodogg02 View Post
I recently got a clown tang and then twodays later it dies i took the dead thing all my othtrr fish are dieing. Got up this morning my 8 inch majestic angle i have for 6 years is layn on bottom as well as my bicolor and the lemon peal is dead missing one pj cardnal the other two are fine all the fishwithyellow inthem seen tobe turning white all over with cloudy eyes and redish blotchs onthere side noticed it bout weekago my cleaner wrass is mia ass well as my cleand shrimp.idk what happen but leason learnd i guess never get fish from ag. I dont kbow what the clown tang gave them or how long i should wait to add new ones .ijust moved everything from my 75 to a 125 long and 2 weeks later it all dies wtf
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Old 03-20-2011, 08:34 PM
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If you thought the fish didn't look healthy, or if you had issues with other fish from that vendor, why did you add it to your display without quarantining it first?

It's one thing to voice an opinion, it's another to slander a local business because you couldn't be bothered to take the appropriate steps to minimize the risk to your established system.

Maybe from your troubles in february you used some equipment that introduced whatever it was that wiped that tank out into your other tank? Maybe the tank moved destabilised something... doesn't matter how many you've done it before the potential is always there. Or, maybe the new fish introduced something into your tank. But before you go slamming the retailer like you did in your first post ask yourself what steps did you take to minimize the risk. Every vendor, no matter how reputable, can get diseases and parasites in their tanks.

I don't see any "buddy buddy" stuff when it comes to the sponsors here and Mod's stifling discussion. If your post had said "I bought this fish from xxx vendor and it was gasping... they said it was a heavy breathing pufferfish and now it's dead" then yeah, slam the vendor to your hearts content. But when it's "I couldn't be bothered to quarantine a fish before I put it into my display tank and now everything is dead"... then it's nobodies fault but your own, and slamming the vendor is inappropriate. It's common knowledge that very few vendors practice appropriate quarantine methods. Knowing that, you can either quarantine it yourself, or toss the dice and dump it in your display tank.
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