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omg everything dead in few days
I recently got a clown tang and then twodays later it dies i took the dead thing out.now all my othtrr fish are dieing. Got up this morning my 8 inch majestic angle i have for 6 years is layn on bottom as well as my bicolor and the lemon peal is dead missing one pj cardnal the other two are fine all the fishwithyellow inthem seen tobe turning white all over with cloudy eyes and redish blotchs onthere side noticed it bout weekago my cleaner wrass is mia ass well as my cleand shrimp.idk what happen but leason learnd i guess never get fish from ag. I dont kbow what the clown tang gave them or how long i should wait to add new ones .ijust moved everything from my 75 to a 125 long and 2 weeks later it all dies wtf
perhaps the tank was in a mini cycle from the move and adding a new fish pushed the tank over the edge of what the system could deal with?
Test your ammonia.
Levels are fine the fish are turning white and have red blotchs like there bleeding( the yellow fish do) and there eyes are all cloudy and fins look like they falln apart
Cloudy eyes are a sign of water quality.
The levels can't be fine if the fish are dying, as the breakdown of the dead fish will cause some changes, unless you have done a masive water change. When you moved the tank, did you take the sand with it? Any additives to stabalize the bacteria? Ken |
Sure sounds like FW septicemia when I had FW fish!
Also, check your Ammonia again! Your testing fluids maybe off. Not sure what can be done at this point. Fish that far gone cannot be helped. In the mean time, lots of water changes and carbon the heck out of the DT. Make sure you clean the equipment (nets, buckets, siphon tubes etc) so that you don't spread that around. Sorry to hear about this. Hate to see a tank completely gone from one fish. Good luck. |
I know its not my water its fine theygot some kinda sickness i still have some fish that are fine and all my inverts are still alive as well as corals .my other two pj cardnals fine no spots or nothing on them as well as my mandrin hes still huntn pods .ill take a few pics and bring them to blueworld ill bring a water sample two mYbe my kits are bunk but i just got new api ones
You can't blame Aqua Giant for that. EVERY lfs gets a fish here and there that can be carrying something you can't see. Nobody can say they have never lost a fish or two from a top shelf retailer.
The healthiest fish in my tank came from Aqua Giant. And I know others with nice fish from there as well. The fish must have looked ok as you purchased it. I am sorry this happened to you, but that is more a reason to set up a hospital tank. Aqua Giant is a sponsor on here as well. I find it funny that nobody says anything when this sponsor gets bashed publicly. If this were any other SPONSOR the bullets would be flying. Maybe consider using their forum and making your comments. Or call the store and perhaps talk to them. They are easy to deal with. Looks like you had a dying fish issue in Feb as well... A few weeks back. http://www.canreef.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=73142 Good luck. Hope you do not lose anything else. |
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