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View Poll Results: How did you get rid of majanos?
biological? (please post) 7 10.61%
Aiptasia destroyer 1 1.52%
Aiptasia-X 11 16.67%
some other product she doesn't know about 8 12.12%
Kalk 3 4.55%
Lemon Juice 9 13.64%
Kalk mixed with something (please post) 1 1.52%
boiled/got rid of rock 4 6.06%
you are so screwed 27 40.91%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 66. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 11-19-2010, 11:18 PM
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Originally Posted by michika View Post
Is this the same stuff that you "appropriated"? What about us normal people who don't have an "awesome" job with such access? How would we find it?
You should be able to find it at a soapmaking shop, its also known as lye. 16 grams per 100ml water equals a 4N solution. Half that amount would also work but the RC thread I read said the 4N solution was more efficient.
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Old 11-19-2010, 11:25 PM
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Just to add here but im going for the zapper route for me, I looked at building my own but I contacted PaulB on reefsanctuary and he told me $95 shipped to BC. I dunno its a bit much but looks way more solid and sound then anything id jimmy together, real professional and it seems to work by all the reviews and from what I understand I think hes getting a patent on it. (my problem is id have to build one that looks the same as his and to do that and get all the parts,tools and such to work the materials hes using its not worth it for one)
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Old 11-20-2010, 12:04 AM
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Originally Posted by zum14 View Post
Just to add here but im going for the zapper route for me, I looked at building my own but I contacted PaulB on reefsanctuary and he told me $95 shipped to BC. I dunno its a bit much but looks way more solid and sound then anything id jimmy together, real professional and it seems to work by all the reviews and from what I understand I think hes getting a patent on it. (my problem is id have to build one that looks the same as his and to do that and get all the parts,tools and such to work the materials hes using its not worth it for one)
Oh cool!! I wanted to get one from him as well but wasn't sure if he was selling them or what was going on. I would likely have mostly just zapped myself with a DIY one as I'm not all that handy. Let us know how it works out for you!
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Old 11-20-2010, 02:18 AM
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4N or 4.0M? Certainly something I will be trying as these things won't go away!
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Old 11-20-2010, 02:24 AM
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4N, 4M would melt everything I would imagine.
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Old 11-20-2010, 02:47 PM
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I only ever got one mananos and took the rock out and chiseled the portion of the rock away.

For aptasia I tried Aptasia X and Joe's Juice. I found the I think they are essentially the same product but for some reason I found that the Apatasia X kept better.

I thought I was pest free until I noticed a dime size aptasia in my overflow last night. Obviously my CBB can't get to it there.
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Old 11-23-2010, 03:28 AM
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Oops! I got a little carried away with the sodium hydroxide today and burnt a few small holes in my Monti Cap. Stuff works great, but you gotta be careful with it. Luckily it only stays hot for a few seconds in the tank water. I think for my next killing spree I'll use a large spatula to keep it away from the good guys.
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Old 11-25-2010, 07:18 PM
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I've tried Aptasia X, Lemon juice and Aptasia Destroyer. All 3 appeared to kill the little buggers but then WHAM! I now have an outbreak, there are hundreds of little ones and many of them are underneath rocks where I can't get at them.

So far the only thing that's actually worked is boiling rocks - but I can't boil all of them. So now I'm trying Berghia.

The Berghia have only been in a week, haven't seen them since, don't even know if they survived.
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Old 11-25-2010, 08:59 PM
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i think im at the thousands mark in my tank and im just waiting to hear of a fish that will deal with them, i tried injecting them but unfortunately i cant reach the bottom of my tank so they just spread again. ive considered removing and boiling the rock but its not really an option if i dont want to shut down. Is there any specific butterfly that has a taste for majanos ( i know cbb for aptasia but do they like majanos?) what about the seagrass filefish, is it a sure thing?
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Old 12-09-2010, 02:02 AM
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I will assume that thses guys will die the same as aiptasia... TORCH THEM!!! Pull the rock out, torch the bugger with a bic lighter... or better yet, one of those little torch lighters. It will pop, and turn black, at such time you can laugh and call it names.

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