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View Poll Results: How did you get rid of majanos?
biological? (please post) 7 10.61%
Aiptasia destroyer 1 1.52%
Aiptasia-X 11 16.67%
some other product she doesn't know about 8 12.12%
Kalk 3 4.55%
Lemon Juice 9 13.64%
Kalk mixed with something (please post) 1 1.52%
boiled/got rid of rock 4 6.06%
you are so screwed 27 40.91%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 66. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 10-09-2010, 06:28 PM
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Hi Christy,

I wish there was a salection somewhere in between "you are so screwesd" and "Boilded/got rid of rock"

I am so screwed, and I'm getting rid of my rock. Problem is that I'm not allowed to post up my frags for sale anymore, I guess I have too many, and the moderators pulled the post.
This really screws you up, cause if you have as much SPS as I do, and this many Majano's the only thing to do is frag the corals down to nothing and then soak the rock in fresh water, or boil them.
I made it through five rocks or so out of twenty or more, and then my posts started getting pulled, so I hope that the moderators are a little nicer to you if you end up having to go down the same road that I did.

I wish you luck, and hope that you can get rid of those buggers.
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Old 10-09-2010, 06:38 PM
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Yeah, I don't think my "infestation" is nearly as bad as yours if you're having to pull all your rock. I'm somewhere in between "gee there are a lot of majanos in there" and "its going to get really ugly in about 3 months or so". I'm too lazy to pull my rock out and really do anything about it but I will go at it with either some sort of biological means or chemical (I've been reading about a 4N solution of sodium hydroxide that is supposed to work wonders and I have access to that so I'll definitely be trying it). I'd love to get one of those majano zapper thingys they look like they're the answer.
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Old 10-15-2010, 03:00 PM
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I zap them. Works good and really easy to build your own for about $20. There is a DIY thread on it on this site already. Not actually a zapper but more of a acidic effect on them.
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Old 10-15-2010, 08:45 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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I would love to see a pic of a prolific Mojano infestation as i have neve actually seen one...

at least mojano are a little prettier than Aiptasia...
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Old 10-17-2010, 10:11 AM
reeferious reeferious is offline
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Default majano destroyer

out of desperation first tried a butterfly aruga that cleaned up majano then wreaked havoc on the lps. went onto seagrass filefish and now no more majano or aptasias.
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Old 11-18-2010, 09:48 PM
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Old 11-19-2010, 06:05 PM
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I added a "you're so screwed vote".

Things that have worked for me, and I run a majano farm!
- Lemon juice injected into the stalk, this requires precision and skill.
- Kalk paste in a syringe injected into the stalk. Kalk scares me, but its about as effective as lemon juice.
- When you get fed up just take expoxy or super glue and glue over them. Worked for me on a few stubborn ones. Also was pretty cathartic.
- Mojano zapper, I bought all the parts, I just have to assemble it, so I'll let you know how it goes.
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Old 11-19-2010, 10:21 PM
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LOL, thanks Catherine

I ended up trying the 4N sodium hydroxide route. Works like a charm and I've gone on two killing sprees so far with a third scheduled. I just kill them as I find them and a couple rocks I have just removed from the tank and either removed the majanos manually or doused them liberally with the sodium hydroxide due to the sheer numbers of majanos on them (there are only a couple rocks like that with 10+ majanos).
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Old 11-19-2010, 10:33 PM
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Originally Posted by christyf5 View Post
LOL, thanks Catherine

I ended up trying the 4N sodium hydroxide route. Works like a charm and I've gone on two killing sprees so far with a third scheduled. I just kill them as I find them and a couple rocks I have just removed from the tank and either removed the majanos manually or doused them liberally with the sodium hydroxide due to the sheer numbers of majanos on them (there are only a couple rocks like that with 10+ majanos).

+1 Sodium Hydroxide is far & away the best pest remover I've seen.
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Old 11-19-2010, 10:59 PM
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Is this the same stuff that you "appropriated"? What about us normal people who don't have an "awesome" job with such access? How would we find it?
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