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Old 11-04-2010, 08:27 PM
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I do like quiznos, but Mr. Sub takes the cake just harder to find locations.....

And i cant see the double down being all that bad, its healthy, just chicken cheese, and bacon....oh and a 30 minute run afterwards! Problem solved....

People dont realize you can eat whatever garbage food you want but the appropriate amount of exersize is required so that you dont balloon up afterward!

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Old 11-04-2010, 09:23 PM
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Originally Posted by globaldesigns View Post
The funny thing about the double down, is that there was just an article last week on about one egg being higher in cholesteral than one double down. So does that mean we need to ban the egg also?

Subway, YUCK.... Quizno's, YUM YUM. HEHE
Ohh I know where I'm going for supper hellloo Honey Bacon Club .
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Old 11-04-2010, 09:54 PM
spawn spawn is offline
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Just wondering, in your opinion,
Are we as humans solely responsible for global warming as well?
Are Oil-sands really that bad? 1/10 of 1% of global co2
Are cell phones dangerous to talk on while driving? (no texting that's for idiots)
These are just a few quick questions for d-----y and other like minded individuals, that I wonder about.

IMO #1 No wake up. # 2 Better than liberal tax & buy else where policies. # 3 If you can't talk and drive you should walk.

I can't wait for the MASSIVE, ASTONISHING, GROUNDBREAKING, EARTHSHAKING Media announcement, that life can be bad for your health, and that all of the do-gooders on this rock with their brilliant idea's CANNOT FIX US or the planet. JIMO.
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Old 11-04-2010, 10:04 PM
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A sampling of the air may be in order....Just a thought.
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Old 11-04-2010, 10:17 PM
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Originally Posted by spawn View Post
Just wondering, in your opinion,
Are we as humans solely responsible for global warming as well?
Are Oil-sands really that bad? 1/10 of 1% of global co2
Are cell phones dangerous to talk on while driving? (no texting that's for idiots)
These are just a few quick questions for d-----y and other like minded individuals, that I wonder about.

IMO #1 No wake up. # 2 Better than liberal tax & buy else where policies. # 3 If you can't talk and drive you should walk.

I can't wait for the MASSIVE, ASTONISHING, GROUNDBREAKING, EARTHSHAKING Media announcement, that life can be bad for your health, and that all of the do-gooders on this rock with their brilliant idea's CANNOT FIX US or the planet. JIMO.

Haha nice, I don't think I would have made the connection between a kids happy meal and global warming.

Just for fun, I will play your game

#1 Obviously not "solely" but that doesn't mean we don't contribute. I would say we do a "good" job at pitching in, and by good I mean fantastic. I guess we shouldn't look at ourselves and blame the stupid volcanoes, why can't they play nice like us humans?

#2 Really bad compared to what?

#3 Talking on a cell phone is different from talking to someone sitting besides you. When you are talking to someone sitting besides you, the other person is also aware of the surroundings (stops talking to you while you turn left in a busy intersection) and can communicate with you effectively depending on the context. Also, studies show that reaction times while using a cell phone are impaired. I tend to prefer sharing the road with drivers who are not impaired, I dunno maybe it is just me.

Just my "d-----y" opinion.

I do think that the best solution, is through better education. After all, legally banning the happy meal is silly. Anyways, I appreciate the distraction
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Old 11-04-2010, 10:44 PM
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1) When was the last Ice age? When is the next one?
2) Iraq, Kuwait, Texas, Gulf of Mexico. The last one is my favorite. D.Y.K that there are enough pipes under all that "water" (prior to the last oopsy daisy) that you could almost walk the bottom from Merida' to Texas straight north without stepping in mud. That is of course if we could breath like our fishies.
3)I grew up on the Island, figures there would be liberal support in regards to the ban. haha
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Old 11-04-2010, 10:46 PM
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Oh yeah, Wendy is my second wife cause I know when it's real. B.B.D./ J.B.C.
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Old 11-04-2010, 11:17 PM
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The issue is giving TOYS with the meals. No one said the kids menu was going away or anything like that.

The point is that the TOY is what the kids want and the parents put better judgement aside for sake of the toy. While this may sound ridiculous to any decent parent, you'd be amazed how well the toy works in getting families to Mc D's for a Happy Meal.

Underneath all of this is an underlying problem that is not unique to Mc Donalds, or even the fast food industry but extends into many other industries as well -Pharmaceuticals come to mind- where profits (often obscene ones) are put ahead of the well being of the client.

Of course it's your RIGHT to feed your child and yourself whatever you want however since there is so little good judgement out there and the health care costs are out of control as a result, it's governments' responsibility to step in and force industry to stop taking advantage of people who can't take care of themselves.

29 Gal Bowfront w/24" LED Lights. DIY HOB Sump (5.4 Gal) MP40. Orange Spotted Watchman Goby, 2 Clownfish and a few hermits.
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Old 11-04-2010, 11:31 PM
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Originally Posted by DiverDude View Post
The issue is giving TOYS with the meals. No one said the kids menu was going away or anything like that.

The point is that the TOY is what the kids want and the parents put better judgement aside for sake of the toy. While this may sound ridiculous to any decent parent, you'd be amazed how well the toy works in getting families to Mc D's for a Happy Meal.

Underneath all of this is an underlying problem that is not unique to Mc Donalds, or even the fast food industry but extends into many other industries as well -Pharmaceuticals come to mind- where profits (often obscene ones) are put ahead of the well being of the client.

Of course it's your RIGHT to feed your child and yourself whatever you want however since there is so little good judgement out there and the health care costs are out of control as a result, it's governments' responsibility to step in and force industry to stop taking advantage of people who can't take care of themselves.
It's amazing how when you get the right context things make more sense. Thank you for this.
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Old 11-05-2010, 12:08 AM
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Originally Posted by DiverDude View Post
The issue is giving TOYS with the meals. No one said the kids menu was going away or anything like that.

The point is that the TOY is what the kids want and the parents put better judgement aside for sake of the toy. While this may sound ridiculous to any decent parent, you'd be amazed how well the toy works in getting families to Mc D's for a Happy Meal.

Underneath all of this is an underlying problem that is not unique to Mc Donalds, or even the fast food industry but extends into many other industries as well -Pharmaceuticals come to mind- where profits (often obscene ones) are put ahead of the well being of the client.

Of course it's your RIGHT to feed your child and yourself whatever you want however since there is so little good judgement out there and the health care costs are out of control as a result, it's governments' responsibility to step in and force industry to stop taking advantage of people who can't take care of themselves.
Yeah, but is that going to stop the mother/father from buying a burger, fries and pop at McD's. Just cause they ban, because of the toy, wont' decrease the sales, they will just have to buy them as seperate items.

Again, very stupid overall.... And what I am trying to get across to people is what right does government have to start banning things like this? And where will it stop? If we, the people don't voice ourselves and say ENOUGH, eventually what will become of our freedoms?

Setup: 180G DT, 105G Refuge (approx. 300lbs LR, 150lbs Aragonite)
Hardware: Super Reef Octopus SSS-3000, Tunze ATO, Mag 18 return, 2x MP40W, 2X Koralia 4's Wavemaker
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