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globaldesigns 11-04-2010 06:54 PM

I just can't believe this!
San franscisco banning McDonalds Happy Meals!!!

Oh come on now, they think that will really stop the obesity. What is even funnier is all the Canadians that approve this.

Eventually we won't be able to ****/SH@#$@# when we want, won't be able to have a beer... HEHE, we will have to apply for a permit to have sexual relations!!!!

I just shake my head sometimes.

sphelps 11-04-2010 07:11 PM

Won't people just buy kids the larger meals then? I see this making obesity worse instead of better. Plus Mc D's doesn't make kids fat, parents that overfeed them with junk do.

I remember when my family first moved to Canada, we'd go to Mc D's and share 3 kids meals between the 6 of us and it was plenty. :lol:

Zoaelite 11-04-2010 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 561964)
Won't people just buy kids the larger meals then? I see this making obesity worse instead of better. Plus Mc D's doesn't make kids fat, parents that overfeed them with junk do.

I remember when my family first moved to Canada, we'd go to Mc D's and share 3 kids meals between the 6 of us and it was plenty. :lol:

Ya agreed, if Mom's going to drive to McDonalds for her Super sized Big Mac Combo she sure as heck isn't going to walk across the street to buy something healthy for the kids just because the kids menu has been removed.

Sometimes I just need to shake my head and realize/ accept we are a race full of idiots... It's unfortunate that the challenge comes down to putting someone less idiotic in charge :neutral:.

kien 11-04-2010 07:28 PM

one word.. Idiocracy.

jorjef 11-04-2010 07:51 PM

Where do they get these highbrow ideas from? What next, take the prize out of Cracker Jacks? ...... If they even make that anymore, could be dating myself here. Parents are ultimately responsible for their childrens health and fitness, not Mcd's. ..... How many kids have been a four day diet of candy? maybe we should cancel Halloween.

dsaundry 11-04-2010 08:01 PM

Imo all fast food chains should be banned. Or at least be forced to make healthy options available, not just healthy sounding ones. Sorry people but the food that they serve for the most part is garbage.

sphelps 11-04-2010 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by dsaundry (Post 561974)
Imo all fast food chains should be banned. Or at least be forced to make healthy options available, not just healthy sounding ones. Sorry people but the food that they serve for the most part is garbage.

That's just silly, if you don't like don't eat it. Might as well ban freedom of speech too, most of what people say could be considered garbage as well :wink:

globaldesigns 11-04-2010 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by dsaundry (Post 561974)
Imo all fast food chains should be banned. Or at least be forced to make healthy options available, not just healthy sounding ones. Sorry people but the food that they serve for the most part is garbage.

I agree, the food overall in fast food chains is garbage... But I can tell you this, even if you go to a fine dining restaurant, the food isn't that good for you either. Remember lots of butter, oils, carbs. So eating out overall isn't that great. So do we ban much more than Happy Meals?

Education is what is key!!! Where is the education, being in schools or by parents? It is up to us, as individuals to make our own choices, not governments.

So I disagree with banning, why? If I choose to live off McD's then I should have that right... As a father of 2, we do eat out at times, we do have occasional McD's, but again other than that, we also try to lead a healthy lifestyle. I should always have that choice!!!

Funny, Soviet Union fought long and hard for freedoms, and probably still do. We take what we have for granted, and now let government tell us what to do. Call us the New Soviet Republic!!!

RedCoralEdmonton 11-04-2010 08:21 PM

mmmm Double

But really there are alternatives to going to McD's, its called Subway...


globaldesigns 11-04-2010 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by RedCoralEdmonton (Post 561982)
mmmm Double

But really there are alternatives to going to McD's, its called Subway...


The funny thing about the double down, is that there was just an article last week on about one egg being higher in cholesteral than one double down. So does that mean we need to ban the egg also?

Subway, YUCK.... Quizno's, YUM YUM. HEHE

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