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Old 03-18-2010, 05:02 PM
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Until all 3D programming/movies is at the quality of what Avatar was in theatres, I won't even consider it. It's such a gimmick at this point I'm hesitant to even think of the value of the potential for 3D. It's sometimes cool to watch in theaters, but a lot of times it's the rare effect added after production to get the "wow" out.

In retrospect, even watching it with Avatar wasn't that engrossing. Sure it was interesting and new, but honestly I go to the theatre for that experience.

Just my $0.02.
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Old 03-18-2010, 05:13 PM
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They look neat, but I don't think I'll be shelling out that kind of dough for them. We've watched a couple of old style 3d with the red/blue glasses and I found that even on a decent sized 40" screen there just wasn't enough viewing area to do the effect justice. I also just don't like wearing the glasses

If they become mainstream and the price comes down to believable levels then I'll consider them. But until then I'm happy with plain old high def!
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Old 03-18-2010, 07:08 PM
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no content and sound like there a might be competing technologies battle to be sorted out.
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Old 03-18-2010, 07:34 PM
spikehs spikehs is offline
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Originally Posted by mark View Post
no content and sound like there a might be competing technologies battle to be sorted out.
I know that the Blu-Ray association has settled on a format, the active shutter method was finailzed for blu-ray a few months back so that part should be settled.

But the lack of content is whats going to hurt it, why would you not do the major publicity push when you have avatar 3d bluray ready to go. Makes no sense to me. Oh well, the sooner its out, the sooner its perfected, and the sooner it gets cheaper. Which all means that I can get it into my filthy mits sooner.

From all the reviews I've read the 3D gaming has been the most impressive, as you can easily convert 3D graphics (including movies) properly in post production rather than doing live actions movies in post production, like most are these days
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Old 03-18-2010, 09:16 PM
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I'm with waiting on the technology. As more and more movies come out in 3D these TVs will be more alluring but by then the technology will also have improved and prices will be lower. My LCD TV is working great for me still after like 2-3 years and does everything I want it to still (games, movies, TV).
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Old 03-18-2010, 10:18 PM
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I don't think it's a gimmick as much as an advancement, so to say it's pointless is the same as saying HD is a fad/gimmick and therefore pointless. It does need some work but I did see a TV at an electronics show which could actually produce 3D without glasses!! A few years before that technology is available to us though.
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Old 03-18-2010, 11:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Wingin It View Post
And why are all those young punks always hanging around the malls with their shorts always showing?? And do they really need to attach their wallets to long chains? I guess they do if they're already loosing their pants! LOL

(Sorry for hijacking the thread...I couldn't help myself 'cause I think i'm getting old too! LOL)

The chain is to make no one steals their bus pass.


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Old 03-19-2010, 06:39 PM
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Don't buy the TV, just wait for the technology to convert regular HDTV's to 3D. Its already out there:

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Old 03-20-2010, 03:07 AM
Kryptic4L Kryptic4L is offline
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Originally Posted by Diana View Post
Don't buy the TV, just wait for the technology to convert regular HDTV's to 3D. Its already out there:

i dont think you even need the chip, whats really throwing me for a loop is this, since when do you need 240 hz for 3d, I would imagine this is a spawn from nvidia's technology for 3d glasses which only requires a 120 hz monitor..
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Old 03-20-2010, 05:05 AM
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you know if I didn't just buy 3 new TVs in the fall when I moved I would be all over that in a 60" size. there may not be many movies out now but next year you will see a bunch. my only hope is they still make normal bluerays as well as 3d.

but I have a few peevs on blue ray also.. why is it the rental places are resisting increasing the blue ray sections? I go to rodgers and they have 20 movies in blue ray probably less than 10% of the "new titles" blue ray players are very afordable now and upconvert dvds so why are more people not getting them?

also if you have to where 3d glasses to watch the 3d movies, are they going to make them available in prescription lenses? I am at that age where I need my glasses to watch tv now, but I still like it loud but that could be cuz I am 1/2 def also.. at least thats what the better half tells me.

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