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Old 12-02-2008, 03:09 AM
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Originally Posted by tgoeujon View Post
mine lives under the mushroom that my sexies host, doesnt really sift and hardly ever leaves the bottom
- 1 for not sifting but a big
+ 1 for not eating the sexies!
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Old 12-02-2008, 03:23 AM
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I have a Diamond Watchman Goby which is pretty much the same thing as a Yellow Watchman. He is inseparable from the pistol shrimp and they make a great sand sifting team without displacing to much sand like a Sleeper Goby would. They've done such a great job that their little patch has been the only part of the sandbed that hasn't had any cyano issues. They live about a foot away from a pair of Sexy Shrimp and the goby has never shown as interest.
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Old 12-02-2008, 03:30 AM
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Mine very rarely ventures out of his "den" that he shares with a pistol shrimp. Very timid, and doesn't do much to sift the sand, other than immediately surrounding the entrances to their home. Lot's of major excavating, then you pretty much don't see him, except to poke his head out at feeding time. Mine is several years old now.

If you want a cool sand sifter, I have a twin spot goby that does a great job. They are supposed to be hard to keep, but if you have an established sand bed, they should be okay. Very visible fish - out much more than the yellow watchman. Always roaming and "chowing down" on the sand, but doesn't scatter it - filters it right back out through his gills. Very neat fish...
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Old 12-02-2008, 03:32 AM
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Copying an earlier post of mine about my YWG:
Originally Posted by Matt
I can't recommend the YWG myself, but for different reasons. Mine grew up, turned itself grey (not nearly as attractive) and has become the bully of the tank. It ate at least one (that I caught it at) cleaner shrimp, and eats anything that moves or stays still. Add that to the mess it makes of the sand and any low-sitting corals, and you've got the least-favourite fish I've ever owned. Hardy, though. Still going strong years later. And it is categorically, most definitely, NOT shy.
Mine has also jumped into the overflow several times. That is a rescue operation I don't fancy. Grey, grumpy, and carnivorous. What's not to recommend? But that face... hard to resist its pout. Oh, and it killed a second YWG I put in hoping they'd bond.

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Old 12-02-2008, 04:04 AM
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Originally Posted by dstasiuk View Post
Mine very rarely ventures out of his "den" that he shares with a pistol shrimp. Very timid, and doesn't do much to sift the sand, other than immediately surrounding the entrances to their home. Lot's of major excavating, then you pretty much don't see him, except to poke his head out at feeding time. Mine is several years old now.

If you want a cool sand sifter, I have a twin spot goby that does a great job. They are supposed to be hard to keep, but if you have an established sand bed, they should be okay. Very visible fish - out much more than the yellow watchman. Always roaming and "chowing down" on the sand, but doesn't scatter it - filters it right back out through his gills. Very neat fish...

I think I've seen the twinspot's at J&L, pretty cool looking. I don't really need a super-bright fish, just one that plays well with others and I like the idea of something that will sift my sandbed.
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Old 12-02-2008, 03:58 PM
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I have a YWG paired with a pistol shrimp in my 15G Nano. He and the pistol live under the rock on the left side of my tank and they do a lot of work with the sand (primarly the pistol - it used its big claw like a scoop and is quite amazing to watch). He's very peaceful but my girlfriend thinks he's a wuss as he retreats in a flash every time he sees someone move. He loves my feeding stick, though and is almost instantly out when I put it down there. Haven't tried putting him on pellets as he's still my only fish and I spoil him.

I have a 2-3" sandbed which they seem happy with.

Felix is the srhimp and I named the Goby Oscar.

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Old 12-02-2008, 10:47 PM
Alberta-newb Alberta-newb is offline
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I've had my YWG for about 6 months now (first fish in) and has only jumped into my overflow once (I think he learned his lesson) Doesn't move much sand around except for building his burrow under a rock. He initially did pair up with my pistol for about 2 weeks but thet went through a divorce and I don't think they'll reconcile. Moved to the opposite side of the tank and stayed there up untill a week ago when he decided to move somwhere in the back where I rarely see him He gets spooked by the larger fish but definitely shows attitude if I come near him with my fingers
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