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Old 12-02-2008, 01:13 AM
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Question Who has a Yellow Watchman Goby?

I like the looks of these guys but don't know much about them so I have a couple of questions for the people who have them: (I've read a bunch online but I get conflicting ifo from different sites)
Are they a sand-sifting species? and if so, are they the kind that spits the sand up high closing all of your corals and clams?
Are they jumpers?
Do you think they would get along with my other fish in a 120g (scooter blenny, false percs, SF tang, Lawn mower Blenny, coral beauty, 3 chromis, yellow wrasse, foxface)
Would a 2" sandbed be deep enough for them?
edit: also: would he eat my sexy shrimp?

Thanks to everyone who answers!!

Last edited by Keri; 12-02-2008 at 01:16 AM.
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Old 12-02-2008, 01:32 AM
NHRA NHRA is offline
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We have two yellow watchman gobys in our 125gl and have had no problems with them. As for your questions.
Yes, they are sand sifters
No, they don't seem to pile the sand up
No body has jumped yet let alone leave the bottom 3" of the tank
No social issues with our other fish,hippo tang, yellow tang, two clowns, scooter blenny, 4 chromis, flame angel, potters angel, royal gramma and some other kind of goby (can't remember)
We have between 1" and 2" of sand bed and they seem to like there burrows under the live rock.
Don't know about the shrimp.
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Old 12-02-2008, 01:32 AM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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I dont know about the sexy shrimp but as for being big sand movers mine isn't. As for being a jumper..well all I can say is mine has gotton into my overflow and I have found him weeks later still kickin..he seems to be in a spot he likes now though. He is in my 72g with Coral Beauty, Chromis, and Cleaner, Pistol,Coral Banded,and Pepermint Shrimps as well as several other species of fish...So far he seems quite harmless...Sexy shrimp might be in his nibble list..Pretty small...
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Old 12-02-2008, 01:35 AM
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Thank you!!

I really like my sexies but they tend to stick to their birdsnest coral (to the point of if I bring it up out of the water they come with it!!) so if I keep that up near the top they might be ok.
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Old 12-02-2008, 01:39 AM
kipsix kipsix is offline
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I had one until 2 days ago.
Sifted sand, but not much. Never ate my sexy shrimp, I had 4 in with it. No social issues. Infact it was housed with a big pistol shrimp (1.5-2") until my Golden Dwarf Eel ate the shrimp.... Then the Goby housed with the Eel??
Seldomly ever left the bottom of the tank. It was in with a Coral Beauty, Eel and some random damsel.
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Old 12-02-2008, 01:39 AM
steve fedyk steve fedyk is offline
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I have Yellow Watchman in my 120, he lives with a pistol srimp. The two of them dig all the sand out from under my rock. I put ther the rock in first then added sand, so they should be safe. They will hide in the back of the tank for weeks, and then come out for weeks. They just push the sand around in one corner of my tank and make piles. My sand bed is 1" in the front and 3"-4" in the back.
I feed the reagler frozzen food and pellets. I don't think they will jump out of your tank.
A shy little fish.
120 G sps reef, looking to build bigger.
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Old 12-02-2008, 01:50 AM
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I have a Yellow Watchman in my 90 gal. He lives with a Blue Gudgeon (kinda weird). He's a great little fish (my wife's favourite: she says he looks just like Bert on Sesame Street). He is quite timid of the larger fish (Fox Face, SF Tang, Coral Beauty, Ruby-headed Wrasse and 2 Fasle Percs) and spends most of his day in or around his den under the rocks. He is not a big sand sifter or jumper, and has never shown any interest in the inverts.
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Old 12-02-2008, 02:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Lance View Post
I have a Yellow Watchman in my 90 gal. He lives with a Blue Gudgeon (kinda weird). He's a great little fish (my wife's favourite: she says he looks just like Bert on Sesame Street). He is quite timid of the larger fish (Fox Face, SF Tang, Coral Beauty, Ruby-headed Wrasse and 2 Fasle Percs) and spends most of his day in or around his den under the rocks. He is not a big sand sifter or jumper, and has never shown any interest in the inverts.

That's too funny - I was going to name him Bert if I get one!!
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Old 12-02-2008, 02:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Keri View Post
That's too funny - I was going to name him Bert if I get one!!

Well, he does look like Bert! Ours is called "Toby the Goby".
Oh, and he eats anything I give him as well.
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Old 12-02-2008, 02:51 AM
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mine lives under the mushroom that my sexies host, doesnt really sift and hardly ever leaves the bottom
110 gallon mixed reef with 77 gallon sump/frag tank
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