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Old 05-14-2008, 12:54 PM
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visitor tampering was ruled out today.
but what the heck do i know
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Old 05-14-2008, 02:51 PM
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Originally Posted by i have crabs
and im quite shure the baby hippo did not die it was on loan from a zoo in quebec and is now back thier in a brand new exzibit.
Hippo did die.

I've seen touch tanks in a few locations, and I'm always amazed by the idea... How can you possibly make it safe for the animals (and in some cases, the guests)? Up close and interactive with wildlife (stand there, baby, while mommy gets a picture of you with the elk)... it's a disneyfied world, folks. Everything is a cartoon.

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Old 05-14-2008, 03:00 PM
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Originally Posted by i have crabs View Post
im guessing a possible disolved oxygen issue but just a guess, i would think if it was polluted by someone either by accident or on purpose it would have to be alot of something to mess up a tank that size and i just dont see it happening.
also trimming the stingers is the same as trimming your fingernails but im not shure how you hold down a 2' ray and trim its barb? and im quite shure the baby hippo did not die it was on loan from a zoo in quebec and is now back thier in a brand new exzibit.
My rays would grow a replacement stinger every couple months. I wonder if they have the stingers surgically removed instead of just trimming them? It would be a hassle having to trim them every month or so.
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Old 05-14-2008, 03:22 PM
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My 2 Cents,

I wrote earlier in this thread that I spoke with the (expert). Thinking I was going to get some deep insight into the world of rays. Not the case. So why did they die? Well no one poisoned them. The water tests for nitrates etc, was good. The equipment was all working but, they still haven’t come foreword to say that there was no pollution. Lets face it even with regular water changes 400 hands in the tank an hour is going to be a problem. The zoo even said they didn’t check for pollutions. I am going to go out on a limb and say that the complete water tests showed something was in the water (not deliberately) but it has to be there and the zoo wont say what. My vote; A whole bunch of greasy hand pollution.
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Old 05-14-2008, 05:36 PM
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well lets face it kids are not well know for having clean hands, and at a place like the zoo..........

have they done autopsies? maybe someone threw a pocket full of change in and they ate it. i remember way back when they seals die from this. they last time i was at the zoo (many moons ago) they still had pic and such on display. ithink they found almost 10 bucks in small change in its stomache.
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Old 05-14-2008, 06:00 PM
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Copper in nearly undetectable trace amounts = insta-death for sharks and rays.
This and that.
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Old 05-14-2008, 06:12 PM
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I still have a hard time with the idea of pollution from hands being the cause because I wouldn't think they would all die so closely together. It doesn’t make sense to me that 400 hands per hour for months does nothing, then suddenly they all die in one day? I wouldn't think pollution would act that quickly.

A more plausible scenario that could be caused by hands would be introduction of a disease such as salmonella which is a common problem for zoos. I used salmonella as an example because when I worked at a zoo in the late 70s salmonella was a common reason for animals dying suddenly.

Another plausible scenario would be accidental addition / spillage of a large enough quantity of a chemical used at a zoo. For example, there are sterilizing chemicals in displays to prevent disease from the feces. A tub of chemical accidentally introduced could cause sudden death. There could be a copper based chemical, which as Albert mentioned, would be very toxic. Copper is common in landscaping material as a rot inhibitor.
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Old 05-14-2008, 08:30 PM
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I agree with Albert. I was wondering about some kind of metal, like copper or something like that and if that could be an explanation. I doubt we would ever get a truthful explanation for what happened tho. I like how in that globe and mail article it had this written
“In-house tests showed that the water was within “normal” parameters. But it could take up to two months for toxicology results.”
2 months, just long enough for people to start forgetting about what happened and turning their eyes to other Calgary news. Haha, man Calgary just drives me crazy these days. They show these horrible events in the news people feel so bad at first, then a week later they bombard you with hockey news and other irrelevant crap and people forget about all the bad stuff. They don’t ever seem to solve anything suspicious in this city, they just forget about it. Same thing that happens with all the murder cases in Calgary, outta sight, outta mind.
That’s my rant for the day.
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Old 05-14-2008, 08:44 PM
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I just read that 4 more died last night and now there are only 4 left. Holy smokes, I cant believe that 39 rays have died, that has go to be some kind of toxin in the water. However on a good note, they are asking for the Calgary police to step in and help, that should help solve the case..... Hahaha, like the Calgary police solve crimes.
I got drunk, what can I say
I didnt go to work today
Stayed at home, wrote a song
Thats what I do all day long
Not for you, its for me
Dont wanna be on tv
Fame and fortune is not for us
Guess its just our gloomy gus

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Old 05-14-2008, 08:54 PM
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I think you are right - this story will be forgotten by the media before the toxicology results are available. The findings won't be news in 2 months
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