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Geofrog 05-12-2008 08:44 PM

Sad News from the Calgary Zoo
Just read this in the Clgary Herald:

Stingray deaths stun Calgary Zoo
Sherri Zickefoose, Calgary Herald
Published: Monday, May 12, 2008
CALGARY - Dozens of stringrays have mysteriously and suddenly died, closing the Calgary Zoo's new exhibit.

Thirty-four stingrays have died in total. Twenty-six were found dead Sunday and this morning, eight more died. Only nine remain, according to zoo officials.

The cause of death is unknown.

Staff noticed Sunday around 1 p.m. that the stingrays had lost their appetite and started changing colour - a reaction to stress. Half a dozen staff members began trying to revive the flagging stingrays but 26 died between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m.

The remaining stingrays are being monitored. Staff are puzzled by the sudden and mysterious demise of the creatures.

The cownose stingray exhibit opened in February.

"What we do know is that there was no mechanical failure in the life support system," said Cathy Gaviller, the zoo's director of conservation, research and education.

"We know that all of the numerous water tests conducted on a daily basis since the exhibit opened have been consistently within normal range," she said. "We will be relentless in investigating the cause."

The exhibit is closed.

Delphinus 05-12-2008 09:01 PM

I just heard this as well. Terrible, just terrible. :(

Brent F 05-12-2008 09:02 PM

Quite the shock :(

LeeR 05-12-2008 09:06 PM

some one broke into the spider monkey cage at the greater vacnouver zoo and killed one monkey and maybe stole the other.... just another weird zoo thing that happend this week.

EmilyB 05-12-2008 09:10 PM

Maybe people should keep their frickin' hands off....

langdon reefer 05-12-2008 09:16 PM

i saw that on the news over the weekend im sure we will see it on the news tonight about the rays

Delphinus 05-12-2008 09:19 PM

I know other public zoos/aquariums have "touch" tanks and I don't know what kind of mortality they see, as a tourist in these places you'd never really know..

But the aquarist in me says when you see nearly 100% die off in a system in 24 hours, there are only so many explanations. The tank crashed, or, something was introduced. I don't know how sensitive rays are to ammonia/nitrite, but if the tank was crashing, I think the decline would be more gradual.

So I think something was introduced, either accidentally, or, maybe even deliberately.

Obviously a PR nightmare for the zoo, I don't know how you can pull out of this. Close the exhibit permanently? Or try again? Either option is going to make them look bad.

I feel just sick about this. 34 dead rays... I can't believe it. So very sad.

xtreme 05-12-2008 09:25 PM

ya that really sucks:sad:

Ephraim 05-12-2008 09:30 PM

surprised they lasted this long, the way that system was designed. Probably the fluctuating SG. there goes 500K well spent.

michika 05-13-2008 01:40 AM

So sad!

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