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![]() Tax Free day in the US allready.. Man that sux.
Dan Pesonen Umm, a tank or 5 |
![]() Well....Im very happy to see gas go up...just in time for summer......I bought a new boat this year......and it hold 64 US gallons.....translation...... 242 litres......ummmmm...thats gonna hurt ......luckily on an average weekend a person only uses about 1/2 of that........then of course there is the truck to pull the thing around.....I guess all you can do is have fun......and be thankful a person is healthy
![]() Do you run that boat up and down Chestermere Lake? Must be a short trip!
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As for the oil companies profiting hugely every year while gas prices rise almost daily; as long as people continue to buy and drive ridicoulously oversized unecessary vehicles and burn more and more fuel, the oil companies will continue on this path. People complain about the cost per litre to feed their gas hungry SUVs and trucks, but they are as yet unwilling to get rid of them for a more ecomomical option. The gas is flowing out of the pumps just as fast as when the prices were half of what they are today. Good old rules of supply and demand. I drive a full size truck too, but only as much as I have to. I do genuinly need a truck sometimes, which is why I own it, but my motorcycles are my primary vehicles. Yes, that's hard to believe in Alberta, but I do put nearly triple the miles on my bikes that I do my truck. So for those of you who can't manage the price of a Smart car or a hybrid; perhaps you should get a motorcycle. My R1100RS gets a lousy 45 mpg city and 55 hwy, while my little F650GS gets 65 and 75. Even burning premium, its still a bargain. And they're a ton of fun to boot. ![]()
I retired and got a fixed income but it's broke. Ed _______________________________________ 50 gallon FOWLR, 10 gallon sump. 130 gallon reef, 20 gallon sump, 10 gallon refugium. 10 gallon quarantine. 60 gallon winter tank for pond fish. 300 gallon pond with waterfall. |
![]() I beleive that the Americans per capita debt is smaller than ours. I'll need to verify that though.
After some research I was wrong. Canadian per capita debt: $15500 2007 US per capita debt: $30400 2008 This is just Federal debt. I'm sure Canadian debt would be much higher if provincial and municipal were added in. Last edited by hillbillyreefer; 04-24-2008 at 04:05 PM. Reason: Discovered I was wrong, hate it when that happens! |
![]() Gas prices out of control and personally I don't think it's going ot end unless something drastically changes. There has been no adjustement made to the daily production to compensate for China's increased consumption by OPEC, plus you have the president of Iran saying oil in undervalued.
This is just my opinion (obviously) but it looks like a strategic attack on the US, I mean the dollar us HURTING now, everyone dislikes Bush, the war is massivlely hated they see weakness and are trying a different approach. The greedy Banks that KNEW they were hustling people into ****** loans that will eventually screw the borrower over are a big part of the currrent US economic crisis. The need to grab every cent from consumers just got outta control. And now Walmart is limiting rice purchases!! And why am I so upset about all this, well I was planning on purchasing a Shelby GT500 this year but maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan does the cost of ownership go up when you factor in Supreme fuel at prolly 5+ dollars a gallon! I hope this saltwater burning/cancer curing/ machine works! |
![]() Im watching companies like http://www.lightningcarcompany.com/ and http://www.teslamotors.com/ with keen interest these days.
It may take some time but eventually change will come. Last edited by muck; 04-24-2008 at 03:44 PM. |
![]() Chestermere during the week(weekends are nuts).....and on the weekends we have a place a Pine Lake where I drag the boat to.....so every weekend its up and down the highway.....
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And keep in mind, the US is currently running deficit budgets while Canada is in a surplus position. If you want to add in Provincial debts, then to keep it even you would also need to add in individual State debt to even the playing field (current estimate of total federal, state and municipal US debt is 53 trillion, or $175,000 per capita). No matter how you slice it, the American economy is heading for a brick wall at out of control speed. The downside is, the wreck is going to make a mess on our doorstep as well.
I retired and got a fixed income but it's broke. Ed _______________________________________ 50 gallon FOWLR, 10 gallon sump. 130 gallon reef, 20 gallon sump, 10 gallon refugium. 10 gallon quarantine. 60 gallon winter tank for pond fish. 300 gallon pond with waterfall. Last edited by BMW Rider; 04-24-2008 at 04:25 PM. |
![]() Smart cars aren't too expensive though are they? I thought they were offered at around $17k-18k, or has the prices gone up? As much as I like them, I don't follow the prices because I can't buy one (two small kids - a two seater car would be OK for me to commute to work in, but not much else).
Best car I ever owned was an '84 VW Rabbit GTI. Peppy little thing, was a blast to drive, and went forever on a tank of gas considering how much gas it held (think it was a 40l tank - and that was good for 500km highway, maybe 400ish city). I get 450km in my truck (city or highway, no difference) but takes 70l to fill. The U.S. economy situation does have me worried. How did Trudeau put it? Something about being a mouse sleeping next to sleeping elephant, you really have to watch out if the elephant rolls over. ![]() ![]()
-- Tony My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee! |