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Old 01-30-2007, 06:06 PM
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Default Planted tank substrate suggestions?

What are some options for a planted tank substrate?

I'm going to use 2 bags of "Eco Complete" gravel in my 65g but I'm not sure if it's going to be enough to get 3". Should I look at a layer of laterite underneath? Or would I even need laterite because there's supposed to be enough Iron in the Eco-Complete?
-- Tony
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Last edited by Delphinus; 01-30-2007 at 06:14 PM.
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Old 01-30-2007, 06:20 PM
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I spent a bunch of money on laterite once. My plants still all died. I think good lighting is probably more important.
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Old 01-30-2007, 07:38 PM
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Eco Complete is one of my fav substrates to use, it has a great look and lasts for quite some time to provide nutrients. Most people I've spoken to do not need extra root supplements like laterite in their eco complete - dosing with a PMDD (Poor Man's Dosing Drops) is generally sufficient.

What Kryten says is pretty much the truth though, good lighting is very important. But you have to make certain that you're adding in CO2 and Macro/Micro nutrients atop that to ensure you've got a well fed system.

Do that, and you're solid gold
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Old 01-30-2007, 08:39 PM
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Thanks. Yeah, understand about the lighting. The plan for now is to use 2x65W PC since that's what I have, but was thinking of looking at T5 down the road. 2x65W is what I have over my current FW and it's OK (I mostly just have Anubias and Java fern anyhow at the moment .. a couple other things I can't ID). Tank is same height so I'm hoping to get away with it for now.

Today I'm mostly just concerned with the substrate selection, since the tank is empty now, now is a good time time to get the bottom right, then I can build up from there.
-- Tony
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Old 02-01-2007, 03:39 PM
Carlos68 Carlos68 is offline
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I just used eco complete on my 135. Normally I just use a normal gravel substrate with Jobesticks added. However, this time I wanted to try Eco complete. So far, the results are positive. The plants are doing great, including the dwarf hairgrass. It looks great with the black eco complete and no more adding extra ferts to the substrate.. *well, besides giving the swords and such some extra ferts*

IMO, try the eco complete, its worth it. around for the best deal
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Old 02-01-2007, 03:43 PM
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Cool, think that's what I'm going to do then (just use Eco-Complete). I'm not sure if two bags will be enough, we'll see when it comes time to fill the tank if I need a third bag or not. I'm just waiting on my heater controller to arrive before setting the cable heater in and getting the subtrate in and filling the tank. Hopefully within the next day or two..
-- Tony
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Old 02-01-2007, 04:58 PM
Carlos68 Carlos68 is offline
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I thought I had enough for my tank...f our bags... WRong..LOL... ended up putting in another 2...and could still use more.

Might want to make sure you get a third bag, just to be safe. Remember, do not rinse the eco complete, just open the bag and dump in the gravel and the water that is in the bag. It's Liquid amazon.
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Old 02-02-2007, 12:15 AM
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Originally Posted by andsoitgoes View Post
dosing with a PMDD (Poor Man's Dosing Drops) is generally sufficient.
I used to dose a cup a day of that and I still couldn't grow algae LOL

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Old 02-02-2007, 05:08 AM
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Another benefit to Eco Complete is that it tends to hold the roots better than Laterite. That being said I have also had good success using crushed granite (chicken grit) at $8 / 50lb. bag at Buckerfields
Tony, are you planning other plants than Anubias and java ferns? Both of those do better unplanted (grown over driftwood or rocks) as their roots tend to rot otherwise.
Both are lower light plants though and easy to grow. I've even grown them under normal fluorescents. Some other good low light plants are Tape grass (Valisneria spiralis) Contorted Tapegrass (Valisneria spiralis 'tortissima') Elodia (Egeria densa) Pearlgrass (Hemianthus micranthemoides) and Windelov fern (Microsorum pteropus 'windelov')

Here's my old 33G. with normal fluorescents and chicken grit:

Last edited by Dale; 02-02-2007 at 05:24 AM.
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Old 02-02-2007, 05:17 AM
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I haven't thought that far ahead yet. What kind of lighting would 2x65w be considered over a 65g tank (2wpg)? Low or medium?
-- Tony
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