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Old 06-15-2005, 12:20 AM
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1. powder brown
2. kole
3. chevron
4. yellow
5. purple
6. black
7. vlamingi
8. red sea sailfin
9. naso
10. metallic blue damsel
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Old 06-15-2005, 12:37 AM
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longnose hawkfish
yellow tang
psychedelic mandarin
longnose butterfly
picasso trigger
leopard wrasse

silver arowana
Neolamprologus buescheri
Cyprichromis leptosoma "Utinta"
Altolamprologus calvus "inkfin"
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
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Old 06-15-2005, 03:30 AM
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hmm don't have 10 but this is my list

1, Dispar Anthias
2, Achilies tang
3, mandrin
4, flame angel
5, chromis

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

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Old 06-15-2005, 04:26 AM
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Well for fresh water I would have to say Koi then Tanganyika Cichlids

As for salt

1) Red Sea Sailfin Tang
2) Sixline Wrasse
3) Prawn gobies
4) percs / clowns in general
5) Swallow Tail angels / Bellus / wantanebe
6) Jawfish
7) Other tangs i.e. mimic / regal / orange shoulder / scopas / etc
8) Anthius
9) ?
10) ?

I have left #9 and 10 empty because I am sure i will end up going crazy about some fish later down the road
I bent My Wookie
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Old 06-15-2005, 04:52 AM
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Royal Gramma
Threadfin Anthias
One-Stripe Anthias
Squarespot Anthias
Sohal Tang
Carpenters Flasher Wrasse
Rainfords and Hectors Gobies
Lined Blenny
Copperband Butterflyfish
Yasha Goby
Peppermint Basslet
Christy's Reef Blog

My 180 Build

Every electronic component is shipped with smoke stored deep inside.... only a real genius can find a way to set it free.
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Old 06-15-2005, 06:24 AM
Van down by the river Van down by the river is offline
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Hard to pick 10

1. Yashia Goby - Stonogobiops yashia
2. Lineatus Fairy Wrasse - Cirrhilabrus lineatus
3. Solorensis Fairy Wrasse - Cirrhilabrus solorensis
4. Two Spot Goby - Signigobius biocellatus
5. Filamented Flasher Wrasse - Paracheilinus filamentosus
6. Golden Butterfly - Chaetodon semilarvatus
7. Fathead/Sunburst Anthias - Serranocirrhitus latus
8. Bellus Angel - Genicanthus bellus
9. Griessinger's goby - Discordipinna griessingeri
10. Firefish - Nemateleotris magnifica

I could pick 10 from each family
I guess the next thread should be favorite Invert?
Van for short
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Old 06-16-2005, 09:35 PM
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1. Porcupine Puffer
2. Helmet Cowfish
3. Map Puffer
4. Scrawled Filefish
5. Longhorn cowfish
6. Seahorses
7. Moorish Idol
8. Harlequin Filefish (A.k.a orange spotted)
9. Powder Blue Tang, Unicorn tang.
10. Copperband Butterfly

~ LeeWorld ~

"Not using a quarantine tank is like playing Russian roulette. Nobody wins the game, some people just get to play longer than others." - Anthony Calfo
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Old 06-16-2005, 10:05 PM
DBM DBM is offline
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Many Barred Angelfish - Centropyge multifasciatus
Yellow headed Jawfish
Stonogobiops nematodes
Pseudanthias ventralis ventralis
Watanabe angelfish
Oblique Lined dottyback
Liopropoma carbmowi (spelling?)
"Gorp" soldierfish from Hawaii
Ptereleotris sp. bright baby blue variant from Coral Sea
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Old 06-17-2005, 03:05 AM
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Well, my fav salt are on a bunch of those lists, but just to stray a little, gonna have to add a couple of Freshies:

Super Red Asian Arrowana
Leopoldi Stingray - espaecially once they'll take food out of your hands!!

Now, back on topic:
Regal Tangs
Gold Stripe Maroons (so much personality)
Yellow Head Jawfish
Clown Triggers (wow do I wish it wouldn't destroy my tank)
Lionfish (see above)
Queen Angels (... damnit)
Orchid Dottyback

160 gallon Reef, almost all SPS, a few LPS, small handfull of Zoas, and 5 clams. LOVING the upgrade (now that most of the work is done!)

My tank Journal:
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Old 06-17-2005, 04:13 AM
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My top ten list would have to be

-Regal Angel
-Bicolor Angel (the one fish that I am doomed to never keep alive)
-Flame Angel
-Mandarin Dragonet
-Regal Tang
-Black and white Ocellaris
-Clarkii Clowns
-Valentini Puffer
-Clown Trigger

"It's evil, it's diabolical, it's LEMON scented!!!!!"
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