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albert_dao 11-06-2004 05:19 AM

Just for fun - What's everybodies Top Ten Fish list?
I'm just curious.


Delphinus 11-06-2004 05:58 AM

Top ten ... hmmm that's a toughie.

Sharks would have to be on my list. I've never had a tank large enough for one though, but one day I'd like to change that. So let's say "banded cat" and "epaulette" are on my list for sure.

Tangs of course would be on the list. Red Sea sailfins, Red Sea Sohals, Naso tangs..

I'll always have a soft spot for clownfish .. "Percularis" and skunks come to mind..

Dragonets are way cool. All kinds (there are a lot of them, too).

Angels and pygmy angels ... flames, potters, .....


Blennies for the spunky personalities

And wrasses are exquisite. Fairy wrasses are among my favourites ...

That's probably more than ten .. does the list have to be restricted to SW? I have to say that clown loaches and butterfly loaches, and gourami's come to mind. And tetra's ... and ... and ...

... Yup, definitely a tough one!! :lol:

muck 11-06-2004 06:17 AM

In no particular order... :biggrin:
  • Lemonpeel Angel
    Percula Clownfish
    Sohal Tang (For sure one day when I have that 500Gal... :rolleyes: )
    Red Scooter Blenny
    Blackcap Basslet
    Sixline wrasse
    Blonde Naso Tang
    Copperband butterfly
    Flame Angel
    Emperor Angel
    Anthias (All of them)
    Orchid Dottyback
    Clown Goby

Hmm... if I get rid of that plant I can put up another tank. :mrgreen:

SeaHorse_Fanatic 11-06-2004 07:47 AM

Red seahorses
Orange seahorses
Yellow seahorses
Black seahorses :biggrin: :lol:

No seriously,
1) Any seahorse that'll eat & live
2) Elongate tang (A. mata)(as well as Sohal, Yellow & Atlantic blue)
3) Cherub angel
4) Queen angel
5) Jawfish (ever since I saw them in the Vanc. Aquarium as a little boy)
6) Harlequin tuskfish
7) Porcupine puffer
8) Long horn cowfish
9) Tilefish (because they remind me of beluga whales)
10) Clownfish (gold stripe maroons, percs, oc., & cinnamons)

albert_dao 11-06-2004 08:00 AM

OOPS, I suppose I should throw my list in here too eh? In no particular order:

1. Dragon Moray, mainly the Japanese color variant
2. Bangaii Cardinal
3. Pollenei Grouper
4. Asfur Angel
5. Wantanbi Angel
6. Melatremus Moray
7. Tassled Filefish
8. Green Chromis
9. Vanderbilt Chromis
10. Ephippium (Fire) Clownfish

I actually have had this list on a notepad file on my comp for over two years checking it off as I got the fish. So far, only the Green chromis (Ha! Ha!), Wantanabi angels, Pollenei grouper and the Dragon moray to go (yeah right on the last one).

EmilyB 11-06-2004 08:13 AM

Most butterflyfish for personality :mrgreen:

SeaHorse_Fanatic 11-06-2004 08:14 AM

Yeah, my friend Don also wants a mated pr of dragon morays (Hawaiian) for his 300 g but big bucks!!!!

mr_alberta 11-06-2004 02:24 PM

I might as well put in my $0.02.

In no particular order:

1) Bellus Angel
2) Japanese Swallowtail Angel
3) Sixline Wrasse
4) Regal Angel
5) Sohal Tang
6) Clownfish
7) Copperband Butterfly
8) Bicolor Blenny
9) Gobies
10) Fridmani Pseudochromis

DiscusZ 11-06-2004 02:55 PM

My favs are in particular order

1) Clowns
2) Tangs
3) Wrasses
4) Blennies
5) sharks
6) Moray Eels


Gringos 06-14-2005 02:23 PM

1. hippo tang
2. clown tang
3. dispar anthias
4. purple firefish
5. imperator angel
6. maroon clowns
7. sohal tang
8. copperbanded butterlfy
9. clown trigger
10. dogface puffer

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