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Old 04-14-2012, 04:48 PM
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Why wouldn't he?

For that matter why are you speaking for him? Let him come here and speak for himself.
-- Tony
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Old 04-14-2012, 04:54 PM
arash53 arash53 is offline
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I think anyone does great job and satisfy its customers deserves positive feedback.
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Old 04-14-2012, 05:13 PM
FitoPharmer FitoPharmer is offline
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Originally Posted by jorjef View Post
And this is where I have to throw up my arms, shake my head and yell at the screen "then who's fault was it" (not at you Fishy just the situation)

No one had a gun to their head and was made to order from him, everyone was likely seeing the bad reviews and must have thought "won't happen to me" and for this to be happening for years makes my eyes just glaze over in wonderment when I hear complaints. So where does someone lay the blame, I would say 75% to the person ordering. Every vendor has DOA'S but when Burc does it's a heinous crime. Everyone I'm sure has had a vendor or LFS say "oh well sorry" with no compensation. In my opinion to ask Canreef to fight on your behalf or to punish him is wrong. I don't know what the code of conduct is for vendors on this site but I'm pretty sure it doesn't say the vendor has to conduct their business with canreefs code of customer morals and values, I could be wrong. I hear that this site if more open to free speach and has a family feel to it but that leads to more of a personal opinion form of policing because of freindships, and that is a slippery slope.

I could go on but I haven't had any coffee yet and I'm starting to loose focus, as a matter of fact I can't remember why I even started this oh well, it took me long enough to type this so I might as well "submit reply"
I think there are two different point to this thread.

Is there anything wrong in people posting their great experiences with fragalot, IMO no unless it comes down to the staff wanting it removed. Since this is a private board, there is nothing you can do about that other then go to another or start your own fish forum.

The second point comes back to Brads comment about industry boycott, which I totally agree with. If someone screws many people in our hobby, repeatedly, and still has sponsorship on lesser saltwater forums where he continues the practice of deleting any posts of bad customer experiences likefishoholic said is bad for our hobby and others in the online frag industry.

Is it just me or do people have a kind of bad vendor stockholm syndrome?
If I run a frag company, and I list frags with pictures for you to buy, tell you there is replacement on all DOA's, then once a problem comes up I cut off all communication, delete your comments on my forums, and refuse to honor the agreement on my website. I would be committing what the courts consider FRAUD! Sadly the few hundred dollars you have lost out on is not worth the time and effort for most to take it to court. Thought I am a big proponent of "buyer beware", I feel little blame is left on consumer when the owner used and still uses his advertisers benefits (deleting negative posts in his forum) to hide and distort his real reputation.

And yes I do realize replacing every frag DOA or mixed up is dumb. But I am sure if Bruc offered to replace what was missing/DOA/mixed up on the next order or offer a credit people would not be seriously ****ed off.

Last edited by FitoPharmer; 04-14-2012 at 05:25 PM.
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Old 04-14-2012, 05:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Is Fragalot making any request to post positive feedback after orders? I ask out of curiosity, for example would always request that positive feedback be posted. Is fragalot asking anyone for posted feedback?
Not from me, I haven't bought from him in over two years but a couple of weeks ago when I saw he had WYSIWYG LPS colonies I was all over it. I bought teal hammers and frogspawn, yellow Octos, gold hammers all at very competitive prices. I did have one DOA colony due to a leaky bag, not a hassle getting it dealt with.

Last edited by jorjef; 04-14-2012 at 05:19 PM.
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Old 04-14-2012, 05:16 PM
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Originally Posted by arash53 View Post
I think anyone does great job and satisfy its customers deserves positive feedback.
The problem is he only does it for half of his customers half of the time. It's great if you're one of the lucky ones, but it really sucks when you're not.

Kinda like playing Russian roulette but with 4 bullets instead of one, personally I'd hate to be the one who has to bite the bullet (so to speak)
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Old 04-14-2012, 05:18 PM
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Originally Posted by arash53 View Post
I think anyone does great job and satisfy its customers deserves positive feedback.
That sounds quite reasonable to me. I don't have any issue with that.

I am curious however, why endorse now? You've never endorsed anyone prior to this. What's different about this one? I'm just trying to understand.
-- Tony
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Old 04-14-2012, 05:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Why wouldn't he?

For that matter why are you speaking for him? Let him come here and speak for himself.
I guess I'm speaking about the positive orders I have had recently, which yes I guess is speaking for him. I will always say "you can never move forward if you're always looking at the past".

He's like a hardened criminal just released from jail, even if he has proved he has reformed people will always throw his past in his face...How many other frag shops have come and gone over the years? he must be doing something right.
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Old 04-14-2012, 05:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post

I am curious however, why endorse now? You've never endorsed anyone prior to this. What's different about this one? I'm just trying to understand.
No one else gets slammed like he does, not saying it wasn't always warrented. It might be making people want to tell the other side..If people quit slamming him, people would quit defending and all would be quiet.

I know you were asking someone else those two questions just thought 2 more cents wouldn't hurt...

Last edited by jorjef; 04-14-2012 at 05:37 PM.
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Old 04-14-2012, 05:37 PM
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From my experience and hindsight he's always offered nice stuff at nice prices. What was his weakness was his inconsistency. 3 out 4 orders would be positive, 1 order would be "well I didn't get what I asked for" or "I had DOA's". Then the replacements would come as DOA and those would get credited and then those would be DOA's and then it started to become evident that basically he was cutting and bagging and shipping all in one go, which would explain the inconsistencies and basically it would come down to luck of the draw for each individual.

The concern I have is this. Each positive review on Canreef acts as an endorsement and promoting a business and the fact remains that no business can use Canreef for promotion unless a sponsorship model is in place. As far I know there has been no request made to start a new sponsorship. Whether Canreef would welcome such a request is another matter but the fact is no communication has been made from fragalot in this regard. So until then we remain neutral. Canreef can be used to coordinate group orders, but the sheer number of threads all of a sudden promoting the business has to be viewed as slightly interesting.
-- Tony
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Old 04-14-2012, 05:43 PM
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Maybe there is a large amount of new people in the hobby with little knowledge of his past and have tried him recently and having had a positive experience find it surprising to see negative posts and feel compelled to respond.
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