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Old 04-14-2012, 05:25 AM
jjntm jjntm is offline
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Originally Posted by The Grizz View Post
Well I must say that I have had a good experience with customer service from Fragalot just recently. I did a group order for a few of us here in Red Deer, everyone was happy with what they received, my order was a little messed up but today I received 9 more frags of Zoas & acans that where really really nice.

On a personal note in regards to CanReef. I think of this site as a great place to gain knowledge of the hobby, meet some good people and find the things we all like to have in our tanks. Wether it's a paid vendor or not I PERSONALLY think that we should be able to discuss the service form them. All the mods have a hard job to police all the threads and I take my hat off to them for the great job they do but with discussion comes conflict & it sometimes gets really rediculas with some of the things that get posted. I will be the first to admit that I sometimes have a very strong opinion & if you know me personally you know I don't sugar coat my words, I say it like it is & if you don't like it to damn bad but on here I try to keep that in check, pass on info that I have learned to other new to the hobby. I will also say that there are some people here that really should stay quite for the simple fact that they are rude & sometime really misinformed but still think there right no matter what.

Just my 2 cents worth & that is it.

+1... I wasn't a member of canreef when things were going sideways with fragalot I guess... but I can honestly say EVERY dealing I have had with Burc have all been very pleasant. He has always responded promptly, been very easy to deal with, replaced any doa's/missing items without hassle and never charged for shipping. I am curious to hear what exactly happened with your experiences brad and shelley? did burc not resend out proper corals or issue a refund?

Last edited by jjntm; 04-14-2012 at 05:30 AM.
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Old 04-14-2012, 06:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Here is my opinion, not related to the board. As hobbyists, we need to band together and consolidate experiences. When someone spends a lot of energy robbing people in the hobby, for and extended period of time, as hobbyists I think we should forever boycott that business. He ripped off friends and members here for a long time before he was removed. He did it on other boards. Now, suddenly, when we can save a buck or two, we forget all that bad stuff and send him bags of money, always hoping that the frags we ordered actually show up. I don't forget. I remember the people asking for help trying to recover anything they could from him. I remember the guys needed evidence for their lawyers. I remember the management nightmare we, as a board, had to endure. We stuck up for him, made excuses like maybe he has personal stuff going on, etc. But no action came at all. None. All the people that lost out, lost out for good. They don't forget.
I would like to believe that we, as hobbyists, remember on their behalf, and say no, we're not going to reward that type of vendor to save a buck. We should defend our friends and co-members, and not deal with this company.
But most don't care, they save a bunch of money on little pieces of coral bits. To hell with our friends and members that got robbed, because I can save money and get something for me.
Sorry, not me. I remember, and that company is not welcome here. If it were up to me, any mention of it would be removed. But we allow the group buys, because you're going to do it anyway, so if it receives some publicity, then we live with that in hopes that should it return to the past, we know right away.
We aren't running polls, we aren't voting on stuff. We are allowing group buys, and once in a while "advertising" threads slip through the cracks. but if we see the trend in "Yay vendor", we will take action and remove them.

That's my thoughts on it..


Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
See ya in a week...

i go for a few hours and all the good stuff happens.....** cough cough*** ***saltwaterseahorses** ** cough cough***

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Old 04-14-2012, 06:10 AM
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Originally Posted by jjntm View Post
+1... I wasn't a member of canreef when things were going sideways with fragalot I guess... but I can honestly say EVERY dealing I have had with Burc have all been very pleasant. He has always responded promptly, been very easy to deal with, replaced any doa's/missing items without hassle and never charged for shipping. I am curious to hear what exactly happened with your experiences brad and shelley? did burc not resend out proper corals or issue a refund?
problem was, it wasnt just a handful of people that had was probably dozens of people over a few years.....
260g mixed reef, 105g sump, water blaster 7000 return, Bubble King SM 300 skimmer, Aqua Controller Jr, 4 radions, 3 Tunze 6055s,1 tunze 6065, 2 Vortech MP40s, Vortech MP20, Tunze ATO, GHL SA2 doser, 2 TLF reactors (1 carbon, 1 rowa). . Tank Video here and here
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Old 04-14-2012, 01:07 PM
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Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
problem was, it wasnt just a handful of people that had was probably dozens of people over a few years.....
And this is where I have to throw up my arms, shake my head and yell at the screen "then who's fault was it" (not at you Fishy just the situation)

No one had a gun to their head and was made to order from him, everyone was likely seeing the bad reviews and must have thought "won't happen to me" and for this to be happening for years makes my eyes just glaze over in wonderment when I hear complaints. So where does someone lay the blame, I would say 75% to the person ordering. Every vendor has DOA'S but when Burc does it's a heinous crime. Everyone I'm sure has had a vendor or LFS say "oh well sorry" with no compensation. In my opinion to ask Canreef to fight on your behalf or to punish him is wrong. I don't know what the code of conduct is for vendors on this site but I'm pretty sure it doesn't say the vendor has to conduct their business with canreefs code of customer morals and values, I could be wrong. I hear that this site if more open to free speach and has a family feel to it but that leads to more of a personal opinion form of policing because of freindships, and that is a slippery slope.

I could go on but I haven't had any coffee yet and I'm starting to loose focus, as a matter of fact I can't remember why I even started this oh well, it took me long enough to type this so I might as well "submit reply"
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Old 04-14-2012, 01:46 PM
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Originally Posted by jorjef View Post
And this is where I have to throw up my arms, shake my head and yell at the screen "then who's fault was it" (not at you Fishy just the situation)

No one had a gun to their head and was made to order from him, everyone was likely seeing the bad reviews and must have thought "won't happen to me" and for this to be happening for years makes my eyes just glaze over in wonderment when I hear complaints. So where does someone lay the blame, I would say 75% to the person ordering. Every vendor has DOA'S but when Burc does it's a heinous crime. Everyone I'm sure has had a vendor or LFS say "oh well sorry" with no compensation. In my opinion to ask Canreef to fight on your behalf or to punish him is wrong. I don't know what the code of conduct is for vendors on this site but I'm pretty sure it doesn't say the vendor has to conduct their business with canreefs code of customer morals and values, I could be wrong. I hear that this site if more open to free speach and has a family feel to it but that leads to more of a personal opinion form of policing because of freindships, and that is a slippery slope.

I could go on but I haven't had any coffee yet and I'm starting to loose focus, as a matter of fact I can't remember why I even started this oh well, it took me long enough to type this so I might as well "submit reply"
The problem back then was that he was the guy who wouldn't send what you ordered and then refused to refund you or replace frags for you when you did not get what you originally paid for. Then if you came on here to post a complaint about it, it quickly got deleted since he was a paying sponsor. So numerous people were getting ripped off for years because no one was aware of what was really going on.

After awhile people started pm'ing each other, so then word of how much he would consistently mess things up and rip people off started to get out. But it was all behind the scenes, new members had no idea and would fall victim to his cheep prices. Wasn't until enough fed up members banded together and constantly harassed the mod's, and people started lawsuits against him that he finally was removed as a vendor and the truth came out for all to be aware of.

Even now that the truth is out there I still hear people saying "I had a good experience.....he messed up my order" all in the same breath. How is someone who constantly messes up orders a "good experience"???????? Sure it's nice that at the moment he sends replacements, but most of the replacements aren't what you ordered in the first place! If I pay someone for XYZ coral I want XYZ not XTR.
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Last edited by fishoholic; 04-14-2012 at 01:49 PM.
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Old 04-14-2012, 01:53 PM
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Touche.... Still waiting for my coffee to kick in.
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Old 04-14-2012, 02:05 PM
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I wasn't going to comment on this thread....but I decided I had add my 2 cents

I had no idea about this vendor when I ordered from him, I just happened to come across a group order thread that some people over from the island were putting together....So I went over to his site to check. So..ya allowing these threads is giving him advertising....and unsuspecting members are still going to him because of these.

I'm not going to get into all the details but I'll just say that after 2 attempts at my friends and I's order nothing was right, alive or refunded. In my opinion...if you burn me once I'll never use you again.....even if they were grade A frags for a buck each.

But hey.....if you all feel like playing Burks Lotto....give er

(just my 2 cents on the topic)
90 Gal mixed reef with a custom 40 gal sump, SWC Mini S skimmer, 8X56 Watt fan modded Tek, 2x2LF reactors, mag 12 return, Tunze ATO and a modded Tunze 6100 running on a DIY wave controller
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Old 04-14-2012, 04:01 PM
arash53 arash53 is offline
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Hey Guys,

I ordered some premium quality Aussie Acans from fargalot received it in two days , all in good shape ,and I am 100% satisfied, still I could not bevile I bought these high quality Aussie Acans for about 10$-20$ fargs all the frags had at least 4 complete heads. here in vancouver with 10$ you cant buy common mushrooms or common zoas !
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Old 04-14-2012, 04:31 PM
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Is Fragalot making any request to post positive feedback after orders? I ask out of curiosity, for example would always request that positive feedback be posted. Is fragalot asking anyone for posted feedback?
-- Tony
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Old 04-14-2012, 04:47 PM
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No he is not. And wouldn't.
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