Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer
My experience over the past 6 years or more with them couldn't be any different. They haven't been a leader in the industry for so long for no reason. Eco Marine also has incredible service and products of course but what your saying about Tunze isn't really fair. Well maybe for you it is but for a majority of users, its not true at all.
The difference, it seems, is between the Canadian and USA versions of "Tunze". If you go look on Tunze forum ReefCentral, Tunze receives accolades ad nauseum. Roger Vitko, who runs Tunze USA is the best of the best in customer service. The whole broken clip fiasco with the first run 6025 and 6045 nano-streams was dealt with in the best way possible by Roger. Clip after clip after clip was promptly (i.e. immediately) sent out for free by Roger until the second (fixed) run was available. Icecap/Ecotech dealt with the bad batch (buzzy, overheating) of first run Vortechs the same way.
Unfortunately, the company which has the distribution rights for Tunze in Canada, Xenia, appears to have a poorer track record for customer service. When you ask Roger in RC he is reluctant, understandbly, to deal with Canadian warranty issues. It almost seems worth it to order Tunze stuff from the US just so you can deal with Roger instead of Xenia (although I've never had an issue with Tunze stuff - knock on wood). But in terms of asking for information ALWAYS ask Roger on RC instead of Tunze in Canada or Germany - you'll get a response usually in one day.