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Old 07-01-2012, 03:01 PM
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Default ParaGuard

Can I split the Paraguard dosage for my HT into half and give it twice a day, twelve hours apart?

I dosed once yesterday at noon, at around 2/3rds the dosage for the tank. The fish were breathing quite heavily afterwards.

I understand that Paraguard only stays in the water for around 24hours, and the fish are breathing better this morning. I'm thinking they should be able to manage a dosage split.

Also, Purigen and GFO are in the canister filter on the HT tank. I don't want to take these out. Will lengthening the treatment compensate for the filter media and the 2/3rds total dosage? I think the filter media will remove the malachite green from the water.
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Old 07-01-2012, 03:52 PM
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I would stay at the dose for 21 days and add a air stone or point powerhead at surface for more agitation of water surface. If you leave media in filter your probably wasting money and time
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Old 07-01-2012, 09:26 PM
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I popped in an airstone and moved the powerhead a little. The fish are breathing better now (though still a little harder than usual). The clown is being very odd, but the Chromis and the goby are doing well.

I'll take the media out tomorrow. The Seachem website indicates that Matrix can be used in conjunction with Paraguard, so I'll put some of that in to give the nitrifying bacteria more to colonize.
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Old 07-01-2012, 09:31 PM
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Sounds good that the fish breathing a little better. I'm sure that three weeks will fly buy and the breathing will continoue to improve as time goes on.
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Old 07-02-2012, 02:26 AM
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huh...where exactly did you see this? Are you refering to Matrix carbon?

Originally Posted by Enigma View Post
The Seachem website indicates that Matrix can be used in conjunction with Paraguard,
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Last edited by daniella3d; 07-02-2012 at 02:29 AM.
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Old 07-02-2012, 04:09 AM
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Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
huh...where exactly did you see this? Are you refering to Matrix carbon?
Nope. I'm referring to Matrix (the filter media).

I read it in one of the FAQs on the site. The FAQ also indicated that Purigen can be used with Paraguard, though the Purigen will filter out some of the malachite green and will alter the effectiveness of the treatment (though won't render it useless).

I don't have ich or velvet in the tank. I suspect one of the fish carries, but is resistant to, brook. The breathing issues are related to oxygenation in my QT, and Clowns are very sensitive to Paraguard (according to Seachem's website) to begin with (they recomend 1/2 dosages for Clowns).
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Old 07-02-2012, 12:15 PM
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What are you treating for Shelley ?
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Old 07-02-2012, 02:25 AM
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I used Paraguard at full dosage every 24 hours as recommanded and never had a problem with fish breathing fast.

If they have ick or velvet, it's probably what is causing the fast breathing.

I use Paraguard for 3 weeks in a 20 gallons tank every time I get a new fish as a preventive treatment. Never had a fish breat fast from that.

It's pointless to use Paraguard and use Purigen at the same time, as you are just waisting the med since it's probably absorbed by the purigen.

Originally Posted by Enigma View Post
Can I split the Paraguard dosage for my HT into half and give it twice a day, twelve hours apart?

I dosed once yesterday at noon, at around 2/3rds the dosage for the tank. The fish were breathing quite heavily afterwards.

I understand that Paraguard only stays in the water for around 24hours, and the fish are breathing better this morning. I'm thinking they should be able to manage a dosage split.

Also, Purigen and GFO are in the canister filter on the HT tank. I don't want to take these out. Will lengthening the treatment compensate for the filter media and the 2/3rds total dosage? I think the filter media will remove the malachite green from the water.
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Old 07-03-2012, 04:13 AM
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Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
I used Paraguard at full dosage every 24 hours as recommanded and never had a problem with fish breathing fast.

If they have ick or velvet, it's probably what is causing the fast breathing.

I use Paraguard for 3 weeks in a 20 gallons tank every time I get a new fish as a preventive treatment. Never had a fish breat fast from that.

It's pointless to use Paraguard and use Purigen at the same time, as you are just waisting the med since it's probably absorbed by the purigen.
Do you treat every day for 21 days with the paragaurd. Do you think you could use paragaurd in a reef system.
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Old 07-03-2012, 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by sully08 View Post
Do you treat every day for 21 days with the paragaurd. Do you think you could use paragaurd in a reef system.
From the Seachem website:

Q: Is ParaGuard™ safe for use in marine reef tanks with invertebrates and soft corals?

A: We do not sell or market ParaGuard as invert safe because it would be impossible to test it with every available invert under every potential water parameter. We have had people use it with invertabrates with no problems, but we have also had people encounter problems. If you decide to use it we stress caution; dose at 1/4 to 1/2 dose and observe how your inverts and soft corals react. If they seem to tolerate the dosing, increase slowly up to no more than the prescribed dose as long as they are tolerating it. If you need to get rid of the ParaGuard™ quickly, just turn your skimmer back on.
And yes, Paraguard needs to be dosed daily for 21 (or more) days.
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