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Search: Posts Made By: hawk
Forum: Wicked Frags 05-25-2008, 12:42 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 742
Posted By hawk
Have you set-up that AC account yet? :)

Have you set-up that AC account yet? :)
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade (Aquatics hardware related only) 04-20-2008, 05:38 AM
Replies: 1
Views: 801
Posted By hawk
sent pm

sent pm
Forum: Reef 04-08-2008, 03:40 PM
Replies: 10
Views: 1,558
Posted By hawk
I received a Monti a year ago, I used Lugol's...

I received a Monti a year ago, I used Lugol's before placing it in qt. Nudi's eventually showed up. I used dips and daily inspections for manual removal. Nothing worked, they always came back. After...
Forum: Marine Fish 04-08-2008, 12:10 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 1,442
Posted By hawk
Angels like to pick at rocks. Get a piece of rock...

Angels like to pick at rocks. Get a piece of rock and squish some food into a crevice, hole etc. use different foods until you find something it shows interest in. Leave the fish alone after you give...
Forum: Marine Fish 03-18-2008, 02:08 AM
Replies: 15
Views: 2,540
Posted By hawk
10g is way too small for those fish. Did you have...

10g is way too small for those fish. Did you have any additional filtration besides the rock? I'm guessing an ammonia spike after you added the eel.
Forum: Marine Fish 02-15-2008, 09:40 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 3,059
Posted By hawk
Can you post a pic?

Can you post a pic?
Forum: Marine Fish 02-15-2008, 05:54 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 3,059
Posted By hawk
You'll find this type of info from dealers that...

You'll find this type of info from dealers that sell this fish and just about anything else. Most if not all "reputable" dealers do not sell this fish. And if they do, should at least be honest with...
Forum: Marine Fish 02-15-2008, 05:30 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 3,059
Posted By hawk
Were these fish sold to you as "Larvatus" or some...

Were these fish sold to you as "Larvatus" or some other common name?. Hopefully it is a mis-identification. If they really are Larvatus, they are strict acro polyp feeders. I have only read of one...
Forum: Marine Fish 02-07-2008, 04:03 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 1,496
Posted By hawk
What medication are you using? The ones I have...

What medication are you using? The ones I have used in the past all recommend only removing carbon which will absorb the meds as does rock, sand and porous tank decorations, but otherwise definitely...
Forum: Marine Fish 02-07-2008, 03:28 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 1,496
Posted By hawk
In a 10g qt with no filtration, daily water...

In a 10g qt with no filtration, daily water changes will be needed. Don't overfeed, siphon waste and un-eaten food whenever you see it. In such a small tank a turkey baster makes it pretty simple....
Forum: Product Review and Equipment Forum 01-28-2008, 01:10 AM
Replies: 21
Views: 2,626
Posted By hawk
Every month or so mine would slip and become...

Every month or so mine would slip and become noisy, it is also on 5/8". About six months ago I took it apart and removed the plastic spacer that is suppose to be removed if using the unit on 3/4". It...
Forum: Reef 01-23-2008, 08:44 PM
Replies: 18
Views: 2,969
Posted By hawk
Your room size looks similar to mine (12'x8') it...

Your room size looks similar to mine (12'x8') it is tight but I made it work. My furnace and hot water tank were also in the same area. I partitioned off the furnace completely and switched from...
Forum: Reef 12-07-2007, 07:14 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 1,137
Posted By hawk
I have been wanting to do this for awhile now but...

I have been wanting to do this for awhile now but haven't been able to find any alternatives to aragonite (need about 500lbs.) Rona sells a couple different brands of playsand. I called both...
Forum: Reef 11-28-2007, 08:52 PM
Replies: 15
Views: 2,137
Posted By hawk
I waited 3 months. I wanted the new triggers to...

I waited 3 months. I wanted the new triggers to have a chance to fully adapt to the tank and to put a little extra weight on to be in fighting shape, or to be able to withstand an extended period of...
Forum: Reef 11-28-2007, 07:08 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 1,205
Posted By hawk
Aussie Elegance ?

Maybe 6 months ago J&L had Aussie elegance corals, I see they now have them again. I'm wondering how the last batch survived? Anyone buy one over the last year, if so how is it doing?
Forum: Reef 11-28-2007, 07:00 PM
Replies: 15
Views: 2,137
Posted By hawk
I removed a Naso after he relentlessly took after...

I removed a Naso after he relentlessly took after a new female Crosshatch. The naso was always peaceful prior. I wasn't sure if I should reintroduce him or not. After 3 months of solitary in the sump...
Forum: Polls 10-11-2007, 10:42 PM
Replies: 33
Views: 5,401
Posted By hawk
The environmental angle is noble but if you 're...

The environmental angle is noble but if you 're looking to break into the Canadian reef market I would concentrate on online sales. Yeah I know every store has a web page but the only one that seems...
Forum: Polls 10-10-2007, 06:59 PM
Replies: 33
Views: 5,401
Posted By hawk
Environmentally friendly is always good...

Environmentally friendly is always good (everything helps). But realistically I wouldn't use it as a foundation to start a reef business on. Lets face it, in regards to this hobby...
Forum: Reef 09-21-2007, 10:34 PM
Replies: 1
Views: 1,018
Posted By hawk
Sometimes with mine if it runs dry or if I remove...

Sometimes with mine if it runs dry or if I remove the pump from water for one reason or another, I'll have to lift the pump up and down several times under water to remove any trapped air.
Forum: FOWLR 09-01-2007, 06:15 PM
Replies: 55
Views: 12,456
Posted By hawk
Check-out Kelly...

Check-out Kelly Jedilicki (aka Pufferqueen) is the disease mod. IMO She has been giving the best advice on the net when it comes to fish disease. Coincidentely she is...
Forum: Pictures 08-29-2007, 06:29 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 1,919
Posted By hawk
When I said resorted to fw dips that was after...

When I said resorted to fw dips that was after trying everything from Lugols, TMPCC, I even tried the Fluke tab treatment some are using for AEFW's. I figured Fw was worth a shot. The monti...
Forum: Pictures 08-29-2007, 04:43 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 1,919
Posted By hawk
It doesn't seem to work on nudis. It may kill...

It doesn't seem to work on nudis. It may kill some or at least irritate them enough to dislodge them, making them easier to see. I haven't been able to find anything that reliably works on nudis. The...
Forum: FOWLR 08-28-2007, 07:20 PM
Replies: 55
Views: 12,456
Posted By hawk
Exactly, it'll also lessen the oxygen content in...

Exactly, it'll also lessen the oxygen content in the tank making it even more difficult for a sick fish
Forum: Reef 08-25-2007, 05:32 PM
Replies: 28
Views: 3,491
Posted By hawk
So the frozen food was contaminated when you...

So the frozen food was contaminated when you bought it or somehow became contaminated once it was opened?
Forum: Polls 08-20-2007, 06:31 AM
Replies: 46
Views: 7,178
Posted By hawk
Not trying to be argumentative and glad it worked...

Not trying to be argumentative and glad it worked out for you, but IMO probably not the best idea to expose a healthy tank to a known diseased fish. Skipping qt and dealing with ick is one thing but...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 199

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