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Old 08-20-2007, 04:26 PM
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Exclamation All the fish are dead or pretty much dead:(

HI all.

We'll i don't know what is going on but my god i have pretty much lost them all.
In 2 days i have lost 2 anthias,1 potters angel,1 royal gramma, and on there way out are 1 regal angel( which i will do pretty much anything to make live)
1 flagfin and a sixline. I bought a coral about 3 weeks ago that i am assuming had ick on it as my tank exploded with ick. No new fish in about 5 months and they were all quarintined before being put in the main tank. So in one night i lost the 2 anthias and royal gramma. Now this morning i watched helplessly as the potters went. So upon inspection i see everyone breathing a mile a minute so check the water params and all is fine. But i do a 10 gallon water change anyways. Add an extra airstone and still nothing. I have tried the hypo with no avail and the copper and this ick from downunder will not go away. It isn't brook as they are not that classic white slimmy looking. Just ick spots everywhere. I have tried to paraguard them to relieve them abit but that isn't working either.

I have no idea what to do. Helpless that you can't help them.


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Old 08-20-2007, 04:35 PM
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I'm really sorry to hear that.

Do you think something got into your system, a cleaning product, etc?

I think your doing everything right, maybe try running some carbon to try and catch whatever is in the system.
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Old 08-20-2007, 04:47 PM
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I dunno what it is. I tried the carbon and then thought which do i do.If i run the carbon than that takes out the meds and if i don't maybe it isn't catching what may be in there.Although no cleaning products or anything has been near it but who knows...

I don't get it. I am starting to think that maybe i should put the regal back in the main tank and feed him lots with some good food and vitamins and run my uv sterilizer and maybe he can kick it. It only seems to be the angels that are breathing super hard. So i don't know what to do.

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Old 08-20-2007, 04:54 PM
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Default ich

did you say copper? isn't it a reef? if you pull the fish out to copper them it usually takes 4 days I know believe me you have to let them go for a week in quarintine in a reef it's much more difficult but I've only experienced the problem in my fowler with the reef garlic plus but with the fowler I recomend ionized copper that kills the ich in 3 days I leave it in for up to 2 weeks just to make sure, reason why the fish are breathing so hard is because the ich gets into the fishes gills and in 4-5 days can suffocate the fish. The ionized copper works wonders the recent strain of ich is terrible and very hardy however if you don't have any corals or can catch the fish put them in quarantine use full recomended dose 1st day half 2nd and 1/3 the 3rd day let it sit to make sure also it will not completly kill the lr mine grew back coraline after 1 month try a uv sterilizer aswell hope this was helpfull and sorry to hear about your fish I know how it feels to lose all your stock in 1 week.
Always looking for the next best coral...

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Old 08-20-2007, 05:06 PM
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Dam-Dam if it doesn't rain it pours...if you have a quarintine tank, I would give them a freshwater dip then into the quarintine tank, then do the copper bit.
I would also raise your main tank temp to at this temp for a week. I have had great results, learned this from a fellow reefer of over 20 years reefing
" Know how to prevent sagging ? "
" Just eat till the wrinkles fill out "


Last edited by Redrover; 08-20-2007 at 05:11 PM.
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Old 08-20-2007, 05:21 PM
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Default Ich in corals

I have herd that giving corals a freshwater dip...try the internet for info on your problem...hope all turns out.
" Know how to prevent sagging ? "
" Just eat till the wrinkles fill out "

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Old 08-20-2007, 06:21 PM
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If you can get the fish out and into quantine, try and do it in a barebottom tank with some pieces of pvc piipe. Do a good water change every nitght, clean the pepes, and clean the tank bottom.
Keep all fish out of the main infected tank for at least a month, even 5 or 6 weeks to be sure, the icks life/reproduction cycle will last up to a month. Don't give the ick a host , break its life cycle.
There is quite a few good papers out there with lots of good info (google). I had a great link but am having trouble finding it. Will post if I can locate it.
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Old 08-20-2007, 06:26 PM
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Thanks everyone. They are in a hospital tank but apparently what i am doing is not working as they keep dying anyways. I have thrown the u.v on the main display to try and help kill any that are in there. And the fish we'll i guess all i can do is sit and watch them dye. I have put the copper in but it doesn't appear to be helping. I checked the copper levels and they are sitting at optimum treatment levels so it should be working. I wonder if they are all just to far gone???

The regal is the only one that looks okay. I may move her back into the main display and hope that she makes it. Maybe the hiding spots will be less sressful for her and maybe she will fight it.

I don't know
I am at a loss.

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Old 08-20-2007, 07:01 PM
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This is an exellent article; Anyone trying to battle ich should take the time to read and digest the following:

Great info
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Old 08-20-2007, 10:03 PM
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Um .... I thought ick was allways present in the tank? Its when a fish becomes stressed or weak that the parasite can take hold. Am I wrong?
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