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Old 06-13-2013, 01:26 PM
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Default Spyd's 180G Mixed Reef

Hi everyone,

I have decided to start a tank journal. I run a standard 180G tank that has been running since August 2012. 3 sides Starphyre glass, Starphyre Eurobracing and external overflow. Stand is metal w/ custom maple wood exterior that uses magnets to snap into place.

The sump is located behind the tank in my furnace room. I also plumbed in a water change tank and RDSB tank that will eventually turn into my frag tank once things grow out. I run a Water Blaster HY10000 pump and have plumbed all my reactors and multiple tanks off of it. Works great and runs extremely quiet!!

Other equipment:

- 2 x Tunze 6101, 1 x Tunze 6105 and controller
- 8 lamp x 80w ATI Sunpower T5 fixture. 5 x Blue Plus, 2 x Coral Plus, 1 x Purple Plus
- Vertex UF-15 reactor w/ approx 500ml of bio-pellets
- BRS Dual Reactor w/ GFO and Carbon
- 3 x BRS Dosing Pumps - Cal ALK, Mag
- Elos Osmocontroller and 30G RO/DI resevoir tank.
- Vertex Puratek RO/DI unit.
- BK Super Marin 200 skimmer
- Apex Lite Controller
- 3 x 250w Ebo-Jager heaters

As for fish I have: Foxface Rabbitfish, Purple Tang, Fowleri Tang, Sailfin Tang, Hippo Tang, 10 x Blue Streak Cardinals, 2 x Leopard Wrasses, 2 x Yellow Wrasses, Flame Angel, Six Line Wrasse, Blacker Ice Clown, Snowflake Clown both are hosted by my Flame BTA, Ultra Maxima clam.

The highlight of my tank are really my corals. I have a lot of nice SPS and LPS. I am growing my chalice and acan collections right now.

So, lets get to some pics all ready:

Here is the stand in the early stages. Custom made. It sits nice and high so you can look in the tank at eye level. I lined the inside with white melamine.

Here is my initial aquascaping. I used all most all eco-reefer dry rock and only about 20 lbs of live rock. Most of the live rock went in my sump and only a couple pieces into the display.

Here is the back room setup: Sump below. Water change tank above that is directly plumbed into the system. Top left is my RDSB tank and under that is my RO/DI resevoir.

Here is a look at my tank about 6 months ago. A lot of the larger corals were moved over from my old 75G tank which I had running for a few years.

So here is my tank as it stands today. You can see my mammoth show piece Hollywood stunner isn't doing so hot. I went on vacation back in the beginning of December only to have my BTA split and house on the bottom of my chalice for a week. The chalice did not take a liking to it. Ever since then, I have been trying to nurse the chalice back to health and have not had much luck. Everything else in the tank though is uber healthy.

Side shot:

Individual coral Pics to follow.
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Old 06-13-2013, 01:36 PM
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Here are some individual coral pics:

Here are some more close ups that I took last week. SPS growth is coming nicely as are the chalices:
Rainbow Lobo, Kryptonite Candycane, RR Cyphastrea, Ultra Maxima, Tyree Miami Hurricane, Gobstoppers? and my Magician Palys.

One of my Favs as it is self Grown but unnamed for now... I lack the creativity. : It is a nice bright red w/ blue tips and green base. Behind are frags of my Purple Dragon and MRT Northern Delight.

My Tyree Sand Dollar, Fire & Ice Milli, MRT Bottlebrush, Tyree Rainbow Stylo and ORA Red Planet.

Front & Center pic of my nicest frags.

ORA Birds of Paradise and Tyree Ponape Birdsnest

MRT Mummy Eye Chalice

Another new MRT Chalice

BB Dragon Scale Chalice. Very nice colours!

Poison Ivy frag. It does not like the intense light. Bleached out at first but is coming back nicely. I will slowly move it up the tank.

Meteor Shower Cyphastrea growing like crazy!

Bought as a $10 frag. I love it!!! Bright green w/ orange polyps. I believe it is a Goni. Quickly becoming a favourite!

Some acan love!! Also, my gold chalice and MRT Christmas Favia.

Purple Valida w/ not so hot stag in the background.... My Flame BTA split and I managed to get it our right away but not before it stung the crap out of the stag.

BS Bright Green Stag...

Close up of my Tyree Miami Hurricane. Started as 4 - 6 eyes and is now a good 20 plus!! Time to move it to a larger tile!

Close up of my Gobstoppers? Armour of Gods? I don't really know but they are awesome!!!!

RR Bleeding Apple Chalice. Growing like crazy!!!

Some beauty Rainbow Echinatas. Also, my Dragon Soul Favia which is coming back now and another Favia that I just can't seem to get it going.

Random Photo. Classic Palmers Blue Milli and MRT A. Convexa

New addition - Wolverine frag. Looking really nice! Beside that is my ORA Pearlberry which is finally showing a little growth. Behind is my MRT Cobalt Tort. Love that one!

Tyree Purple Monster!!!!! MRT Sarmentosa growing nicely! In the back is an awesome Red Milli. It is hairy as all get out. I love it!

MRT Candlelight growing like mad and Mustard Acro. That thing has some SICK colours! Pic does not do it justice at all.
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Old 06-13-2013, 01:41 PM
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Even more:
A better pic of my Mustard Acro!

ORA Hawkins Echinata, Growing like crazy and exceptional colour! Tyree Satosa slow grower but the colour is amazing!! BS Hulk Aculeus. Super Green!!

Tubbs Pink Jade! Awesome coral!!!! Green base, blue tips and pink/red polyps!!! Fast grower too!!

RR Gold Bar Acro. Took forever to start growing but has now taken off! Gold / yellow w/ purple polyps. Pic doesn’t do it justice.

Tyree Pink Lemonade! Slow grower but it has finally started spreading and new growth tips!

MRT Limeade. Growing fast! Another nice acro - bright red w/ some yellow tips! Behind that is my version of Strawberry Fields. Green w/ orange tips instead of red. Far left is MRT Tri-Colour A. Nana growing fast!

Another pic of them. Tyree Stag in the back and RR Avengers! Amazing colour! Yellow w/ blue tips & Red Polyps. It’s not doing much but it is happy!

Tyree Red Dragon. My fav! Complimented with a nice large Tyree Undata behind it.

MRT Ultimate Bonsai. Growing nicely now and awesome colours!

Some BS Blue Ice Birdsnest. Fast growing and great colour!

I bought both as Confusias and I am certainly confused because the colour difference is staggering! Lol.

BS Valentines Day Massacre chalice. This thing grows like a weed and awesome colours!

Group Shot. Tyree Red Dragon, BS Stelleta, MRT Deswali & RR Peacock.

MRT Crazy Chalice! Absolutely stunning chalice and growing nice!!!!

Group Shot. More Acan love! Also, my Kaleidoscope Chalice growing well!

Close up on a nice Acan. Lots of babies!!

Aussie Gold Torch – Hard to get a nice pic.

Two Face Hammer.

Group Shot. Again, the lower hammer and Torch are a lot more gold in colour but hard to get it right with the camera.
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Old 06-13-2013, 01:46 PM
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Beautiful tank and corals. Good job. And I like how you give names and descriptions of your coral pics. I wish everyone would do that.
Reef Pilot's Undersea Oasis:
Frags FS:
Solutions are easy. The real difficulty lies in discovering the problem.
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Old 06-13-2013, 01:48 PM
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98% off my corals are all aquacultured frags. Most SPS have come from Reefer_Madness. He has the nicest tank I have ever seen and he has really helped me out big time with my collection.

My tank has really hit its stride now and parameters are very stable. I perform 20% water changes every 2 weeks on the dot and check levels once a week. I also blow off rocks and stir up sandbed once a week as well.

I dose MB7 once a week to help prevent cyano caused by the bio-pellets. It seems to really work and keep any cyano in check.

We held our first annual FragFest in London, ON and it turned out to be a great success! I also purchased a chalice frag pack from there and got a lot of nice pieces out of it. As for SPS I have a frag rack full of RR Pearlberry, RR Diablo Stag, RR Ice Fire Echinata, RR Blue Tenuis, MRT Pommegranate Acro and a couple Aussie Millis growing out right now that will be getting placed on the rock soon. Also, I found a beauty of an Ultra Acan and even came across a Orange / Green Convict chalice frag. Last, but cetainly not least, I picked up an awesome Orange Lepto frag from Darryl as well.

Last edited by Spyd; 06-13-2013 at 01:54 PM.
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Old 06-13-2013, 01:55 PM
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Very nice collection! I too like your descriptions. LOVE the Tyree red dragon.
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Old 06-13-2013, 02:11 PM
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Wicked as always Derek. Great work buddy, its great to see your tank doing so well.
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Old 06-13-2013, 03:22 PM
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Love that two faced hammer!

Tank is looking great.

They call it addiction for a reason...
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Old 06-13-2013, 03:29 PM
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Very nice update Derek! Like I said in darryl's thread! I think there is something in Woodstock water! Because so sooo madjelly of your growth and colour!

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Old 06-13-2013, 03:56 PM
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things look awesome you've got a sweet collection there.

That pic with the 3 acans and the chalice... aren't you going to have issues when the chalice touches them?
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
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