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Old 03-15-2013, 09:08 PM
swill swill is offline
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Default Anemone vs. Vortex ...guess who won?

I just got a new Purple Long Tentacle Anemone and not even a day after I got it home it had got itself stuck to the intake of my vortex.

I posted a picture to show you what it looks like today, 2 days later.

I'm wondering if anyone has had one come back from something like this? Can I frag it at this point to try and save any part of it?

What would you do, dump it? Leave it?

(he's right side up in this picture)
140 Gallon Seahorse Setup, 190 Gallon Reef and 300 gallon FOWLR

Last edited by swill; 03-15-2013 at 09:12 PM.
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Old 03-15-2013, 09:13 PM
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Sorry to hear.

It's a good idea to use the foam filter on Vortech powerheads when adding new anemones.

I would leave it alone and let it recover on its own. They are pretty tough so your chances are good.
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Old 03-15-2013, 09:14 PM
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Might be worth trying to save if you're able to keep it in a basket like that for the time being. I'd call it a long shot, though. Good luck. If it starts to melt into liquid, it's done. Otherwise it's just hurting, but not dead.
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Old 03-15-2013, 10:54 PM
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I've had my bubbletip anemone sucked face first into my vortex (the same night the longspined urchin ate the foam off the powerhead , I swear they must have some awesome parties in my tank after lights out.)
Anyway I digress, the anemone survived what looked like catastrophic damage.... all the tentacles were chewed clean off and were floating around the tank and half it's foot was damaged. Today you couldn't tell it was ever hurt, so yes give it a chance

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Old 03-15-2013, 11:10 PM
swill swill is offline
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Originally Posted by marie View Post
I've had my bubbletip anemone sucked face first into my vortex (the same night the longspined urchin ate the foam off the powerhead , I swear they must have some awesome parties in my tank after lights out.)
Anyway I digress, the anemone survived what looked like catastrophic damage.... all the tentacles were chewed clean off and were floating around the tank and half it's foot was damaged. Today you couldn't tell it was ever hurt, so yes give it a chance
Ok, I will leave it then. It's in it's little basket near the top and no fish can get in to bug it so we'll see. I touched it and its still a solid mass which I guess means it's not dead. It's got it's purple tentacles left but basically has no middle so you can see it's foot from both top and bottom which makes it hard to tell which side is up. I will update if any thing changes.
Thanks for all the input!!
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Old 03-19-2013, 10:08 PM
swill swill is offline
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Anemone didn't make turned to liquid and stunk so bad. boo
140 Gallon Seahorse Setup, 190 Gallon Reef and 300 gallon FOWLR
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