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Old 03-03-2013, 12:42 AM
JenniferL JenniferL is offline
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Default Okay to cycle tank with really low ph??

Just a quick question. Not a newbie here but have recently moved and just made my first batch of water to get my tank up and cycling etc. but my pH is sitting at 7.4! The reason I ask this question is because I am an hour and a half away from any salt water store and just picked up my live rock today which is sitting in a tub waiting to be added to my tank. Will it be detrimental to the start of the cycle or my cured live rock to get the tank going with water at such a low pH until I can get somewhere to get something to bring my pH up? Any suggestions? thanks
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Old 03-03-2013, 01:00 AM
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Ph is the last thing to concern with right now.

Let the tank cycle and things MAY level out on their own.

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Old 03-03-2013, 01:20 AM
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What's ph. Lol

It'll come around on its own
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Old 03-03-2013, 01:52 AM
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What are you testing your pH with ?

Maybe having it that low is no big deal, but I'd prefer to see it a bit higher if it were my rock
A powerhead with aeration, or an air pump, may help your low pH

Don't try to adjust it with chems though
Either try to add some aeration or let it be
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Old 03-03-2013, 03:12 AM
JenniferL JenniferL is offline
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I just placed everything in the tank and we'll see how things adjust over the next while as I will be testing the water frequently anyways. I'm using the API test kit just bought it. The other few things that I had tested are as follows

calcium-540ppm which is a little high I think
dkh- 18 !!! through the roof
SG- 1.025

The only thing I have not tested yet which could be contributing factor is Mag. I will test that tomorrow. I agree I would rather not start adding this and that and end up having more problems down the road.
Thanks again
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