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Old 12-29-2012, 07:31 PM
tgrover tgrover is offline
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Default Stollery Children's Hospital - Fish Tank Campaign

Hi All,

As a New Years resolution we have committed to raising $50,000 to build a 600 gallon mixed reef tank at the Stollery Children's Hospital.

Our campaign began this morning and can be viewed at:

In addition to your donations we need:

1) A local Fish Store partner. We will be organizing media and other PR but need a partner to host the media.
2) When the time is right we will need old, new, donated equipment.

MOST IMPORTANTLY - we need your help spreading the word. We all love the hobby for all the right reasons. It is thrilling! We passionately want the kids at the Stollery to share that thrill!!

Check out our campaign, like it, Facebook it... what ever you can please.

If you can help in other ways you can think of just email me:

I really feel this can be a colle1ctive effort for the kids.

All the best,


PS LFS..... Email soon, this will be great for business!
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Old 12-29-2012, 09:37 PM
Salt2Death Salt2Death is offline
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I love this idea!
My son spent time there and the kids there are so full of wonder and excitement. I get misty eyed just thinking of all those kids.....

Please Give-

Sent Via The Pirate Ship...
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Old 12-29-2012, 10:18 PM
tgrover tgrover is offline
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Thanks for the support Salt2Death!

The kids are simply amazing. I hope your son is ok.


I set it up so that we can accept donations of $1 and up.

This is going to be a real grass roots projects. Once we get the ball rolling I can get some great corporate support... But of course they need some return... acceptable.

Any donation, even $1, is important at this stage.

I'm getting lt's of PM's. Thanks. If you can post as well that would be great and help us stay towards the top of the forum so we can inform other reefers
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Old 12-29-2012, 10:56 PM
tgrover tgrover is offline
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New Facebook Page....

We are just getting started...
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Old 12-30-2012, 01:19 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Has the U of A hospital actually given approval to have a 600g tank built in the Stollery wing? I only ask because there is no Stollery or UofA Hospital logo on your website and usually there is for fundraisers approved by the hospital. Also the Sick Kids and Alberta Kids links on the site don't go to anything related to a fish tank sponsorship. I have seen others with their hearts in the right place set up fund raisers for hospitals and museums for items they were sure they could use only to be told that they couldn't except the donation and I want to make sure this isn't the same case before I do any type of donating. Thanks.
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Old 12-30-2012, 03:35 AM
tgrover tgrover is offline
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Hi intarsiabox, Your comments couldn't be more more accurate! I have been working pretty hard on this. The Stollery Children's Foundation has been good to us but there is quite a process. There are lots of variables for sure.

I'm pretty sure this will work out. I have been at this for 20 years but this is this first time I have involved my passion for reef keeping with the Stollery. I think this is a perfect fit for all of the Edmonton Reefers.

I have a call with the foundation on Monday. That said I chose to use IndeGogo to run the funding of the campaign as ALL funds are refundable if we don't meet our goals.

If, for whatever reason, we can't move forward we will IMMEDIATELY refuynd all deposits. How likely is that though considering the perfec t fit!!

Does that work for you?
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Old 12-30-2012, 03:42 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Yes it does. Thank-you for the reply and I hope to hear a positive response from the Stollery for you!
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Old 12-30-2012, 03:44 AM
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Originally Posted by intarsiabox View Post
Has the U of A hospital actually given approval to have a 600g tank built in the Stollery wing? I only ask because there is no Stollery or UofA Hospital logo on your website and usually there is for fundraisers approved by the hospital. Also the Sick Kids and Alberta Kids links on the site don't go to anything related to a fish tank sponsorship. I have seen others with their hearts in the right place set up fund raisers for hospitals and museums for items they were sure they could use only to be told that they couldn't except the donation and I want to make sure this isn't the same case before I do any type of donating. Thanks.

600g seems like a huge undertaking for the U of A to be supportive of. I think having a tank for the children to enjoy is a great idea, but 600g is a lot of work and a big expense to maintain year after year. Honestly a 30g to max of 180g would be more realistic, and even then I'm not sure where a 180g would fit never mind a 600g in the hospital. I will try to call the hospital in the morning to see if I can get any further information about this project.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 12-30-2012, 04:02 AM
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Originally Posted by tgrover View Post
Hi intarsiabox, Your comments couldn't be more more accurate! I have been working pretty hard on this. The Stollery Children's Foundation has been good to us but there is quite a process. There are lots of variables for sure.

I'm pretty sure this will work out. I have been at this for 20 years but this is this first time I have involved my passion for reef keeping with the Stollery. I think this is a perfect fit for all of the Edmonton Reefers.

I have a call with the foundation on Monday. That said I chose to use IndeGogo to run the funding of the campaign as ALL funds are refundable if we don't meet our goals.

If, for whatever reason, we can't move forward we will IMMEDIATELY refuynd all deposits. How likely is that though considering the perfec t fit!!

Does that work for you?
Did you mean Indiegogo?

It says as their tag line "The world's funding platform. Go fund yourself." No offence but I for one am a bit skeptical, especially with a project of this size.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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Old 12-30-2012, 04:21 AM
scubadawg scubadawg is offline
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I'm forwarding this thread to Ashif Mawji with the Stollery. I know Ashif from the Charity car events
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