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Old 08-20-2012, 01:50 AM
Beano1169 Beano1169 is offline
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Default HELP!!! BTA concern

Hey all, I have just recently started a pico tank and have had it running for about 20 days now. The water parameters are as follows:
PH- 8-8.2
NH4- 0ppm
No2- 0ppm
No3- 0ppm
Sg- 1.025 - 1.026 (still working on adjusting the ATO)
dKH- 8-10
Ca- 420-440
temp range- 75.9 (7:30 this morning) - 80.8 (7:30 this evening) degrees ferinhieht no heater in the tank at the moment

Live stock:
PomPom crab
Rose BTA 2" (not doing so hot)
3 x Sexy shrimp
1 blue legged hermit
2 turbo snails

I am concerned that my anem. is stressed beyond belief and I want to help solve the issue. He has been in the tank for 3-4 days now and was perfect the first 2, now he seems to be deflating and excreting brown sludge which I believe to be zooxanthellae. If this is the case does anyone know what I can do to help him? I have a 31 white light fluval spec lighting system atm, I am curious if this is unsuitable for him? please any suggestions are greatly appreciated

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Old 08-20-2012, 04:07 AM
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You might consider putting a heater in the tank to prevent the temperature swings, even if you have to set it higher than normal it might be better to have it more stable in the 78 range then the larger swing.

I remember when first got my anemone I thought it was stressed. It shriveled and hid for a couple of weeks. Once it found a place it was happy it pretty much stuck and bloomed from there.
210 Gallon slowly gaining population.

Foxface, Naso, Coral Beauty, 2 Clowns, 2 Chromis, Orange Anthias, and Striped Goby.
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Old 08-20-2012, 05:20 AM
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I wouldn't worry yet, unless its bleached or stays fully deflated for more than a day, it should be OK. My btas shrink and shoot out brown sludge every day and they are extremely healthy.

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Old 08-20-2012, 01:33 PM
Beano1169 Beano1169 is offline
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The heater I had is a marina preset, so when it was in the tank the swings werent very common but the temp was way high in my opinion, sat at a constant 81.2 Thats good to know its not only my anemone who has had weird behaviour, I hope this doesnt persist cause it sure is stressful on me haha Thanks for the help |Hopefully I will be able to update pics
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Old 08-20-2012, 05:39 PM
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Lighting is an issue 100%, also the water is not mature enough.

Keep an Nem in a pico will be tough, as he will cause changes to the water when feeding/pooping. You will really need to keep on top of it,

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Old 08-21-2012, 12:22 AM
Beano1169 Beano1169 is offline
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so my 31 fluval spec light isnt enough for him or is too much for him, he looks alot better today. The tank though was sitting at 83.7!!!!!!! when i came home so Im cooling it off right now! everyone seems to be doing ok though so hopefully its not too drastic for them. Im thinking i need a cooler, where and how would i Fins on for a pico?
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Old 08-22-2012, 02:47 AM
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A fan might be enough to cool it off a couple of degrees. I picked mine up at Ocean Aquatics here in Calgary. I know I've seen them other places, I'm just not sure where at the moment.

If that doesn't work, search for "nano chillers" or 'micro chillers" and you should get some good options. The "Ice Probe" is a nice little DIY chiller that is quite popular, but there are other (non-DIY) options, too.
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Old 08-22-2012, 02:52 AM
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I just picked up small desk fans from walmart that come with a clip, got one hanging getto style off my lights on my 55gl and one on my sump on the 180 gl. More than enough to cool the tanks down.
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Old 08-22-2012, 05:18 AM
Beano1169 Beano1169 is offline
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Thanks guys!! that helps me out alot! Ima check out that ice probe idea and walmart is like minutes away so Ima totally grab a clip on fan just for the hell of it!
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