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![]() I just noticed dark dents or spots on the side of my tang.. then i noticed he has white dots on eyes and white dots on fins.. ich obviously.. but then my maroon clown either has dots of his yellow stripes coming off or they are red dots on top of the yellow.. cant tell.. not sure whats going on.. any ideas.?
Last edited by bowtieguy; 07-19-2013 at 02:35 AM. |
![]() Personally if this was my fish; I'd just try to keep the environment calm, make sure it's well fed, with a low stress level as possible.
The fish if strong and calm will fight off the ich infection all on it's own. ( this is my opinion and your milage may vary ) If the infection gets totally out of control, I would use a hospital tank and treat him with hypo-salinity.... ( this has worked for me every time I have tried it ) but ask around for some further advice, someone else might have a better method for this specific fish. First and foremost, try to relax and let your fishy try to beat this infection all on it's own; I realize it's easy to get worried, but sometimes no intervention is the best medicine. Good luck :-) |
![]() Looks like black ich.
I found a brief article on it, but I would research and decide how you want to treat. http://www.wonbrothers.com/product/D...c_diseases.htm I have ich in my tank and have left the fish alone, feed good food soaked in Selcon and garlic. I did not have a good experience with a QT tank and have not reattempted one. The fish fight it off on their own and I've had no losses. |
![]() thanks I will see how it goes
![]() so i treated with kordons herbal remedy.. but i dont think it worked.. after about 5 days of it not working i gave him a fresh water dip.. he was ok for a day or two but then started hiding more and this morning he was lying on the sand like this....did a 20% water change and re started skimmer.. i dont have alot of corals but i do have a rock i bought with some purple mushrooms and some xenia and the xenia was nice and open and flowing then this morning as well it was all shrivelled up and not looking good... im guessing the nice herbal remedy did a nice job on these guys.
Last edited by bowtieguy; 07-19-2013 at 02:35 AM. |
![]() Also, the common name is Naso tang. Some may refer to it as 'lipstick' tang, but usually just Naso.
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it! |
![]() Ahh, that sucks! Sorry for your loss?
![]() Just read about the fish dying. That sucks man.
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it! |
![]() ya i dont know.. when i bought him they said he was a flaming lipped tang.. so thats what i thought he was..lol