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Old 11-29-2011, 05:35 AM
jbjack jbjack is offline
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Default ? about leather toxin in nano

im a newbie to sw (8 months in)

I have a huge toad stool leather in my 90 gallon aquarium with sump and skimmer that i have never worried about. however i would like to cut a piece off for my new 29 gallon nano. my question is, since leathers give off a toxin that can harm or kill other coral, should i not have leathers in my 29g nano due to less water volume? my scare is from this thought (and im new to sw) small water volume, not amazing skimming, could this leather toxin i read about be fatal to my reef? I never worried in my 90 cause of good skim / sump / and larger water volume, but less water would = higher concentration of toxin, right? should i be worried? or no? Its as easy as not putting leathers in my nano, BUT i like em.... thoughts?
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Old 11-29-2011, 05:39 AM
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Originally Posted by jbjack View Post
im a newbie to sw (8 months in)

I have a huge toad stool leather in my 90 gallon aquarium with sump and skimmer that i have never worried about. however i would like to cut a piece off for my new 29 gallon nano. my question is, since leathers give off a toxin that can harm or kill other coral, should i not have leathers in my 29g nano due to less water volume? my scare is from this thought (and im new to sw) small water volume, not amazing skimming, could this leather toxin i read about be fatal to my reef? I never worried in my 90 cause of good skim / sump / and larger water volume, but less water would = higher concentration of toxin, right? should i be worried? or no? Its as easy as not putting leathers in my nano, BUT i like em.... thoughts?
I am new so I could be wrong but if your running carbon you should be ok, but again, I could be wrong
I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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Old 11-29-2011, 06:11 AM
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Depending on what corals you have in your Nano, you should be fine. In any case it would be a quick fix should things start to look bad......take the leather out and do a large water change

300g tank
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