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Old 11-13-2011, 07:22 PM
2pts 2pts is offline
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Default Trip to the coast from Vernon

Hi everyone, I am going to the coast later this week, returning Saturday the 19th of November.

My family wants to come with, so we have to take a second vehicle (other than the union rented SUV) so we can stay longer.

I will be going to J&L and King Ed while I'm down there. I could bring back buckets of IO salt for $46 taxes and small gas allowance included (slightly more if your off my route ( I drive down Harvey in Kelowna, for example ).

I have done it before where someone orders more than the $300 free shipping minimum on livestock from J&L, where if you can get J&L to pay me the $50 shipping instead of the courier, then I would deliver to your house. This is something you would have to ask J&L if it is ok with them. It has an advantage in that J&L can pick the order that morning (as opposed to the night before for courier orders). It means the livestock goes from their tank to yours in about 6 hours as opposed to about 20 hours via courier.

I was planning to take our small car because of the gas difference, but if I could get enough people who wouldn't mind chipping in for gas, I could take our SUV.

If you want less than the free shipping amount or dry goods, PM me with your address and we could agree on a fair price. If you want a big livestock order, like the more than $300 option, PM me the details, cause I don't want any suprises while Ièm down there.

Thanks, Shawn.
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Old 11-13-2011, 08:11 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Call me when you're down here Shawn & I may have time to take you on an LFS tour

If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!
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Old 11-15-2011, 01:57 AM
Imlovinit Imlovinit is offline
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I don't know if your able to do a small livestock order, but if so I would be interested in some peppermint shrimp....... Let's say 5?
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