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Old 10-15-2011, 09:03 PM
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Default Sump Suggestions?>


I'm going to be building my sump in the next few days going to be purchasing the supplies and tank in the next week or so, I'm trying to figure out what would be the best for my current system. It seems that when I read one article about Sumps it suggest this with supporting arguemnts then I will turn around and research more and someone contradicts everything you've just read to state another layout.

I've just drawn something out on paint that is generally in the lines of what i'm looking to do. Any suggestions? on measurments?

It's a 67G with Duel 1 3/4'' Drains that will be going into my sump. I will also be plumbing it in the next week as well hopefully putting water in it by the end of the week.

Any suggestions on plumbing? 1'' PVC? 1'' Bulkheads?


Hope you can make sense of this rough sketch.
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Old 10-15-2011, 09:34 PM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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I wouldn't have the second baffle go to the top of the tank, just an inch or two higher than the first and third baffles. When the return pump gets shut off the water from the display tank will continue to flow into the sump until it is below your overflow so you will want as much space in the sump as possible to accomadate the water so you don't end up with a flood. Also test fit the skimmer before you seal in the first baffle.
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Old 10-15-2011, 09:46 PM
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Okay that's good to know.. I will gladly take that advice on the Baffle.

THe 8'' for the Skimmer is just generalized. I haven't actually bought a skimmer I figured that leaving 8'' would be enough for just a generalized skimmer that is for 65-100G's

Should I leave a little more?
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Old 10-15-2011, 09:49 PM
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I like the link posted a couple days ago about movable baffles, i will for sure be doing that on my next tank. You have a very common setup, the only fall back is that you're skimming out nutrients that your refugium could use. But, it is a very common setup, and will still work out great if you are unable to split your drain.

I went with this setup:
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Old 10-15-2011, 09:52 PM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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I can't say if you'll need more or not. There are some very compact skimmers with the pump under the unit that takes up very little room and some have the pump on the side which takes up more space. Most online stores will have the required footprint dimensions required for a particular skimmer.
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Old 10-15-2011, 10:01 PM
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Hey Lamp,

Thanks for that link. I think I will split it exactly like that. I have 2 drains to my tank I will plumb them into both sections with a vavle controlling the amount of flow going through my Ref.

As I don't know know the type of Skimmer nor size I am going to build for 8'' and find a skimmer that will fit. I was researching there footprints and there are skimmer made for 150G that will fit in that 8'' x 16'' footprint of my sump. So I think I will be okay.

I also like the drain from the tank going through a bubble/live rock trap has anyone ever done something like this is it worth it?
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Old 10-15-2011, 11:09 PM
philg3 philg3 is offline
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Check the SWC skimmers, they are pretty beastly and a small footprint for a decent price, i have a 160 that fit in my 7" wide skimmer chamber like a glove.
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Old 10-17-2011, 01:26 AM
e46er e46er is offline
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Biggerrrturn section as this is where u will see the evaporation and u don't want to have to top off daily

I did mine with the skimmer on left return in the middle and fuge on the right with 3/4 flow going to skimmer and the Remaining 1/4 going thru the fuge
80"x36". 300G custom build

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Old 10-17-2011, 02:25 AM
luvthereefer luvthereefer is offline
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so some people say put the skimmer before the fuge and you skim off some nutrients that the fuge would use, others say if you put the skimmer after the fuge you skim off some little critters.....

what are peoples opinions on this???
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Old 10-17-2011, 04:03 AM
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so some people say put the skimmer before the fuge and you skim off some nutrients that the fuge would use, others say if you put the skimmer after the fuge you skim off some little critters.....

what are peoples opinions on this???
Both are true, it depends on what you want your fuge for, producing pods, or nitrate reduction. If you have a stand alone fuge not in line with a skimmer at all, you get both.

It's a picky point, i'm sure there's far better ways to get both desired outcomes than the fuge position. you can't assume that your skimmer is getting 100% of the water that flows past it in either scenario.
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