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Old 10-13-2011, 05:02 PM
nikon187 nikon187 is offline
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Default New livestock Oct 13th

New order of livestock arrives today including ORA. Comming today are

Domino clownfish
occelaris clownfish
percula clownfish
clarki clownfish
saddle clownfish
yellow assessors
blue stripe neon gobies
Phyco pure phytoplankton
Reef pods

We also have our usual thursday order comming in

Mandarin gobies
Lyretail anthias
Royal gramms
Baracle blennies
Tailspot blenny
Sailfin blenny
combtooth blenny
starry blenny
Pebbled butterfly
Copperband butterfly
Bangai cardinal
PJ cardinal
Green chromis
Yellow tail damsels
Scooter blenny
Aiptaisa eating filefish
Crested oyster goby
Yellow watchman goby
Clown goby
Two spot gobies
Watchman gobies
Hesters goby
Tiger wardi goby
Long nose Hawkfish
Dwarf lionfish
Dragonface pipefish
Bigeye soldierfish
Mimic tang
Powder blue tang
Kole tang
Naso tangs
Yellow tangs
Red velvet wrasse
Yellow coris wrasse
Cleaner wrasse
Black leopard wrasse
Leopard wrasses
Pencil wrasses
Flasher wrasses


Long tenticle anemones


Decorator crabs
Hermit crabs
Anemone crabs
Porcelain crabs
Arrow crabs
Sallylightfoot crabs
Scarlet hermits
Pink and yellow cucumbers
Sea hare
Pistol shrimp
Fire shrimp
Cleaner shrimp
Peppermint shrimp
Coral banded shrimp
Anemone shrimp
Blue linkia starfish
Peach tip starfish
Pencil urchin
Tuxedo urchin

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