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Old 01-22-2004, 02:36 AM
roclimber roclimber is offline
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Default Yellow Tang not looking good..

Hi there, i purchased a yellow tank just about a month ago. Fish is doing fine ( although it has been hiding behind the rock most of the time but does come out and eat the seaweed and flakes ) so far.

Yesterday i was watching the fish and i noticed the skin has some sort of "rash" looking to it...when i looked closer, it's almost like orange in color above the eye as well as the rear part of the body ( close to the tail ).

Does anyone know whether it's some sort of disease? and what should i do?

thx in advance for any help or advice.
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Old 01-22-2004, 03:22 AM
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Hard to tell by your brief description. Check this link and the other FAQ's listed there:

Lots of reading available...
You should be able to find a situation similar to your own - good luck! (I should say, the first example on that page!)
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Old 01-22-2004, 03:29 PM
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Do yourself a favour -- if you haven't done this already that is -- get a piece of tubing (nylon, 1/2" PVC, whatever). Find a way to attach it to the tank (e.g., food clip if you're using the flexible nylon, or drill a hole and use fishing line if using rigid tubing like PVC). Then go to the grocery store and buy a package of sushi nori. Take a half sheet and roll it over the tube.

Keep the nori in the tank 24x7. (Honest.) If he doesn't take to the nori right away, don't give up, because he will eventually. Just replace it every day. Within a week will be my bet that he'll be finishing it for you.

It truly is amazing the difference this will make for your tang.

I know it's not a specific answer to your question but I'm on a mission to make sure every tang gets fed in this manner (ie., nori in tank 24x7). A seaweed clip by itself just doesn't cut it, you'll get bits of nori everywhere. Having it rolled over tubing is key. The only bits that will come off will be the bits that he eats (so no extra food to start fouling), it will last longer for him.

Get some garlic extract or a garlic oil and squeeze some onto the nori (yeah, it's stinky but it's a good stinky). This will help him build up a resistance.

Good luck and keep us posted.
-- Tony
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Old 01-22-2004, 04:45 PM
LostMind LostMind is offline
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I soak my nori in selcon and garlic.

I wrap it around a rock and keep it in the rock with an elastic. I am really happy about this technique because over the past few days I have noticed my lawnmower blenny start eating it too. Which is really nice, as the blenny was getting thin...

I bought my nori at a korean store out here. $0.99 for this huge package. Plain seaweed, no spices or anything.
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Old 01-22-2004, 05:05 PM
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TONY IS RIGTH ABOUT THAT.... I have been doing that, ever since Doug taught me that. You have to remember that tangs are natural grazers and need to eat all the time if ya can't do that little extra help for a Salt water fish then ,people shouldnt have them ..

Sorry to have that point ,didnt want to sound like a butt head, and hope no one takes it to heart...


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Old 01-22-2004, 07:01 PM
fishnut fishnut is offline
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Default feeding Nori

this sounds like a great suggstion

but how do you keep the tang from just ripping the whole sheet off the rock or tubing ?

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Old 01-22-2004, 07:05 PM
Quinn Quinn is offline
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I think generally the tang will simply take bites and avoid trying to remove the entire sheet.

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Old 01-22-2004, 08:05 PM
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It has to be held down with an elastic criss-crossed or something like the netting used for onion bags.

That's the whole problem with using the clip by itself, a loose sheet will get ripped to shreds in no time flat. Rolling it up keeps it together longer. The longer the nori is held fast in place, the more the tang will be able to get from it.
-- Tony
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Old 01-22-2004, 09:33 PM
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I use a fairly large elastic band and loop it over the nori several times to hold it in place fairly tight. One sheet of approx 4" by 6" lasts all day now.

Before, I was putting in several sheets per day
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Old 01-23-2004, 02:25 AM
roclimber roclimber is offline
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Thankyou so much for the suggestion. I have a seaweed clip already and the tang has been emptying it everyday and i always had in my mind that never overfeed the fish, that's why i only refill it every day with about 1 quarter of the seaweed sheet ( the kind that is used for japanese sushi ).

Tang has been eating it since the day i got it ( just before xmas ), and only the last couple days so that i noticed the orange color appeared.

I will definitely try the pvc tube tonite and giving him as much seaweed as possible. Also will get some selcon and garlic extract for the seaweed as well.

BTW Mike, this situation is exactly what you wrote on your quote "Doesn't matter how much you have been reading , until you take the plunge. You don't know as much as you think..... " and textbook is only theory, but real life experience is far more valuable and am glad i can get such good help from you guys.....and that's why i am trying to find a way to avoid any plunge if possible ;-)
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