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Old 03-12-2011, 07:19 AM
vicious vicious is offline
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Default Bangaii Cardinals listed as Endangered

I just wanted to get the word out for those who don't know that the Bangaii Cardinal is at risk of extinction in the wild

Wild populations have dropped 90% due to over harvest for the aquarium trade.

The Bangaii cardinals has been listed as endangered since 2007 however to my surprise wild caught specimens are still regularly available in the aquarium trade.

I have seen this first hand in many Reef stores in my area. These specimens are sold at extremely low prices despite how rare they are becoming. At these low prices captive bred cardinals cannot compete.

I urged anyone in the hobby to spend a little bit more and only purchase tank raised specimens.

Here are some links below for anyone who would like to learn more.

ICUN redlist


Boreman Macna Presentation

Tropical fish Magazine


Thanks for your time
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Old 03-12-2011, 03:12 PM
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Thanks for posting those. I remember in 2007 when it was announced and I've been reminding people locally about it ever since. Sadly no one cares. Even yesterday I went into our LFS so see their new livestock shipment. They only got in about 5 different species of fish and among them were two Bangaii Cardinals! Considering all of the variety they can choose from I thought that was pretty pathetic. But then again everything about their SW section is pretty pathetic.
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Old 03-12-2011, 03:17 PM
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So just curious, I havent had time to read the articles yet but is everyone against these guys in the aquarium trade all together as there endangered or are the captive bred always welcome? The only reason I ask is that captive bred ones have to come from somewhere and with them endangered and all.
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Last edited by zum14; 03-12-2011 at 03:36 PM.
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Old 03-12-2011, 03:20 PM
ALang ALang is offline
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Also considering that these are mouth-brooders, and are relatively easy to breed, as sw fishes' goes. Anyone who've had these fish know that they are quite easy to multiply from 3 to a few more each time they turn around.
So yeah, don't buy these wild-caught, if you can. Wait until ppl have some to sell that they've hand-raised.
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Old 03-12-2011, 03:30 PM
skabooya skabooya is offline
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geez ive read so many posts of these guys breeding and actually producing young that grow to adult hood. Its so easy to do. They remind me of guppies...except they are mouth brooders... and saltwater... and dont have the same parts BUT STILL lol

Its a shame
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Old 03-12-2011, 03:32 PM
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Originally Posted by ALang View Post
Also considering that these are mouth-brooders, and are relatively easy to breed, as sw fishes' goes. Anyone who've had these fish know that they are quite easy to multiply from 3 to a few more each time they turn around.
So yeah, don't buy these wild-caught, if you can. Wait until ppl have some to sell that they've hand-raised.
Couldn't state it better myself Lenny, I didn't even try to Breed mine and I was constantly finding babies in the sump/ overflow.
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Old 03-12-2011, 03:40 PM
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Well, if ppl like you find "accidentals" that they don't want, it's always nice to sell them to your fellow canreefers.
I'd love a few in my tank, but am always cognizant of this very fact, so I won't buy them in LFS.
Hopefully anyone who read this will pass it onto those who don't know.
And hopefully we'll start to see some juvs offer up for sell or trade soon here!
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Old 03-12-2011, 04:41 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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why would you all assume the specimens in the LFS are wild caught?
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Old 03-12-2011, 04:53 PM
vicious vicious is offline
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Originally Posted by gobytron View Post
why would you all assume the specimens in the LFS are wild caught?

If you check the shipment list at fish vendors they are clearly stated from the wild. Unless they are clearly stated and being sold at a higher price they probably are from the wild.

In my area they have been going for as cheap as $6 each so I'm pretty sure they from the wild.
I can't imagine anyone able to sell their stock at those prices and even breaking even.

With prices that low no wonder there is no demand for captive breed cardinals. Also even with captive breeding they can not keep up with the demand. According to the articles about 900 000 cardinals are exported each year. And that's the ones that make it to the shipper.
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Old 03-12-2011, 05:02 PM
vicious vicious is offline
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Originally Posted by zum14 View Post
So just curious, I havent had time to read the articles yet but is everyone against these guys in the aquarium trade all together as there endangered or are the captive bred always welcome? The only reason I ask is that captive bred ones have to come from somewhere and with them endangered and all.
Personally I would have no problem with captive bred specimens. Its obvious all captive bred stock where bred from wild caught stock but at this point of time Bangaii cardinals have been proven to breed and captivity. Since its an option to captive breed instead of catching from the wild we should only buy captive and let the wild populations rebound.

If it was sustainable I would buy wild caught specimens but unfortunately in this case the aquarium trade is solely responsible for the decline. In the wild they aren't even caught for food.
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