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Old 11-24-2010, 04:19 PM
Juicy Juicy is offline
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Default Angels in the Reef Aquarium

I have a 280 gallon somewhat reef tank, by somewhat I mean I have a few corals that have survived over the years but no where near what the majority of you have. I really enjoy angel fish and am looking at getting some of the larger ones. I have seen some threads and other pictures where beautiful reef tanks house some large angel fish and they seem to have no problems with the fish eating everything. I guess my question is have any of you housed large angles with coral? If so have you had any luck? and which ones would you recommend? Oh and what kind of coral do they eat or avoid?
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Old 11-24-2010, 04:30 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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It is possible to keep angels with SPS, even the big ones. Case in point is Copp's amazing reef. I wouldn't say it's easy to achieve but it is achievable. Poke around glassbox design for an article on how to train angels using clam shells (I posted it here as well in a thread called " stop fish from picking or nipping corals" or something to that effect).
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Old 11-24-2010, 04:42 PM
Juicy Juicy is offline
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Yea wow that is pretty impressive.
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Old 11-24-2010, 06:27 PM
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I know angels eat zoos, sponges, brains, frogspawn and sometimes will pick on clams, they leave sps, mushrooms, anemone and fungia alone. I think it depends on the individual fish and how well it's fed.

Bigger angels need to eat alot and more frequently lime 3-5 times daily, when they are hungry they are more likely to sample coral.
Always looking for the next best coral...

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Old 11-24-2010, 07:16 PM
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I've had a regal angel in the past and still have a majestic angel in a full blown reef tank. The only corals they ever bothered were zoas/palys and my clams. Most of my corals are SPS but I do have several euphyllia species in the tank that were not bothered by the angels. I'm assuming "meatier" corals such as brains, acans, or blastos however may get nibbled on occasionally as well.

Large angels are truly stunning fish and once you've had one, you'll likely never go without having one in your reef tank again, despite the advanced level of care needed as well as their appetite for certain species of coral.
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Old 11-24-2010, 08:49 PM
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Most dwarf angels will be safe, as long as they are fed regularely. Not a guarentee though.

If you have clams, beware.

Flame, coral beauties, pyramid, etc...

regal, queens, and other large ones are bad.

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Old 11-24-2010, 10:12 PM
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Have you thought about any of the deep-water Angels? (Genicanthus sp.) Deep-water Angels are usually more reef safe. I have a Lamarck's that is a model citizen. I'm also considering a pair of Bellus Angels.
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Old 11-24-2010, 10:39 PM
Juicy Juicy is offline
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I have looked at those and the Japanese Swallow tail. I have a coral beauty and he seems to not bother any of the coral I have. It just sucks that all the real cool looking and colorful fish seem to be non reef safe. I was thinking of just switching over to a FOWLR tank and getting some neat fish. Maybe down the road when I have more time I can attempt a complete reef tank.
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Old 11-25-2010, 12:16 AM
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[quote=Juicy;567711]I have a 280 gallon somewhat reef tank, by somewhat I mean I have a few corals that have survived over the years but no where near what the majority of you have. I really enjoy angel fish and am looking at getting some of the larger ones. I have seen some threads and other pictures where beautiful reef tanks house some large angel fish and they seem to have no problems with the fish eating everything. I guess my question is have any of you housed large angles with coral? If so have you had any luck? and which ones would you recommend? Oh and what kind of coral do they eat or avoid?

This is part 1 of a 2 part discussion on angelfish by a very experienced reefer.
Hope this helps you decide which are the best for your tank, Juicy.

Last edited by naesco; 05-08-2011 at 07:45 PM.
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Old 11-25-2010, 12:33 AM
kaboom kaboom is offline
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IME, i've had Emperor, Regal, Majestic, Asfur, Flame, and Flameback. The large angels seem to not care for SPS, never did any damage. They love zoas/palys, and meaty corals. Dwarfe angels on the other hand were a constant bothersome to SPS, and nipped at pratically every corals in the tank. I now keep mainly sps with plantivors but soon to regal and majestic. I would never place a dwarf angel in a reef again.
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