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Old 06-09-2010, 02:35 AM
ZachAttack ZachAttack is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Fraser Valley
Posts: 50
ZachAttack is on a distinguished road
Default 90g Tank and ALL equipment for sale ASAP

I got into the hobby, but since moving out can't afford it anymore And since my small tank just got fragged its the final straw and I want to get rid of everything ASAP

-20g tank with light canopy $80
-90g tank, with wood stand, & light canopy $400
-about 90 lbs of live rock with LOTS of coraline algae - $4 a lb
-2 power heads - $10 a piece
-several brand new heaters - $15 a piece
-several used heaters - $5 a piece
-700gph fully submersable/exterior sump pump $60
-12ft of pvc piping & all the check valves elbows and connectors needed to make a sump tank ( brand new) $25
-40g sump tank, never set up, has baffles, $30
-assorted additives (75% full bottle of prime, some bionic 2 part addative, and purple up) $8 a piece
-protein skimmer, works really well, $70
-40g HOB aquaclear filter $15
-aqua clear power head $10
- half a bucket of instant ocean salt, enough for the 90g, $10
- about three buckets of live sand, full of life and copepods

I'd preffer to sell everything to one person who wants to upgrade to a larger tank, or is getting into the hobby, if you want everything, give me an offer. Also, feel free to make offers on items. I also have other assorted things and equipment you can look through if you come take a look. Also, sorry the tank and stuff is dirty, it's in the process of being taken down, so I'm in the
process of cleaning everything.

please PM me
** The Name's Zach **
Happy Reefing

Last edited by ZachAttack; 06-09-2010 at 02:39 AM.
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