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Old 10-13-2003, 07:19 PM
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Default Aragonite Sand in Edmonton

Hey all,
Has anyone seen anything cheaper than SWC sand at AI (35 bucks) ? Everytime I go to a hardware store or Walt Mart etc I check to see if anyone is carrying an aragonite type sand, but none have pased the test yet, plus I am tired of bringing home pocket fulls of sand. Has anyone tried Home Depot to see if they will bring a pallet of Southdown/Old Castle up here. If not, I will go down this week and see what I can find out. I also read that Coal power plants use calcium based sands to reduce emmisions. Anyone able to confirm this? Thanks in advance and Happy Turkey Day.

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Old 10-22-2003, 09:01 PM
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Last fall when I setup my tank, Big Al's was about $10/bag cheaper than AI. Only needed three bags so didn't bother looking into the Southdown route.
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Old 10-23-2003, 03:09 AM
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Default Southdown

Went to westend Home Depot today. They were less than helpful. I brought in both the SKU and UPC code and they could not even find it. Different numbers than in the US. When asked about a store transfer, I was told that they don't even do it in the city, forget out of province or cross border.
I did however see something called poultry grit at a feed store yeterday while picking up oyster shell. It is 100 calcium carbonate, and when I added vinegar to it it fizzed like a bugger. It is about 1/3 to 1/2 the size of crushed coral and is a light grey. No good for DSB, but could be good for argonocrete.


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Old 10-23-2003, 03:12 AM
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you know I have never been a fan of this "vinager test" I used to use this but it was for fresh water and if it fized it didn't go in the tank.

my problem with it is that it doesent tell you anything realy except that the mineral or substance in the sane reacts with vinager and sence vinager is a acid lots will react with it. Also if this stuff is desolving what else is it releaseing into your water?

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Old 10-23-2003, 03:40 AM
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Default vinegar test.

I agree, the vinegar test is not perfect, but it gets you pointed in the right direction. I would assume that if the product is 100% Calcium Carbonate, that all it would leach into the tank would be Calcium. Now, Is this a natural product? How fast does it break down? what kind of buffering does it offer? And how much if any additional calcium does it put into the system? I don't have any of the answers, just a pocket full of gravel that if I add red dye and vinegar to I can have a science project for one of my kids. All I am trying to do is find a cheaper alternative to substrate and rock so I can spend more money on lights, pumps, etc.

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Old 10-23-2003, 03:44 AM
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sleeman, how big is your tank?

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Old 10-23-2003, 03:55 AM
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Default Does Size Matter?

Thats kinda personal. But......Ok. I am in the process of setting up a 75 gal with 30 gal sump/refugium. I just finished welding up a stand and painted it yesterday. Hopefully on the DIY page tomorrow. At a little better than a buck a pound for sand and 8 bucks a pound for rock it gets terribly expensive. Although I think I was paying 15 or 16 bucks a pound in 1992-93. I plan on making about 100 - 120 pounds of rock and then seeding it with store bought. I am going to be into the rock for about 50 cents a pound before curing. I have already succumbed to the fact that I have to pay 35 bucks for 30 pounds of sand.


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Old 10-24-2003, 12:16 PM
mpishi mpishi is offline
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i think the store is called trident and it is just around the corner from aquarium illusions

anyway he had a pallet of that living sand for around $25 a bag which AI sold for just under twice that

that was back in April and if i remember correctly he was not going to restock until the fall
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Old 10-24-2003, 01:47 PM
ABreefkpr ABreefkpr is offline
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The last time I was in AI they had a small blue bin with a sign on it that said $0.89 per pound. Check it out.

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Old 10-24-2003, 03:30 PM
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Default Sand

I never saw the bin at AI three days ago, but may ave missed it. Maybe AIman can confirm this bin.
I just called Trident, and they are no longer stocking the live sand.


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